Containers The marine and intermodal cargo containers either owned or leased by the Borrower and employed by the Borrower in the conduct of its business, including, without limitation, refrigerated, dry van, tank, open top and flat rack containers and refrigeration units and generator sets associated therewith, but excluding any chassis for such containers.
Cleaning 8.1 CONTRACTOR shall, at his own expenses, at all times keep the premises free from accumulation of debris, waste materials, and rubbish, and at the completion of the work, he shall remove his tools and equipment and all surplus materials, debris, waste material, and rubbish and shall leave the premises in a neat and clean condition. If CONTRACTOR does not attend to such cleaning immediately upon request, OWNER shall have the right to have this work done by others and deduct the cost therefore from the payment due CONTRACTOR hereunder.
Equipment Cleaning (a) Areas, known by Forest Service prior to timber sale advertisement, that are infested with invasive species of concern are shown on Sale Area Map. A current list of invasive species of concern and a map showing the extent of known infestations is available at the Forest Supervisor’s Office. For purposes of this provision, “Off-Road Equipment” includes all logging and construction machinery, except for log trucks, chip vans, service vehicles, water trucks, pickup trucks, cars, and similar vehicles.
Testing of Metering Equipment Connecting Transmission Owner shall inspect and test all of its Metering Equipment upon installation and at least once every two (2) years thereafter. If requested to do so by NYISO or Developer, Connecting Transmission Owner shall, at Developer’s expense, inspect or test Metering Equipment more frequently than every two (2) years. Connecting Transmission Owner shall give reasonable notice of the time when any inspection or test shall take place, and Developer and NYISO may have representatives present at the test or inspection. If at any time Metering Equipment is found to be inaccurate or defective, it shall be adjusted, repaired or replaced at Developer’s expense, in order to provide accurate metering, unless the inaccuracy or defect is due to Connecting Transmission Owner’s failure to maintain, then Connecting Transmission Owner shall pay. If Metering Equipment fails to register, or if the measurement made by Metering Equipment during a test varies by more than two percent from the measurement made by the standard meter used in the test, Connecting Transmission Owner shall adjust the measurements by correcting all measurements for the period during which Metering Equipment was in error by using Developer’s check meters, if installed. If no such check meters are installed or if the period cannot be reasonably ascertained, the adjustment shall be for the period immediately preceding the test of the Metering Equipment equal to one-half the time from the date of the last previous test of the Metering Equipment. The NYISO shall reserve the right to review all associated metering equipment installation on the Developer’s or Connecting Transmission Owner’s property at any time.
Metering Equipment 13.01. Utility will furnish, install, own and maintain metering equipment capable of measuring the flow of kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy. The Customer's service associated with the CRG will be metered at a single metering point. The metering equipment will measure energy delivered by Utility to Customer and also measure energy delivered by Customer to Utility. Customer agrees to provide safe and reasonable access to the premises for installation of this equipment and its future maintenance or removal.
MEASURING EQUIPMENT 1, Seller will maintain and operate, at its own, expense and at the point of delivery of gas hereunder, a meter or meters and other necessary equipment by which the volume of gas delivered hereunder shall be measured, Such meters and equipment shall remain the property of the Seller. 2. Xxxxx agrees to fumish to Seller electricity for operating Seller's meters, at not cost to Seller, 3. Xxxxx agrees to change the charts on Xxxxxx's meters at no cost to Seller and forward same to Seller. 4. Buyer hereby grants to Seller suitable rights-ot-way and easemenisnecessary or incidenial for ihe installation, maintenance, operation and removal of pipeline and other facilities together with rights of ingress thereto and egress there from at all times and hereby agrees to deliver to Seller, for the sum of one dollar ($1 ,00), an appropriate instrument or grant defining such rights and easements located on Buyer's plant site. 5. Buyer may install, maintain and operate such check measuring equipment, including a recording gravitometer and calorimeter as it shall desire, provided that such equipment shall be so installed so as not to interfere with the operation of Seller's measuring equipment at or near the point of deliver. However, all xxxxxxxx to the Buyer shall be based on the metering of the Seller, subject only to the provisions of Paragraph 8 of this Article, 6. Each party shall have the right to be present at the time of any installing, reading, cleaning, changing, repairing, inspecting, testing, calibrating, or adjusting done in connection with the other's measuring equipment used in measuring deliveries hereunder and each party shall advise the other of any intended major maintenance operation sufficiently in advance in order that the other party may conveniently have its representative present.
Vehicles If an employee is required to use their own automobile in the performance of their duties, the Employer shall ensure that the position posting or advertisement shall include this requirement.
Consumables During the design phase, Purchaser may participate in the selection of suppliers of consumables of the Supplier. In such case, the choice regarding the final selection of the said suppliers shall be mutually agreed between the Parties. Two suppliers shall be identified and selected for each type of consumables.
Electrical Equipment Residents must use only CSA, UL-approved or Canadian-certified electrical equipment; the rated wattage of light fixtures must never be exceeded; and only replacement bulbs supplied by Waterloo maintenance staff may be used. Do not leave any unattended electrical equipment turned on (i.e. hair straighteners, lights etc.)
Capital Equipment Collaborator’s commitment, if any, to provide ICD with capital equipment to enable the research and development activities under the Research Plan appears in Appendix B. If Collaborator transfers to ICD the capital equipment or provides funds for ICD to purchase it, then ICD will own the equipment. If Collaborator loans capital equipment to ICD for use during the CRADA, Collaborator will be responsible for paying all costs and fees associated with the transport, installation, maintenance, repair, removal, or disposal of the equipment, and ICD will not be liable for any damage to the equipment.