Shipment Period Sample Clauses

Shipment Period. Estimated shipment from US port: <month> <days>, 2024 (load laydays)
Shipment Period. Estimated shipment from US port: <month> <days>, 2023 (load laydays) Actual shipment schedule(s) will be based on USDA commodity procurement and delivery schedules and the dates when the shipment will leave the U.S. and arrive at the discharge port are neither promised nor guaranteed by Seller and delay in delivery will not be grounds for a claim by the Buyer against the Seller, or any adjustment to the purchase price. Shipment period subject to actions of US Government. Date of the Bill of Lading shall be acceptable as proof of date of shipment in the absence of evidence to the contrary. Partial shipments allowed.
Shipment Period. Seller and Buyer agree and acknowledge that the Purchased Commodities shall be shipped in one or more shipment(s) of metric tons (+/- 15%). Estimated timing from US port for the shipment is in , with estimated arrival to port of discharge at _ in about 20-30 days later. Seller will exert its best efforts to ensure performance. However,shipments are subject to rules and regulation of the U.S. Government procurement and cannot be guaranteed. Seller does not guarantee the timing of delivery to port of . Any delay in arrival at the discharge port will not be grounds for a claim by the Buyer against the Seller or any adjustment to the purchase price.
Shipment Period. Seller and Buyer agree and acknowledge that the Purchased Commodities shall be shipped in one or more shipment(s) of metric tons (+/- 5%). Estimated shipment from US port for the shipment is ####### 2021, with estimated arrival to ports at Vung Tau port area in ###### 2021. Seller will exert its best effort to ensure performance. However, shipments are subject to rules and regulation of the U.S. Government procurement and cannot be guaranteed. Seller does not guarantee the timing of delivery to ports at Vung Tau port area. Any delay in arrival at the discharge port will not be grounds for a claim by the Buyer against the Seller or any adjustment to the purchase price.
Shipment Period. The Seller and the Buyer agree and acknowledge that the Purchased Commodities shall be shipped in one or more shipments of enter number metric tons (+/- 10%). Estimated shipment date from US port for the shipment is enter Month, Day, Year, with estimated arrival enter Month, Date, Year in enter Port Name and Country Name. Shipments are subject to U.S. Government procurement rules and regulations and cannot be guaranteed. The Seller will make its best effort to ensure compliance with these rules and regulations as required under the Master Agreement. The shipment period is subject to the actions of the US Government which is out of the Seller’s control. The actual shipment schedule will be based on USDA’s commodity procurement and delivery schedules. The date when the shipment will leave the U.S and arrive at the discharge port in enter country are neither promised nor guaranteed by the Seller. The possible delay in arrival and delivery at the discharge port will not be grounds for a claim by the Buyer against the Seller, or grounds for any adjustment to the purchase price.
Shipment Period. Seller and Buyer agree and acknowledge that the Purchased Commodities shall be shipped in one or more shipment(s) of 40,000 metric tons (+/- 10%). Estimated timing from US port for the shipment is April 2025, with estimated arrival to ports in ASEAN in about 25-40 days later. Seller will exert its best efforts to ensure performance. However, shipments are subject to rules and regulation of the U.S. Government procurement and cannot be guaranteed. Seller does not guarantee the timing of delivery to ports in ASEAN. Any delay in arrival at the discharge port will not be grounds for a claim by the Buyer against the Seller or any adjustment to the purchase price.
Shipment Period. Seller and Buyer agree and acknowledge that the Purchased Commodities shall be shipped in one or more vessel(s) for a combined total of 4,000 metric tons (+/- 10%). Estimated Shipment period from US port for the shipment is September, with estimated arrival to Georgia in October. Seller will exert its best effort to ensure performance. Shipments are subject to rules and regulations of the U.S. Government procurement and cannot be guaranteed. Seller does not guarantee the timing of delivery to Georgia. Any delay in arrival at the discharge port will not be grounds for a claim by the Buyer against the Seller or any adjustment to the purchase price.
Shipment Period. Seller and Buyer agree and acknowledge that the Purchased Commodities shall be shipped in one or more shipment(s) of 12,000 metric tons (+/- 15%). Estimated timing from US port for the shipment is February-March 2022, with estimated arrival to ports at ECOWA area in about 20-30 days later. Seller will exert its best efforts to ensure performance. However, shipments are subject to rules and regulation of the U.S. Government procurement and cannot be guaranteed. Seller does not guarantee the timing of delivery to ports at ECOWAS area. Any delay in arrival at the discharge port will not be grounds for a claim by the Buyer against the Seller or any adjustment to the purchase price.
Shipment Period. Seller and Buyer agree and acknowledge that the Purchased Commodities shall be shipped in one or more shipment(s) of metric tons (+/- 15%). Estimated timing from US port for the shipment is May-June 2023, with estimated arrival to ports in Thailand about 25-40 days later. Seller will exert its best efforts to ensure timing and performance. However, shipments are subject to rules and regulation of the U.S. Government procurement and cannot be guaranteed. Seller does not guarantee the timing of delivery to ports in Thailand. Any delay in arrival at the discharge port will not be grounds for a claim by the Buyer against the Seller or any adjustment to the purchase price.
Shipment Period. Sellers and Buyer agree and acknowledge that the Purchased Commodities shall be shipped in one or more shipment(s) totaling XX,000 metric tons (+/- 10%). Estimated shipment from US port for the shipment is XXX 2025, with estimated arrival to <PortName> in XXX, 2025. Shipments are subject to U.S. Government procurement rules and regulations and cannot be guaranteed. The Sellers will make their best effort to ensure compliance with these rules and regulations as required under the respective Master Agreements. The shipment period is subject to the actions of the US Government which is out of the Sellers’ control. The actual shipment schedule will be based on USDA’s commodity procurement and delivery schedules. Sellers do not guarantee the timing of delivery to discharge port area. Any delay in arrival at the discharge port(s) will not be grounds for a claim by the Buyer against the Sellers or any adjustment to the purchase price.