Statewide Promotion List Sample Clauses

Statewide Promotion List. The statewide promotion list shall consist of the names of all employees who have passed the appropriate promotion test. The term of eligibility of candidates placed on the list will be determined by the Employer, not to exceed two (2) years from the date of placement on the list or the date of adoption of the list, whichever is later.

Related to Statewide Promotion List

  • Statewide HUB Program Statewide Procurement Division Note: In order for State agencies and institutions of higher education (universities) to be credited for utilizing this business as a HUB, they must award payment under the Certificate/VID Number identified above. Agencies, universities and prime contractors are encouraged to verify the company’s HUB certification prior to issuing a notice of award by accessing the Internet (xxxxx:// or by contacting

  • Low Census Low census is defined as a decline in patient care requirements resulting in a temporary staff decrease. During temporary periods of low census, the Employer will 1. Send home Agency nurses. 2. Cancel Overtime shifts. 3. Cancel incentive shifts. 4. Ask for volunteers. 5. Cancel reserve nurses. 6. Cancel part-time nurses working above their assigned FTE.

  • Office of Supplier Diversity The State of Florida supports its diverse business community by creating opportunities for woman-, veteran-, and minority-owned small business enterprises to participate in procurements and contracts. The Department encourages supplier diversity through certification of woman-, veteran-, and minority-owned small business enterprises and provides advocacy, outreach, and networking through regional business events. For additional information, please contact the Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD) at

  • Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements

  • Primary Frequency Response Developer shall ensure the primary frequency response capability of its Large Generating Facility by installing, maintaining, and operating a functioning governor or equivalent controls. The term “functioning governor or equivalent controls” as used herein shall mean the required hardware and/or software that provides frequency responsive real power control with the ability to sense changes in system frequency and autonomously adjust the Large Generating Facility’s real power output in accordance with the droop and deadband parameters and in the direction needed to correct frequency deviations. Developer is required to install a governor or equivalent controls with the capability of operating: (1) with a maximum 5 percent droop ± 0.036 Hz deadband; or (2) in accordance with the relevant droop, deadband, and timely and sustained response settings from an approved Applicable Reliability Standard providing for equivalent or more stringent parameters. The droop characteristic shall be: (1) based on the nameplate capacity of the Large Generating Facility, and shall be linear in the range of frequencies between 59 and 61 Hz that are outside of the deadband parameter; or (2) based on an approved Applicable Reliability Standard providing for an equivalent or more stringent parameter. The deadband parameter shall be: the range of frequencies above and below nominal (60 Hz) in which the governor or equivalent controls is not expected to adjust the Large Generating Facility’s real power output in response to frequency deviations. The deadband shall be implemented: (1) without a step to the droop curve, that is, once the frequency deviation exceeds the deadband parameter, the expected change in the Large Generating Facility’s real power output in response to frequency deviations shall start from zero and then increase (for under-frequency deviations) or decrease (for over-frequency deviations) linearly in proportion to the magnitude of the frequency deviation; or (2) in accordance with an approved Applicable Reliability Standard providing for an equivalent or more stringent parameter. Developer shall notify NYISO that the primary frequency response capability of the Large Generating Facility has been tested and confirmed during commissioning. Once Developer has synchronized the Large Generating Facility with the New York State Transmission System, Developer shall operate the Large Generating Facility consistent with the provisions specified in Articles and of this Agreement. The primary frequency response requirements contained herein shall apply to both synchronous and non-synchronous Large Generating Facilities.

  • Training Program It is agreed that there shall be an Apprenticeship Training Program, the provisions of which are set forth in Exhibit "D", which is attached hereto and forms part of this Agreement.

  • Orientation Program The Company will allow a designated representative of the Local or Bargaining Unit up to one (1) hour per calendar month for the purpose of conducting the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union New Members’ Orientation Program. Such meetings will be conducted during the probationary period of employees, and will be held on Company premises. Employees participating in Orientation Program meetings during their normally scheduled working hours will not suffer loss of pay at their regular rate. Orientation Program meetings will be scheduled by Management and a Management representative may attend as an observer.

  • E-Verify Program Grantee certifies that it utilizes and will continue to utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to determine the eligibility of: A. all persons employed to perform duties within Texas during the term of the Grant Agreement; and B. all persons, (including subcontractors) assigned by the Grantee to perform work pursuant to the Grant Agreement within the United States of America.

  • STATEWIDE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM If the maximum amount payable to Contractor under this Contract is $100,000 or greater, either on the Effective Date or at any time thereafter, this section shall apply. Contractor agrees to be governed by and comply with the provisions of §§00-000-000, 00-000-000, 00-000-000, and 00- 000-000, C.R.S. regarding the monitoring of vendor performance and the reporting of contract information in the State’s contract management system (“Contract Management System” or “CMS”). Contractor’s performance shall be subject to evaluation and review in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract, Colorado statutes governing CMS, and State Fiscal Rules and State Controller policies.

  • Specialty Prescription Drugs (+ Prorated copayments for a shorter supply period may apply for network pharmacy only. See Prescription Drug section for details. When purchased at a Specialty Pharmacy (+): For maintenance and non-maintenance prescription drugs, a copayment applies for each 30-day period (or portion thereof) within the prescribed dosing period. Tier 5: $125 Not Covered When purchased at a Retail Pharmacy (+): For maintenance and non-maintenance prescription drugs, a copayment applies for each 30-day period (or portion thereof) within the prescribed dosing period. Specialty Prescription Drugs purchased at a retail pharmacy will require a significantly higher out of pocket expense than if purchased from a Specialty Pharmacy. Our reimbursement is based on the pharmacy allowance. Tier 5: 50% Not Covered When purchased at a Mail Order Pharmacy: Not Covered Not Covered (+) Preauthorization is required for this service. Please see Preauthorization in Section 3 for more information. You Pay You Pay Infertility Prescription Drugs - Three (3) in-vitro cycles will be covered per plan year with a total of eight (8) in-vitro cycles covered in a member’s lifetime. When purchased at a Specialty, Mail Order, or Retail Pharmacy Tier 1: 20% Not Covered Tier 2: 20% Not Covered Tier 3: 20% Not Covered Tier 4: 20% Not Covered When purchased at a Specialty Pharmacy (+) Tier 5: 20% Not Covered When purchased at a Retail Pharmacy (+): Specialty Prescription Drugs purchased at a retail pharmacy will require a significantly higher out of pocket expense than if purchased from a specialty pharmacy. Tier 5: 20% Not Covered Contraceptive Methods - Preventive Coverage includes barrier method (diaphragm or cervical cap), hormonal method (birth control pill), and emergency contraception. For non-preventive contraceptive prescription drugs and devices, the amount you pay will depend on the tier placement of the contraceptive prescription drug or device. See above for details. When purchased at a Retail Pharmacy: Up to a 365-day supply of contraceptive prescription drugs is available at all network retail pharmacies. For more information about this option, visit our website. Tier 1: $0 Not Covered When purchased at a Mail Order Pharmacy: Up to a 90-day supply. Tier 1: $0 Not Covered