SITE CONSTRUCTION. 13 7.1 General...........................................................13
SITE CONSTRUCTION. 7.1 Site Construction ("SC") The Work described in Sections 7.1, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6 of Exhibit B (SOW), excluding the Work described in Section 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 below, is included in the per Site pricing determined in accordance with this Section 7.1.
SITE CONSTRUCTION. A. Environmental Monitoring During Construction
1. Environmental Monitor (EM). EFSEC shall provide on-site environmental monitoring for the construction phase of the Site, at the Certificate Holder’s cost. The EM shall be 16 Mitigation Measure #9 of the Revised MDNS.
SITE CONSTRUCTION. From and after the Effective Date during the Term, CUNY hereby grants to QBFC a non-exclusive license together with a right of ingress and egress to the Licensed Premises (the “Site Construction License”) to conduct Site Construction on the Land, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
SITE CONSTRUCTION. The goal of this task is to prepare and complete site construction of at least 24 DCFCs across at least five site locations in Southern California and complete the required certifications for the project. • Prepare project sites for construction. • Complete trenching at each project site. • Place signage and install bollards for each project site. • Install chargers at each project site. • Develop an Installation Report that includes but is not limited to the following: o Summary of tasks needed to complete site construction o Photos of signage and bollards installed at each project site o Photos of completed site showing each site is ready for energization by utility • After site commissioning, complete placement of signage in the Right-Of-Way and provide photos of signage for each project site to the CAM. • Submit an AB 841 Certification that certifies the project has complied with all AB 841 (2020) requirements specified in Exhibit C or describes why the AB 841 requirements do not apply to the project. The certification shall be signed by Recipient’s authorized representative. • Submit EVITP Certification Numbers of each Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program certified electrician that installed electric vehicle charging infrastructure or equipment. EVITP Certification Numbers are not required to be submitted if AB 841 requirements do not apply to the project. • Installation Report • Photos of Right-of-Way signage for each project site • AB 841 Certification or why AB 841 requirements do not apply to the project • EVITP Certification Numbers of each EVITP certified electrician The goal of this task is to schedule and ensure utility work required for site energization is completed, perform commissioning of equipment, and publish site availability. • Coordinate with electric utility to schedule energization of the chargers and to start utility service for each project site. • Schedule charger commissioning with equipment manufacturer. • Complete an onsite test for each project site to ensure the stations and the ancillary equipment are all operating properly. • Add project sites to PlugShare, the Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC), Google Maps, and EVgo website. • Prepare and submit a Commissioning Report to confirm site energization by utility; completed testing of all equipment at the project sites; and site availability on PlugShare, AFDC, Google Maps, and EVgo website. • Commissioning Report The goal of this task is to ensure that the char...
SITE CONSTRUCTION. Using technical profile information provided by Institution or its agent, Ebrary will construct a standard Ebrary Site for use by Institution’s patrons and will generate custom MARC record sets for Institution’s use of the Ebrary Site. At Institution’s option, Institution or its agent may design and host a customized banner, subject to Ebrary’s technical specifications, which will appear on Institution’s Ebrary Site.
SITE CONSTRUCTION. 02080 Asbestos Abatement HM47 1 Pre-Contamination Checklist HM1 2 Daily Procedures HM1