Staffing Requirements. In performing the services procured by this contract, the Subrecipient must employ highly qualified and professional staff at all levels throughout the period of performance whose quality of work is reflective of the world-class workforce development system sought by the County. a. Staffing plan must detail the staffing structure, roles and responsibilities, and qualifications of the Subrecipients staff as well as the staff requirements and structure of any subcontracted partners. This should include education, career history, workforce development competencies and experience, staff position descriptions, and resumes; b. The management plan must demonstrate the overall structure of the proposed service delivery model and how that structure will be sufficiently managed. This should be inclusive of all established and proposed subcontracted relationships; c. The description should detail how the organization will develop and manage business relationships and successfully conduct employment placement and retention services; and d. The project timeline should include but not be limited to, hiring and training, service schedules, reporting timelines and other major activities related to the operation of these services. e. Case Managers are key to the success of the program. High-quality interaction between Case Managers and youth is critical to identifying barriers and helping individuals improve their education and employment opportunities. Case Managers must have appropriate qualifications and training to perform their jobs effectively. Subrecipient shall ensure that Case Managers’ caseloads are no more than 1/50 participant ratio. Case Managers must be developed to share a common skillset and consistent message.
Appears in 7 contracts
Samples: Contract for the Provision of Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (Wioa) Youth Program Services, Workforce Innovative and Opportunity Act Youth Program Services Agreement, Contract for the Provision of Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (Wioa) Youth Program Services