STRUCTURED TRANSACTIONS. Where a transaction is “structured” or made up of several instruments, you should be aware that there is risk associated with each instrument evaluated separately and the risk of the transaction evaluated as a whole. Therefore your assessment of the transaction should consider the individual instruments and the transaction as a whole. Certain transactions may be high risk transactions and the net outcome will depend on the performance of underlying reference obligations, assets and/or certain other financial instruments or indices (the “Underlying Indicator”), whether the Underlying Indicator forms part of the security under the transactions or not. You should therefore ensure that you fully understand the risks involved in the Underlying Indicator and satisfy yourself that you are willing to accept such risks. As these structured transactions are usually executed over-the- counter, you should be aware that it may accordingly be difficult for you to liquidate an existing position, assess the value of, determine a fair price for or assess your exposure to risks under such transactions. This uncertainty should be factored in by you in the overall consideration of the potential impact of your investment in the transaction.
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STRUCTURED TRANSACTIONS. Where a transaction is “structured” or made up of several instruments, the Client should be aware that there is risk associated with each instrument evaluated separately and the risk of the transaction evaluated as a whole. Therefore the Client’s assessment of the transaction should consider the individual instruments and the transaction as a whole. Certain transactions may be high risk transactions and the net outcome will depend on the performance of underlying reference obligations, assets and/or certain other financial instruments or indices (the “Underlying Indicator”), whether the Underlying Indicator forms part of the security under the transaction or not. The Client should therefore ensure that the Client fully understands the risks involved in the Underlying Indicator and satisfy the Client’s self that the Client is willing to accept such risks. As these structured transactions are usually executed over-the-counter, the Client should be aware that it may accordingly be difficult for the Client to liquidate an existing position, assess the value of, determine a fair price for or assess the Client’s exposure to risks under such transaction. This uncertainty should be factored in by the Client in the overall consideration of the potential impact of the Client’s investment in the transaction.
STRUCTURED TRANSACTIONS. The Best Execution obligation applies in very limited form to structured, or client tailored, or customised off-exchange (OTC) transactions due to the unique contractual structure entered into between the client and SEBA – it is not possible to provide any comparison with other transactions or instruments. Although Best Execution technically applies, there is little or nothing against which to compare the transaction.
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