SUBMISSION OF DELIVERABLES. 15.1 Obligation to submit deliverables
SUBMISSION OF DELIVERABLES. 15.1 Obligation to submit deliverables The KIC LE must submit the 'deliverables' identified in Annex 1, in accordance with the timing and conditions set out in it.
SUBMISSION OF DELIVERABLES. Design Build Entity shall submit to Judicial Council one (1) electronic copy of the Deliverables produced at the design intervals below:
SUBMISSION OF DELIVERABLES. 1. Deliverables must consist of documentation to support a categorical exclusion (CE) determination, or the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), as applicable. Technical reports and documentation must be prepared to support the applicable environmental classification (e.g. CE, EA, or EIS). Additionally, an Open-Ended list Categorical Exclusion Classification Request Form must be prepared to classify the project as an Open-Ended list CE, if needed.
2. All deliverables must comply with all applicable state and federal environmental laws, regulations, procedures, and TxDOT’s Environmental Compliance Toolkits, documentation requirements, and templates.
3. On the cover page of any environmental documentation, the Engineer shall insert the following language in a way that is conspicuous to the reader or include it in a CE project record: “The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by the City pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 9, 2019, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.”
SUBMISSION OF DELIVERABLES. All deliverables identified in this SOW shall be submitted to EPA in a Portable Document Format (PDF) that conforms to EPA’s “Creating Accessible PDFs” guidelines (version 9-28-2010 or more recent version). These guidelines specify formatting requirements for readability, web- posting for public use, and to make the documents accessible to people with disabilities.
SUBMISSION OF DELIVERABLES. 15.1 Obligation to submit deliverables [TEXT FOR RIA, IA & CSA actions: [TEXT FOR PCP/PPI actions:
SUBMISSION OF DELIVERABLES. Except as otherwise provided in this Settlement, Respondent shall direct all submissions required by this Settlement to the Division’s Project Coordinator. Respondent shall submit all Deliverables required by this Settlement, the attached SOWs, or any approved work plan in accordance with the schedule set forth in such plan. Respondent shall submit all Deliverables in an electronic format acceptable to the Division.
1) Deliverables shall consist of reports of environmental services performed in addition to a Categorical Exclusion (CE) checklist and supporting documentation including required checklist and forms or Environmental Assessment (EA) document, when applicable.
2) The deliverables shall go through an internal quality assurance and quality control review before being sent to the State.
3) All deliverables must comply with all applicable state and federal environmental laws, regulations and procedures and include all items listed in the Environmental Document Review Checklist and the Administrative Completeness Review Checklist.
4) On the cover page of each environmental assessment (EA), finding of no significant impact (FONSI), environmental impact statement (EIS), and record of decision (ROD) prepared under the authority granted by this MOU, and for any memorandum corresponding to any CE determination it makes, the Engineer shall insert the following language in a way that is conspicuous to the reader or include it in a CE project record: "The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT."
SUBMISSION OF DELIVERABLES. The coordinator must submit the ‘deliverables’ identified in Annex 1, in accordance with the timing and conditions set out in it.
SUBMISSION OF DELIVERABLES. The Beneficiary must submit the deliverables identified in Annex 1 Activity plan and Article 12 of the Agreement, in accordance with the timing and conditions set out in Annex 1.