Strikes at Other Institutions Sample Clauses
Strikes at Other Institutions. Represented faculty who perform bargaining unit work for Lane Community College within or through the facilities of other institutions will not be expected to cross picket lines or perform work through or at these institutions if there is a strike as a result of a labor dispute between the management of such institutions and their represented employees. Faculty who are unable to perform their bargaining unit work as a result of conditions described above will be provided alternate meaningful work, with no loss of compensation, for the duration of such conditions.
Strikes at Other Institutions. Represented classified employees who perform bargaining unit work for Lane Community College within or through the facilities of other institutions will not be expected to cross picket lines or perform work through or at these institutions if there is a strike as a result of a labor dispute between the management of such institutions and their represented employees. Classified employees who are unable to perform their bargaining unit work as a result of conditions described above will be provided alternate meaningful work, with no loss of compensation, for the duration of such conditions.
Strikes at Other Institutions. Represented classified employees who perform bargaining unit work for Lane Community College within or through the facilities of other institutions will not be expected to cross picket lines or perform work through or at these institutions if there is a strike as a result of a labor dispute between the management of such institutions and their represented employees. Classified employees who are unable to perform their bargaining unit work as a result of conditions described above will be provided alternate meaningful work, with no loss of compensation, for the duration of such conditions. 9 Management Rights
9.1 The Union recognizes that the College retains all the customary, usual, and exclusive rights, decision making, prerogatives, functions, and authority connected with or in any way incident to its responsibility to manage the affairs of the College or any part of it.
9.2 Without limitation, but by way of illustration, the exclusive prerogatives, functions, and rights of the College shall include the following:
9.2.1 To direct and supervise all operations, functions, and policies of departments in which the employees in the bargaining unit are employed and operations, functions, and policies in the remainder of the College as they may affect employees in the bargaining unit.
9.2.2 To determine the need for a reduction or an increase in the workforce and the implementation of any decision with regard thereto, subject to the layoff provisions of this Agreement.
9.2.3 To determine the need for and to establish, revise, and implement standards for hiring, classifications, promotion, transfer, quality of work, safety, materials, equipment, uniforms, methods, and procedures. Wage rates for revised job classifications or range adjustments shall be tentative, subject to consultation with the Union (See 13.2.