Suspension of Access Ricoh reserves the right to suspend or terminate authorizations, or to suspend or block access to all or any part of the Site or Services as provided in paragraph 10 hereof.
Suspension of Work The Department may, at its sole discretion, suspend any or all activities under the Contract, at any time, when it is in the best interest of the State of Florida to do so. The Customer may suspend a resulting contract or purchase order, at any time, when in the best interest of the Customer to do so. The Department or Customer will provide the Contractor written notice outlining the particulars of the suspension. After receiving a suspension notice, the Contractor must comply with the notice and will cease the performance of the Contract or purchase order. Suspension of work will not entitle the Contractor to any additional compensation. The Contractor will not resume performance of the Contract or purchase order until so authorized by the Department.
CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT OR SUSPENSION Contractor certifies that neither Contractor or its principals; its subcontractors or their principals; the sub-recipients (if applicable) or their principals are suspended, debarred, proposed for debarment, voluntarily excluded from covered transactions, or otherwise disqualified by any federal department or agency from doing business with the Federal Government pursuant to Executive Orders 12549 and 12689. Contractor specifically covenants that neither the Contractor or its principals, its sub-contractors or their principals, or the sub-recipients (if applicable) or their principals are included on the Excluded Parties List System (“EPLS”) maintained by the General Services Administration (“GSA”).