How to Proceed Sample Clauses
How to Proceed. Complete and sign Section 1 – Student information Meet with your Advisor at TSCC to review the courses you plan to take elsewhere. Courses MUST be required for the completion of your certificate/degree program and be transferable to TSCC. Your Advisor should sign Section 2. Submit this form to the Financial Aid Office at the institution where you will be taking courses. They should review and sign Section 3. Submit this form to the TSCC Financial Aid Office. The “Home” institution is the school that will be issuing your credential/degree. In this case, Terra State Community College. The “Host” institution is the school where you will be taking classes that will transfer back to Terra. TSCC Financial Aid Office will process and disburse all your financial aid. You must make payment arrangements with your Host institution for tuition, fees, books and all other charges. Terra State will NOT directly pay the Host institution. In order to maintain financial aid eligibility, you must meet TSCC SAP policy. The courses taken at the Host institution will apply to TSCC SAP calculation. Enrollment statuses for Title IV purposes (including hours taken at both the TSCC and the Host institution will be defined as: Full-time: 12 or more credit hours, Three-quarter time: 9-11 credit hours, Half-time: 8-1 credit hours. Terra State Community College Consortium Agreement
How to Proceed. To confirm understanding of this Agreement, please sign in the space below and initial all pages. Please return the Agreement to Adoption Center of Illinois with the Phase II payment.
How to Proceed. Your Options 9
How to Proceed. STEP 1G Upload all documents as applicable for you *Please use scanned documents for upload. *Photographs of documents taken in mobile will be rejected *Uploading unclear/illegible documents may result in rejection of your counselling registration and such candidates will not be eligible to participate in further process. *Document size should be less than 1 MB *jpg, jpeg or PDF formats will be accepted. STEP 1H Click on each document and recheck if the document uploaded by you is clear. In case the document uploaded is unclear, please upload again in the respective section. STEP 1I Submit your Document upload form, once you complete uploading all documents. Please note that, you will not be able to make any changes in the uploaded documents, once you click on ‘submit’ button.
How to Proceed. If the understandings in this agreement are clear and that you agree with them please return this agreement to Family Resource Center, along with the $2,500 Phase I fee and an FRC application.
How to Proceed. 1. If a ship is due for any of the above-mentioned external surveys, the survey request will be placed with the ship’s respective Class, RO or RSO. These Organizations will endeavor to conduct the surveys or propose remote surveys for specific items. In case all efforts to conduct a survey fail, this Maritime Administration will be contacted by either the company or the organization and for ship’s eligible for any of the above-mentioned regulations, these will be applied.
2. Where none of these regulations apply this Maritime Administration may authorize the ship to sail to the next available port where the audit, or inspection can take place. Such authorization will be issued when requested and if port restrictions related to COVID-19 create unexpected and extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the company of a vessel.
3. To receive a ship specific authorization letter from this Maritime Administration, the company will have to file an application supported by adequate documentation.
How to Proceed. If you are a professional customer and are interested in using our gauges in your simulator panel or if you operate/sell or service a commercial flight simulator featuring our gauges, then you must acquire the Professional Service Level Agreement.
How to Proceed. Your application for a Deutschlandstipendium granted by the University of Bremen for Winter Semester 2020/21 can only be submitted over the online application module within the period 01.09.2020 to 30.09.2020:
1. Complete the online application under: xxxx:// Registration (create account) is required, then you will receive the access data via eMail (valucon apps GmbH).
2. Upload the following documents as PDF files: - personal data sheet (curriculum vitae) - motivationletter (max. 2 pages) - university entrance certificate - certificate of matriculation (first-semester students should submit their University of Bremen letter of acceptance or confirmation of matriculation.(applicants still waiting for a place at the university have until 15.10.2020 to submit such documents) - master students should submit their first degree certificate, Master applicants have to prove the admission notice by the middle of November 2020.
3. The following documents (PDF) may be submitted in support of you application: - previous academic achievements – PABO documents - vocational qualifications and employer references - additional qualifications and skill sets (not to include student placements or foreign language skills) - evidence of special awards and prizes - evidence of social and political engagement as well as any special family responsibilities - reasons why you may have experienced difficulties or hindrances during your earlier educational biography (1)
4. Fill in and sign this Application Agreement by 02.10.2020 (deadline) and send it to: University of Bremen, Deutschlandstipendium, Xxxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxx
(1) Illness and/or disability: Students must submit appropriate evidence (certificates, etc.) with their application or students must explain in a comprehensible manner to what extent the illness and/or disability impairs their studies. In the event of significant contradictions between your online application and the supporting documents you provide, or should it transpire that false declarations have been made, your application will be rejected. The university is not able to issue written confirmation that applications have been received. You may, however, send the Application Agreement per registered post/recorded delivery or attach a stamped and addressed envelope to your application.
How to Proceed. To accept this SOW, sign and date the “Authorization to Proceed” page, then fax to Imarc at 000-000-0000, or email to This proposal is valid for 30 days from the date on the cover. Imarc has structured this recommendation based upon its experience working with The Steamship Authority, other support agreements with its clients and best practices. The maintenance recommendation is set to begin on April 1, 2017.