Suicide Precautions Sample Clauses

Suicide Precautions a. Suicide prevention procedures include provisions for constant direct supervision of actively suicidal prisoners and close supervision of special needs prisoners with lower levels of risk (e.g., 15 minute checks). b. Prisoners on suicide watch are immediately searched and monitored with constant direct supervision until a Qualified Mental Health Professional conducts a suicide risk assessment, determines the degree of risk, and specifies the appropriate degree of supervision. Correctional officers shall document their checks on forms that do not have pre-printed times. c. All prisoners placed on suicide precautions shall be evaluated by a qualified mental health professional before being removed from suicide watch.
Suicide Precautions. The jail is in substantial compliance with all of the provisions in this section. There have been no significant changes in the jail’s policies or practices around suicide prevention since Monitor’s Report #4. During the site visit, I toured the male and female suicide watch areas of the jail and reviewed the deputies’ computerized logs. I reviewed morbidity reports of suicide attempts from January to July 2016, and I observed the mental health staff assessing and treating suicidal inmates. Based on this assessment, the jail has remained in compliance with provisions in the “Suicide Prevention” section of the MOA.
Suicide Precautions a. LCJ shall ensure that suicide prevention procedures include provisions for constant direct supervision of actively suicidal inmates and close supervision of special needs inmates with lower levels of risk (e.g., 15 minute checks). LCJ shall ensure that correctional officers document their checks. b. LCJ shall ensure that when staff initially place an inmate on Suicide Precautions, the inmate shall be searched and monitored with constant direct supervision until a Qualified Mental Health Professional conducts a suicide risk assessment, determines the degree of risk, and writes appropriate orders. Until such an assessment, inmates shall be placed in gowns recommended and approved for use with suicidal patients. c. LCJ shall ensure that, at the time of placement on Suicide Precautions, Qualified Medical or Mental Health Staff shall write orders setting forth the conditions of the watch, including but not limited to allowable clothing, property, and utensils. These conditions shall be altered only on the written instruction of a Qualified Mental Health Professional, except under emergency circumstances. d. LCJ shall ensure inmates on Suicide Precautions receive regular, adequate mental status examinations by Qualified Mental Health Staff. Qualified Mental Health Staff shall assess and interact with (not just observe) inmates on Suicide Precautions on a daily basis. e. LCJ shall ensure that inmates will only be removed from Suicide Precautions after approval by a Qualified Mental Health Professional, in consultation with a psychiatrist, after a suicide risk assessment indicates it is safe to do so. A Qualified Mental Health Professional shall write appropriate discharge orders, including treatment recommendations and required mental health follow-up.
Suicide Precautions a. LCJ shall ensure that suicide prevention procedures include provisions for constant direct supervision of actively suicidal inmates and close supervision of special needs inmates with lower levels of risk (e.g., 15 minute checks). LCJ shall ensure that correctional officers document their checks. b. LCJ shall ensure that when staff initially place an inmate on Suicide Precautions, the inmate shall be searched and monitored with constant direct supervision until a Qualified Mental Health Professional conducts a suicide risk assessment, determines the degree of risk, and writes appropriate orders. Until such an assessment, inmates shall be placed in gowns recommended and approved for use with suicidal patients. conditions shall be altered only on the written instruction of a Qualified Mental Health Professional, except under emergency circumstances.
Suicide Precautions. Policies for the use of isolation cells (i.e., suicide-resistant cells) are developed and implemented.

Related to Suicide Precautions

  • Fire Precautions Specific fire precautionary measures listed in C7.2 shall be applicable during Pur- chaser’s Operations in “Fire Precautionary Period” de- scribed in A12. Contracting Officer may change the dates of Fire Precautionary Period by advance written notice, if justified by unusual weather or other conditions. Required tools and equipment shall be kept in serviceable condition and immediately available for fire fighting at all times dur- ing Purchaser’s Operations in Fire Precautionary Period.

  • Precautions The Lessee shall take all the precautions against damages that may be or is reasonably likely to be caused to the Project from or by floods or from accidents, The Lessee shall comply with all rules and regulations, bye laws and directions given from time to time by any local or public authority in connection with this work and shall pay all fees which are chargeable on it.

  • Reasonable Precautions XXX shall take reasonable precautions to secure usernames, passwords, and any other means of gaining access to the services and hosted Student Data.

  • Emergency Precautions Forest Service may require the necessary shutting down of equipment on portions of Purchaser’s Operations, as specified by the emergency fire precautions schedule of C7.22. Under such conditions, after Purchaser ceases active opera- tions, Purchaser shall release for hire by Forest Service, if needed, Purchaser’s shutdown equipment for fire standby on Sale Area or other areas of Purchaser’s Operations and personnel for fire standby or fire patrol, when such personnel and equipment are not needed by Purchaser for other fire fighting or protection from fire. Equipment shall be paid for at fire fighting equipment rates common

  • Substitute Precautions Forest Service may authorize substitute measures or equipment, or waive specific requirements by written notice, if substitute measures or equipment will afford equal protection or some of the required measures and equipment are un- necessary.

  • Safety Precautions Resident acknowledges that neither Owner nor any of its agents, employees or representatives has made any representations or warranties, either written or oral, concerning the safety of the Property, the bedroom space or any apartment, or the effectiveness or operability of any security devices or safety, health or security measures at the Property, the bedroom space or any apartment. Resident acknowledges that Owner neither warrants nor guarantees the safety or security of residents or their Guests against any criminal or wrongful acts of third parties. Resident and his or her Guests are responsible for protecting their own respective person and property and hereby release Owner and its agents, employees and representatives for any and all damage to person and property. Owner’s safety measures are neither a warranty of safety nor a guaranty against crime or of a reduced risk of crime. Resident acknowledges that security devices or measures may be changed or removed by Owner without notice or compensation, and/or may fail or be thwarted by criminals or by electrical or mechanical malfunctions. Therefore, Resident acknowledges that he or she should not rely on such devices or measures and should take steps to protect himself or herself and his or her existing property notwithstanding these devices. Resident agrees to immediately notify Owner’s representative of any malfunctions involving locks and life-safety building components. Should Resident become seriously injured or imperiled at the Property, Resident authorizes Owner and its agents to call 911 Emergency at Resident’s expense, without legal obligation to do so.

  • Vandalism Or Malicious Mischief This peril does not include loss to property on the "residence premises", and any ensuing loss caused by any intentional and wrongful act com- mitted in the course of the vandalism or malicious mischief, if the dwelling has been vacant for more than 60 consecutive days immediately before the loss. A dwelling being constructed is not consid- ered vacant.

  • Vandalism Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user, Internet, or any of the above listed agencies or other networks that are connected to any of the Internet backbones. This includes, but not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses.

  • Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences The Hirer must report all accidents involving injury to the public to a member of the Village Hall management committee as soon as possible and complete the relevant section in the Village Hall’s accident book. Any failure of equipment belonging to the Village Hall or brought in by the Hirer must also be reported as soon as possible. Certain types of accident or injury must be reported on a special form to the local authority. The Hall Secretary will give assistance in completing this form. This is in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).

  • Explosion Riot or civil commotion.