Proposed use definition

Proposed use means the use proposed by the Applicant for the New Development. Where the Applicant proposes several different uses (mixed use) for the New Development then, for purposes of this Chapter, all of the specific use categories shall be considered. Where the Proposed Use is composed of a primary use with one or more ancillary uses that support the primary Proposed Use and are owned and operated in common, that primary use shall be deemed to be the sole Proposed Use of the property for purposes of this Chapter.
Proposed use means a function that the school board has indicated by resolution that it intends to pursue within the current school year or the next 2 succeeding school years.
Proposed use means the use proposed by the applicant for the new development.

Examples of Proposed use in a sentence

  • Proposed use of funds to achieve the City of Portland's goals and address demonstrated need.

  • Proposed use: For control of microbial slime (bioslime), microbially induced non-public health corrosion and non-public health general microbial flora in cooling towers waters.

  • It is advisable to make a determination considering, among other factors: Number of shares currently available for issuance; Size of requested increase (It is advisable to approve increases of up to 100% of current authorization); Proposed use of the additional shares; and Potential consequences of a failure to increase the number of shares outstanding (e.g., delisting or bankruptcy). Blank-check preferred.

  • Proposed use of trade mark by corporation to be constituted, etc.

  • Proposed use of personal leave during the school year shall be submitted in advance to the Superintendent or his designee in writing, and approval or disapproval of such leave shall be within the discretion of the Superintendent or his designee.

More Definitions of Proposed use

Proposed use. Any proposal for a definite use of the waters of the Mekong River system by any riparian, excluding domestic and minor uses of water not having a significant impact on mainstream flows.
Proposed use means an eligible use, combination of eligible uses, or a combination of eligible uses with non-REAP 2.0 planning or implementation efforts that demonstrate a reasonable relationship to each other. It does not mean subcomponent, task, or sub-task of an eligible use.
Proposed use means the use proposed by the Applicant for the new development. Where the Applicant proposes several different uses (mixed use) for the new development then, for purposes of the Parks and Recreation System Development Charge in LC 4.030.005 through LC 4.030.075, all of the specific use categories shall be considered. Where the proposed use is composed of a primary use with one or more ancillary uses that support the primary proposed use and are owned and operated in common, that primary use shall be deemed to be the sole proposed use of the property for purposes of the Parks and Recreation System Development Charge in LC 4.030.005 through LC 4.030.075.
Proposed use has the meaning set forth in Section 5.4.
Proposed use means the use for technical evaluation purpose only as Appendix A and not for any commercial use.
Proposed use has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 3.5(a) of this Agreement.
Proposed use means the operational control modes of a small generator facility upon which the applicant’s technical review is based and under which the small generator facility is bound to operate upon the execution of the interconnection agreement.