Standards and Codes of Practice Sample Clauses

Standards and Codes of Practice. 3.2.1 Mechanical Plant and Equipment Equipment shall be designed to the following acceptable standards valid at the time of Tender, except where a particular standard is laid down in the Specification, in which case the particular standard must be used. a) IEC Standards b) The ISO Standards and Codes of Practice. c) The British Standards and Codes of Practice.
Standards and Codes of Practice. (1) M/s shall follow the industry best practices and applicable industry standards in respect of the equipment installation and its operation and maintenance. (2) The equipment including overhead lines and cables shall comply with the relevant Indian Standards. British Standard (BS). Or International Electro technical commission (IEC) Standard. Or American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or any other equivalent International Standard. (3) The effects of wind, storms, floods, lightening, elevation, temperature extremes, icing, contamination, pollution and earthquakes must be considered in the design and operation of the connected facilities. (4) Installation, operation and maintenance of the equipment by M/s
Standards and Codes of Practice 

Related to Standards and Codes of Practice

  • Data Practices The parties acknowledge that this Agreement is subject to the requirements of Minnesota’s Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, Section 13.01 et seq.

  • Code of Practice You understand that the Financial Institution has endorsed the voluntary Canadian Code of Practice for Consumer Debit Card Services, a copy of which is available from Us on request or at www.fcac- xxxx.xx.xx. We will be guided in the exercise of Our discretion by the principles of the Canadian Code of Practice for Consumer Debit Card Services in administering the operation of Debit Card Services, although both You and We acknowledge and agree that it is not binding for purposes of this Agreement.

  • Safety Standards Performance of the Contract for all commodities or contractual services must comply with requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and other applicable State of Florida and federal requirements.

  • OMB Standards Unless specified otherwise within this agreement, the Subrecipient shall procure all materials, property, or services in accordance with the requirements of 24 CFR 84.40−48.

  • Scope of Practice The scope of practice of the Nurse Practitioner is determined by the context in which: The Nurse Practitioner is authorised to practice. The Nurse Practitioner therefore remains accountable for the practice for which they directed; and the professional efficacy whereby practice is structured in a nursing model and enhanced by autonomy and accountability. The Nurse Practitioner is authorised to directly refer clients/residents to other health professionals, prescribe medications and order diagnostic investigations including pathology and plain screen x-rays. Nurse Practitioners exhibit clinical leadership that influences and progresses clinical care, policy and collaboration through all levels of health service. Employees who are new to the industry and/or have less than three months work experience in the industry may be classified at this level. This level is designed solely as an entry level. An employee at Aged Care Level One will only be eligible for progression to Aged Care Level Two if, the employee: (a) has completed three months continuous employment; and (b) has performed basic duties. The pay points under each classification at Clause 18 – Minimum Weekly Wages have been established to assist employers to understand how existing employees will be paid under this agreement. Each pay point has the letter “A” or “C” adjacent to it, for the following reasons:

  • Personnel Practices Section 1. The parties agree to establish a Labor-Management Committee to consult on personnel practices. The Committee will consist of five (5) representatives selected by the County and five (5) representatives by the SEIU Local 721. The Chief Executive Officer will designate a representative from CEO/Employee Relations and Department of Human Resources who have authority to resolve issues. The Committee will meet quarterly and consult on County-wide personnel practices including, but not limited to, performance evaluations, appraisals of promotability, grievance, arbitration, appeal processes, and resolution and payment of awards. Section 2. Dignity and Professionalism in the Workplace 1. The Union and Management are committed to working together to ensure a healthy and professional work environment free from emotional and psychological abuse and intimidation and to promote dignity for all workforce members. 2. The Union and Management agree to work together to develop a training program open to managers and SEIU Local 721 represented employees through the Workforce Development Program, the Million Dollar Training Fund and/or other sources of funding designated to promote dignity, prevent and reduce intimidation and other forms of emotional and psychological abuse in the workplace and create awareness of its negative impact. 3. Labor and Management are committed to working together to address complaints of intimidation and other forms of emotional and psychological abuse in the workplace in a timely manner. 4. The County Department of Human Resources is committed to working with the Union to develop policy to promote dignity and respect at the workplace and to prevent intimidation and other forms of emotional and psychological abuse in the workplace. Section 3. Communication through County E-mail Recognizing that e-mail is a standard medium of business communication, the County will meet with representatives of the Union to consider the feasibility of communication with bargaining unit members through their County e-mail addresses. This workgroup will complete its work within 60 days of the Board of Supervisors’ approval of the MOU. The workgroup will present recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for any policy changes. Section 4. Education Based Discipline Education-Based Discipline (EBD) is offered when an employee must serve a suspension from duty as a result of some type of policy violation, but rather than serving the suspension days at home with a loss of pay, some or all of those days can be substituted for a relevant training class or classes. Participation in the program is voluntary for the employee. The Personnel Practices Committee defined in Section 1 will meet to discuss expansion of EBD to all departments in the County.

  • Good Industry Practice all applicable Standards; and

  • FAIR PRACTICES The Union agrees to maintain its eligibility to represent all employees by continuing to admit persons to membership without discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex or marital status and to represent equally all employees without regard to membership or participation in, or association with the activities of any employee organization. The Board agrees to continue its policy of not discriminating against any employee on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital status or membership or participation in, or association with the activities of, any employee organization.

  • SAFETY PRACTICES (a) i Employees requiring glasses must wear glasses, preferably with safety lenses instead of contact lenses while on the job site. ii W.C.B. approved safety footwear must be worn at all times while on the job site. iii Employee attire will be in conformance with W.C.B. Regulation and the Employer’s policy.

  • Policies and Practices The employment relationship between the Parties shall be governed by this Agreement and the policies and practices established by the Company and the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”). In the event that the terms of this Agreement differ from or are in conflict with the Company’s policies or practices or the Company’s Employee Handbook, this Agreement shall control.