Public Improvements. To the best knowledge of the Transferor Partnership, there are no written or proposed plans to widen, modify, or realign any street or highway or any existing or proposed eminent domain proceedings which would affect the Property in any way whatsoever. To the best knowledge of the Transferor Partnership, there are no presently planned public improvements which would result in the creation of a special improvement or similar lien upon the Property.
Public Improvements those improvements to be constructed relative to the Subdivision that are to be dedicated to the City and accepted for perpetual maintenance by the City.
Public Improvements. Neither Seller nor the Members have any Knowledge of any existing or proposed public improvements which involve or which may result in any charge being levied or assessed against the Premises or which will or could result in the creation of any lien upon the Premises or any part thereof.
Public Improvements. A. The City will, atitsowncost, extend asewer mainline on 151" Street and alift station, ifru-cessary,toaccommodate thecurrent useofthepropertyasa mobile bome park. Thesewershallbelocated incloseproximity tothe existingsepticsystem. The Gals, at Gals' cost, shallbe respons,'blo for constructing and installing the lateral sewer xxxx fromthemamsewerlineto!bemobile home park. The City acknowledges that!be ·. existing septicsystem provides sewage treatment for theentire mobile home park site. The City will takeall necessary precautions to remove the existing system on the property that the City is going to acquire end provide temporary measures to accommodate the mobile home park during the construction of the main sewer line. The Gals sball not be required topaythe City any connection charges for connecting the mobile home park <>nto the City's main sewer line. However, oncethe propertyceases to be used as a mobile home park and provided that anynewstructureorstructuresareconstructedonsaidproperty,theDevel<>perofthe newstructureorstructures sballpaytheconnecti<>ncharges <>ntheproperty currently in effect for such useofthe property at the time <>fthe isswmce <>fthe building permit the Gals sballbe solely respoDS!ble for abandoning that part <>fthe septicsystem onthe propertythatthe Cityisnot acquiring, pursuant to Will C<>untyend EPA Rulesand Regulations. TheCitysballbesolelyrespoDSibleforabandoningthatportionofthe septicsystem<>nthepropertythatit isacquiringpursuanttoWillCountyandEPA Rules and Regulations.
B. The City will extend at the mid-point of the Gals JDope,ly on 151 Street at the City's <>wn cost, a water line of sufficient size and capacity toallow for the water connection on the Gals' property to the City of Lockport The Gals sball not be at thetime the Owner connects onto thesewer line of the City, but the Gals or their transferees sballberequiredtoconnect ontosaidline<>neethemobilehomepark ceases.
Public Improvements. N/A The Developer shall maintain all public facilities, improvements, and open space (if applicable) for the Development according to Teton County standards and any standards separately adopted by the agencies responsible for providing services to the Development, until such time as the responsibility for maintenance of the public improvements and open space is turned over to the Homeowner’s Association for the Development. This transfer of maintenance responsibility shall occur when 50% of the lots or units have been sold. The Homeowner’s Association shall collect dues, a portion of which will be used for maintenance of the public improvements and open space. The Developer shall notify the planning department in writing when the Homeowners Association is established and when the transfer of maintenance responsibility has occurred. A mailing address for future notifications shall also be provided.
Public Improvements. The Developer shall designate the following roads as private
Public Improvements. Owner agrees to design and construct all required public improvements to Town standards at Owner’s expense. Owner shall provide financial guarantees for construction of all required improvements as set forth in each phase or filing of the development and dedicate to the Town any or all of the improvements required by Town ordinances or as otherwise agreed. The public improvements and financial guarantees shall be set forth in a development agreement, or similar such agreement, for each filing. All overhead utility lines shall be undergrounded.
Public Improvements. Those on-site and off-site Public Improvements needed to serve the Project, or otherwise deemed necessary by the Village, including water and sewer utilities, stormwater management facilities, public roadways, and sidewalks, and as otherwise provided in the Site Plan and conditional use permit.
Public Improvements. Required public improvements shall be designed and constructed to City standards by Owner at Owner’s expense. Owner further agrees to provide financial guarantees for construction of all required improvements, and to dedicate to the City any or all the improvements as required by City ordinances. The public improvements and financial guarantee shall be set forth in the Development Agreement between the City and Owner to be entered into upon approval of the land use application necessary to allow uses on the property.
Public Improvements. Developer shall install and pay for improvements as set forth in this paragraph which shall be dedicated or conveyed to the public, and which are hereafter referred to as the “Public Improvements”
a. Developer shall install and pay for the following Public Improvements: trails, water hydrant systems, storm water and other public improvements referred to and identified in Final Plat and Plans. The Public Improvements shall be installed in accordance with the attached Plans; federal, state and local law; City ordinances and shall be subject to City Engineer, City Planner and City Water, Light and Power Commission approval. As a condition of the City’s acceptance of the Public Improvements, the Developer’s engineer shall certify to the City that the Developer’s engineer made reasonable inspections of the Public Improvements and that the Public Improvements were built in accordance with this Development Agreement.
b. Developer shall complete all Public Improvements and obtain the City’s written acceptance of the Public Improvements no later than November 30, 2016, with the exception of trail relocation, berm construction, and landscaping along the berm which shall be completed prior to issuance of building permits for Lots 7-21 of the Final Plat. Landscaping in the parkside area and construction of the trail segment connecting with Street J shall occur before issuance of any building permits on Lots 11-21 of the Final Plat.
c. Upon the City’s written acceptance of the Public Improvements, the Public Improvements shall automatically become property of the City without further notice or action.
d. Under no circumstances shall Developer charge or assess, directly or indirectly, any fee, charge, assessment or consideration, to any party, for connection or access to, or service by, any Public Improvement.
e. Within 30 days after the completion of the Public Improvements Developer shall supply the City a complete set of reproducible “as constructed” plans, and four complete sets of blue line “as constructed” plans, all prepared in accordance with City standards.
f. Developer warrants all Public Improvements against any defects, poor material and faulty workmanship for a period of two years after its completion by Developer and acceptance by the City. Any replacement work shall be so warranted for two years after its completion by Developer and acceptance by the City. All landscaping including but not limited to, trees, bushes, shrubs, grass and sod, shall be warrant...