Summer Employment. i. Approved instructional/planning time shall be paid at the rate of $40.00 per hour. ii. Approved curriculum projects time will be paid at the rate of $150.00 per day (per six-hour day exclusive of lunch). iii. Guidance Counselors at the High School and Middle School shall be compensated on a per diem basis for days approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee. iv. The MSTEA agrees to document one (1) day without additional curriculum pay to equate to the 183 day contract since the calendar is only 182 days for the 2024-25 school year. Step BA MA or BA +30 MA +30 or BA +60 1 1. 0000 1.0382 1.0820 2 1.0200 1.0674 1.1275 3 1.0820 1.1458 1.2267 4 1.1211 1.1940 1.2805 5 1. 1630 1.2450 1.3370 6 1.2076 1.2987 1.3962 7 1.2550 1.3552 1.4581 8 1.3042 1.4135 1.5228 9 1.3552 1.4736 1.5902 10 1.4080 1.5355 1.6603 11 1.4626 1.5993 1.7332 12 1. 5191 1.6649 1.8087 13 1.5774 1.7322 1.8870 1. 48,400 50,134 52,123 2. 49,308 51,460 54,189 3. 52,123 55,019 58,692 4. 53,898 57,208 61,135 5. 55,800 59,523 63,700 6. 57,825 61,961 66,387 7. 59,977 64,526 69,198 8. 62,211 67,173 72,135 9. 64,526 69,901 75,195 10. 66,923 72,712 78,378 11. 69,402 75,608 81,687 12. 71,967 78,586 85,115 13. 74,614 81,642 88,670 Xxxx Xxxxxx – Years* 2024-2025 14-19 $3,388 20-24 $4,356 25+ $5,324 *Teachers will earn credit toward longevity pay according to their step on the salary schedule. For the 2024-2025 school year, teachers will receive 1 credit toward longevity.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Summer Employment. i. Approved instructional/planning time shall be paid at the rate of $40.00 per hour.
ii. Approved curriculum projects time will be paid at the rate of $150.00 per day (per six-hour day exclusive of lunch).
iii. Guidance Counselors at the High School and Middle School shall be compensated on a per diem basis for days approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee.
iv. The MSTEA agrees to document one (1) day without additional curriculum pay to equate to the 183 day contract since the calendar is only 182 days for the 2024-25 school year. Step BA MA or BA +30 MA +30 or BA +60
1 1. 0000 1.0382 1.0820 2 1.0200 1.0674 1.1275 3 1.0820 1.1458 1.2267 4 1.1211 1.1940 1.2805
5 1. 1630 1.2450 1.3370 6 1.2076 1.2987 1.3962 7 1.2550 1.3552 1.4581 8 1.3042 1.4135 1.5228 9 1.3552 1.4736 1.5902 10 1.4080 1.5355 1.6603 11 1.4626 1.5993 1.7332
12 1. 5191 1.6649 1.8087 13 1.5774 1.7322 1.8870 1. 48,400 50,134 52,123 44,078 45,762 47,692 2. 49,308 51,460 54,189 44,960 47,049 49,698 3. 52,123 55,019 58,692 47,692 50,505 54,070 4. 53,898 57,208 61,135 49,416 52,629 56,442 5. 55,800 59,523 63,700 51,263 54,877 58,932 6. 57,825 61,961 66,387 53,229 57,244 61,542 7. 59,977 64,526 69,198 55,318 59,735 64,270 8. 62,211 67,173 72,135 57,487 62,304 67,122 9. 64,526 69,901 75,195 59,735 64,953 70,093 10. 66,923 72,712 78,378 62,062 67,682 73,183 11. 69,402 75,608 81,687 64,468 70,494 76,396 12. 71,967 78,586 85,115 66,959 73,385 79,724 13. 74,614 81,642 88,670 69,529 76,352 83,175 Xxxx Xxxxxx – Years* 20242022-2025 2023 14-19 $3,388 3,085 20-24 $4,356 3,967 25+ $5,324 4,849 *Teachers will earn credit toward longevity pay according to their step on the salary schedule. For the 20242022-2025 2023 school year, teachers will receive 1 credit toward longevity.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Summer Employment. i. Approved instructional/planning time shall be paid at the rate of $40.00 per hour.
ii. Approved curriculum projects time will be paid at the rate of $150.00 per day (per six-hour day exclusive of lunch).
iii. Guidance Counselors at the High School and Middle School shall be compensated on a per diem basis for days approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee.
iv. The MSTEA agrees to document one (1) day without additional curriculum pay to equate to the 183 day contract since the calendar is only 182 days for the 2024-25 school year. Step BA MA or BA +30 MA +30 or BA +60
1 1. 0000 1.0382 1.0820 2 1.0200 1.0674 1.1275 3 1.0820 1.1458 1.2267 4 1.1211 1.1940 1.2805
5 1. 1630 1.2450 1.3370 6 1.2076 1.2987 1.3962 7 1.2550 1.3552 1.4581 8 1.3042 1.4135 1.5228 9 1.3552 1.4736 1.5902 10 1.4080 1.5355 1.6603 11 1.4626 1.5993 1.7332
12 1. 5191 1.6649 1.8087 13 1.5774 1.7322 1.8870 1. 48,400 50,134 52,123 42,794 44,429 46,303 2. 49,308 51,460 54,189 43,650 45,678 48,250 3. 52,123 55,019 58,692 46,303 49,033 52,495 4. 53,898 57,208 61,135 47,976 51,096 54,798 5. 55,800 59,523 63,700 49,769 53,279 57,216 6. 57,825 61,961 66,387 51,678 55,577 59,749 7. 59,977 64,526 69,198 53,706 57,994 62,398 8. 62,211 67,173 72,135 55,812 60,489 65,167 9. 64,526 69,901 75,195 57,994 63,061 68,051 10. 66,923 72,712 78,378 60,254 65,710 71,051 11. 69,402 75,608 81,687 62,591 68,440 74,171 12. 71,967 78,586 85,115 65,008 71,248 77,402 13. 74,614 81,642 88,670 67,503 74,128 80,752 Xxxx Xxxxxx – Years* 20242022-2025 2023 14-19 $3,388 2,996 20-24 $4,356 3,851 25+ $5,324 4,707 *Teachers will earn credit toward longevity pay according to their step on the salary schedule. For the 20242022-2025 2023 school year, teachers will receive 1 credit toward longevity.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Summer Employment. i. Approved instructional/planning time shall be paid at the rate of $40.00 30.00 per hour.
ii. Approved curriculum projects time will be paid at the rate of $150.00 per day (per six-hour day exclusive of lunch).
iii. Guidance Counselors at the High School and Middle School shall be compensated on a per diem basis for days approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee.
iv. The MSTEA agrees to document one (1) day without additional curriculum pay to equate to the 183 day contract since the calendar is only 182 days for the 2024-25 school year. Step BA MA or BA +30 MA +30 or BA +60
1 1. 0000 1.0382 1.0820 2 1.0200 1.0674 1.1275 3 1.0820 1.1458 1.2267 4 1.1211 1.1940 1.2805
5 1. 1630 1.2450 1.3370 6 1.2076 1.2987 1.3962 7 1.2550 1.3552 1.4581 8 1.3042 1.4135 1.5228 9 1.3552 1.4736 1.5902 10 1.4080 1.5355 1.6603 11 1.4626 1.5993 1.7332
12 1. 5191 1.6649 1.8087 13 1.5774 1.7322 1.8870 1. 48,400 50,134 52,123 42,794 44,429 46,303 2. 49,308 51,460 54,189 43,650 45,678 48,250 3. 52,123 55,019 58,692 46,303 49,033 52,495 4. 53,898 57,208 61,135 47,976 51,096 54,798 5. 55,800 59,523 63,700 49,769 53,279 57,216 6. 57,825 61,961 66,387 51,678 55,577 59,749 7. 59,977 64,526 69,198 53,706 57,994 62,398 8. 62,211 67,173 72,135 55,812 60,489 65,167 9. 64,526 69,901 75,195 57,994 63,061 68,051 10. 66,923 72,712 78,378 60,254 65,710 71,051 11. 69,402 75,608 81,687 62,591 68,440 74,171 12. 71,967 78,586 85,115 65,008 71,248 77,402 13. 74,614 81,642 88,670 67,503 74,128 80,752 Xxxx Xxxxxx – Years* 20242021-2025 2022 14-19 $3,388 2,995 20-24 $4,356 3,851 25+ $5,324 4,707 *Teachers will earn credit toward longevity pay according to their step on the salary schedule. For the 20242021-2025 2022 school year, teachers will receive 1 credit toward longevity.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Summer Employment. i. Approved instructional/planning time shall be paid at the rate of $40.00 30.00 per hour.
ii. Approved curriculum projects time will be paid at the rate of $150.00 120.00 per day (per six-hour day exclusive of lunch).
iii. Guidance Counselors at and the High School and Middle School Director of Media who are scheduled to work on days beyond the normal school calendar shall be compensated on a per diem basis for days approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee.
iv. The MSTEA agrees to document one (1) day without additional curriculum pay to equate to the 183 day contract since the calendar is only 182 days for the 2024-25 school year. Step BA MA or BA +30 MA +30 or BA +60
1 1. 0000 1.0382 1.0820 2 1.0200 1.0674 1.1275 3 1.0820 1.1458 1.2267 4 1.1211 1.1940 1.2805
5 1. 1630 1.2450 1.3370 6 1.2076 1.2987 1.3962 7 1.2550 1.3552 1.4581 8 1.3042 1.4135 1.5228 9 1.3552 1.4736 1.5902 10 1.4080 1.5355 1.6603 11 1.4626 1.5993 1.7332
12 1. 5191 1.6649 1.8087 13 1.5774 1.7322 1.8870 1. 48,400 50,134 52,123 2. 49,308 51,460 54,189 3. 52,123 55,019 58,692 4. 53,898 57,208 61,135 5. 55,800 59,523 63,700 6. 57,825 61,961 66,387 7. 59,977 64,526 69,198 8. 62,211 67,173 72,135 9. 64,526 69,901 75,195 10. 66,923 72,712 78,378 11. 69,402 75,608 81,687 12. 71,967 78,586 85,115 13. 74,614 81,642 88,670 Xxxx Xxxxxx – Years* 2024-2025 14-19 $3,388 20-24 $4,356 25+ $5,324 *Teachers will earn credit toward longevity pay according to their step on the salary schedule. For the 2024-2025 school year, teachers will receive 1 credit toward longevity.BA MA or BA +30 MA +30 or BA +60 37,683 39,122 40,773 38,437 40,223 42,488 40,773 43,177 46,226 42,246 44,994 48,253 43,825 46,915 50,382 41,508 44,085 47,239 47,292 51,068 54,946 49,146 53,265 57,384 51,068 55,530 59,924 53,058 57,862 62,565 55,115 60,266 65,312 57,244 62,738 68,157 59,441 65,274 71,108
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Summer Employment. i. Approved instructional/planning time shall be paid at the rate of $40.00 per hour.
ii. Approved curriculum projects time will be paid at the rate of $150.00 per day (per six-hour day exclusive of lunch).
iii. Guidance Counselors at the High School and Middle School shall be compensated on a per diem basis for days approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee.
iv. The MSTEA agrees to document one (1) day without additional curriculum pay to equate to the 183 day contract since the calendar is only 182 days for the 20242023-25 24 school year. Step BA MA or BA +30 MA +30 or BA +60
1 1. 0000 1.0382 1.0820 2 1.0200 1.0674 1.1275 3 1.0820 1.1458 1.2267 4 1.1211 1.1940 1.2805
5 1. 1630 1.2450 1.3370 6 1.2076 1.2987 1.3962 7 1.2550 1.3552 1.4581 8 1.3042 1.4135 1.5228 9 1.3552 1.4736 1.5902 10 1.4080 1.5355 1.6603 11 1.4626 1.5993 1.7332
12 1. 5191 1.6649 1.8087 13 1.5774 1.7322 1.8870 1. 48,400 50,134 52,123 45,400 47,134 49,123 2. 49,308 51,460 54,189 46,308 48,460 51,189 3. 52,123 55,019 58,692 49,123 52,019 55,692 4. 53,898 57,208 61,135 50,898 54,208 58,135 5. 55,800 59,523 63,700 52,800 56,523 60,700 6. 57,825 61,961 66,387 54,825 58,961 63,387 7. 59,977 64,526 69,198 56,977 61,526 66,198 8. 62,211 67,173 72,135 59,211 64,173 69,135 9. 64,526 69,901 75,195 61,526 66,901 72,195 10. 66,923 72,712 78,378 63,923 69,712 75,378 11. 69,402 75,608 81,687 66,402 72,608 78,687 12. 71,967 78,586 85,115 68,967 75,586 82,115 13. 74,614 81,642 88,670 71,614 78,642 85,670 Xxxx Xxxxxx – Years* 20242023-2025 2024 14-19 $3,388 3,178 20-24 $4,356 4,086 25+ $5,324 4,994 *Teachers will earn credit toward longevity pay according to their step on the salary schedule. For the 20242023-2025 2024 school year, teachers will receive 1 credit toward longevity.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Summer Employment. i. Approved instructional/planning time shall be paid at the rate of $40.00 per hour.
ii. Approved curriculum projects time will be paid at the rate of $150.00 per day (per six-hour day exclusive of lunch).
iii. Guidance Counselors at the High School and Middle School shall be compensated on a per diem basis for days approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee.
iv. The MSTEA agrees to document one (1) day without additional curriculum pay to equate to the 183 day contract since the calendar is only 182 days for the 2024-25 school year. Step BA MA or BA +30 MA +30 or BA +60
1 1. 0000 1.0382 1.0820 2 1.0200 1.0674 1.1275 3 1.0820 1.1458 1.2267 4 1.1211 1.1940 1.2805
5 1. 1630 1.2450 1.3370 6 1.2076 1.2987 1.3962 7 1.2550 1.3552 1.4581 8 1.3042 1.4135 1.5228 9 1.3552 1.4736 1.5902 10 1.4080 1.5355 1.6603 11 1.4626 1.5993 1.7332
12 1. 5191 1.6649 1.8087 13 1.5774 1.7322 1.8870 1. 48,400 50,134 52,123 44,078 45,762 47,692 2. 49,308 51,460 54,189 44,960 47,049 49,698 3. 52,123 55,019 58,692 47,692 50,505 54,070 4. 53,898 57,208 61,135 49,416 52,629 56,442 5. 55,800 59,523 63,700 51,263 54,877 58,932 6. 57,825 61,961 66,387 53,229 57,244 61,542 7. 59,977 64,526 69,198 55,318 59,735 64,270 8. 62,211 67,173 72,135 57,487 62,304 67,122 9. 64,526 69,901 75,195 59,735 64,953 70,093 10. 66,923 72,712 78,378 62,062 67,682 73,183 11. 69,402 75,608 81,687 64,468 70,494 76,396 12. 71,967 78,586 85,115 66,959 73,385 79,724 13. 74,614 81,642 88,670 69,529 76,352 83,175 Xxxx Xxxxxx – Years* 20242022-2025 2023 14-19 $3,388 2,996 20-24 $4,356 3,851 25+ $5,324 4,707 *Teachers will earn credit toward longevity pay according to their step on the salary schedule. For the 20242022-2025 2023 school year, teachers will receive 1 credit toward longevity.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Summer Employment. i. Approved instructional/planning time shall be paid at the rate of $40.00 30.00 per hour.
ii. Approved curriculum projects time will be paid at the rate of $150.00 per day (per six-hour day exclusive of lunch).
iii. Guidance Counselors at the High School and Middle School shall be compensated on a per diem basis for days approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee.
iv. The MSTEA agrees to document one (1) day without additional curriculum pay to equate to the 183 day contract since the calendar is only 182 days for the 2024-25 school year. Step BA MA or BA +30 MA +30 or BA +60
1 1. 0000 1.0382 1.0820 2 1.0200 1.0674 1.1275 3 1.0820 1.1458 1.2267 4 1.1211 1.1940 1.2805
5 1. 1630 1.2450 1.3370 6 1.2076 1.2987 1.3962 7 1.2550 1.3552 1.4581 8 1.3042 1.4135 1.5228 9 1.3552 1.4736 1.5902 10 1.4080 1.5355 1.6603 11 1.4626 1.5993 1.7332
12 1. 5191 1.6649 1.8087 13 1.5774 1.7322 1.8870 1. 48,400 50,134 52,123 42,794 44,429 46,303 2. 49,308 51,460 54,189 43,650 45,678 48,250 3. 52,123 55,019 58,692 46,303 49,033 52,495 4. 53,898 57,208 61,135 47,976 51,096 54,798 5. 55,800 59,523 63,700 49,769 53,279 57,216 6. 57,825 61,961 66,387 51,678 55,577 59,749 7. 59,977 64,526 69,198 53,706 57,994 62,398 8. 62,211 67,173 72,135 55,812 60,489 65,167 9. 64,526 69,901 75,195 57,994 63,061 68,051 10. 66,923 72,712 78,378 60,254 65,710 71,051 11. 69,402 75,608 81,687 62,591 68,440 74,171 12. 71,967 78,586 85,115 65,008 71,248 77,402 13. 74,614 81,642 88,670 67,503 74,128 80,752 Xxxx Xxxxxx – Years* 20242021-2025 2022 14-19 $3,388 2,996 20-24 $4,356 3,851 25+ $5,324 4,707 *Teachers will earn credit toward longevity pay according to their step on the salary schedule. For the 20242021-2025 2022 school year, teachers will receive 1 credit toward longevity.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement