Site Coverage and Intensity of Use. The developer is rehabilitating the existing building. The developer is not proposing to increase the size of the building and current building meets the applicable regulations regarding site coverage and intensity of use. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111]
Site Coverage and Intensity of Use. The developer is proposing to increase the number of dwelling units on the property from one to twenty and convert open storage space to residential lots. The size of the building and lot coverage will increase, but remain in conformance with the applicable regulations regarding site coverage and intensity of use for the proposed zoning district. [§18- 2103(b) and §18-2111]
Site Coverage and Intensity of Use. The RO zoning district does not have a maximum residential density but does require a 6000 square foot minimum lot size. Two off street parking spaces are required for each dwelling unit constructed. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111]
Site Coverage and Intensity of Use. The developer is proposing to increase the number of dwelling units on the property from one to five. The size of the building and lot coverage will increase, but remain in conformance with the applicable regulations regarding site coverage and intensity of use for the proposed zoning district. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111] Sewer and water are available to support this development. Electric utilities are sufficient for the proposed use of this building. The developer will be responsible for replacing any sidewalks damaged during construction of the project. No other utilities would be impacted by the development. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111]
Site Coverage and Intensity of Use. The R2 zoning district allows for one dwelling unit per 6000 square feet of lot space with a 6000 square foot minimum lot size. The RO zoning district does not limit the density of housing units but does require minimum 6000 square foot lot. The development as proposed will have a residential density of 2.4 units per acre. Appendix A of this plan includes the developer’s vision for the development. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111]
Site Coverage and Intensity of Use. The developer is proposing to build a 79 room hotel one lot at the southwest corner of the property. A three other lots with frontage onto U.S. Highway 34 and Locust Street will also be created and made available for sale. The proposed development will be limited to either the 50% building coverage allowed in the CD zone or 65% coverage allowed in the B2 zoning district. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111]
Site Coverage and Intensity of Use. The developer is proposing renovate several structures on the site, move utilities and construct the Sky Zone trampoline center on the subject property in two phases. The property is zoned M3 and could accommodate buildings covering of up to 65% of each property [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111]
Site Coverage and Intensity of Use. The B2 zoning district allows for one dwelling unit per 1000 square feet of lot space with a 3000 square foot minimum lot size. A wide variety of commercial uses are also permitted in this zoning district. The development as proposed will have a residential density of less than 5 units per acre. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111]
Site Coverage and Intensity of Use. The developer is proposing to build on the site within the constraints allowed by the proposed zoning districts. The CD zoning district allows for up to 50% of the CD zone to be covered with buildings. The B2 zone would allow coverage of up to 100% of the lot less required landscaping and the RO zoning district would allow up to 75% coverage. Final zoning on the project site will have to be approved by the Grand Island City Council prior to construction. [§18-2103(b) and §18-2111]
Site Coverage and Intensity of Use. The developer is proposing to demolish the current structure and construct a car repair shop with nine service bays.