Tentative Agreement. 4.4.1 Both parties agree that it is their mutual responsibility to empower their respective representatives with the necessary authority to make proposals, to consider proposals and counter proposals in the course of negotiations, and to reach tentative agreements subject to ratification by the Board and the Association.
4.4.2 When tentative agreement is reached on any item, it shall be reduced to writing, and signed and dated by the spokesperson of each team. When tentative agreement is reached on all items, they shall be submitted first to the membership of the Association for ratification and then to the Board for ratification.
Tentative Agreement. During negotiations, items tentatively agreed upon shall be reduced to writing and initialed by both parties.
Tentative Agreement. A. As negotiated items are agreed upon, they shall be reduced to writing and initialed by the chief negotiator of each party. Such initialing shall be construed as tentative agreement by both parties on that item or issue, subject to finalization by ratification by the membership of the Local and adoption by the Board.
Tentative Agreement. Any tentative agreement reached shall be written, dated, and initialed by the spokesperson of each team. When agreement is reached on the total package, it shall be submitted to the Association and the Board for ratification.
Tentative Agreement. Tentative agreement on negotiation items shall be reduced to writing and initialed by a representative of each party when the tentative agreement is reached.
Tentative Agreement. As negotiation items become tentative agreements, they shall be reduced to writing and initialed by the chief spokesperson of each party. When all items have been tentatively agreed to, they shall comprise a tentative settlement.
Tentative Agreement. 4.4.1 Both parties agree that it is their mutual responsibility to empower their respective representatives with the necessary authority to make proposals, to consider proposals, and counter proposals in the course of negotiations, and to reach tentative agreements subject to ratification by the Board and USPA.
4.4.2 When tentative agreement is reached on any item, it shall be reduced to writing, and signed and dated by the chief negotiator of each team. When tentative agreement is reached on all items, they shall be submitted first to the membership of USPA for ratification and then to the Board for ratification. Items that have received tentative agreement cannot be reconsidered unless mutually agreed upon by both parties.
Tentative Agreement. As tentative agreement is reached on an item, it shall be reduced to writing and initialed by each chairperson. After approval has been reached on the entire agreement, it will be reduced to writing and offered to the Association and the Board for ratification and approval. Once officially adopted by the two parties, it will be signed by the Board and Association Representative.
Tentative Agreement. Tentative Agreements shall be signed by the chief negotiator for each party at the session during which agreement is reached.
Tentative Agreement. When tentative agreements are reached through negotiations, the tentative agreements shall be reduced to writing, initialed by the parties, and upon reaching complete agreement on all issues, shall be submitted to the general membership of the Association for approval. The tentative agreements thereafter will be submitted for approval to the Board. Subject to these approvals the final Contract shall be signed by the President and Secretary of the Association and the Board President and Treasurer of the Board.