Term of Probation and Term of Employment. 2.1 乙方之試用期間為受甲方及丙方聘僱起始起薪日起至屆滿3個月止。如甲方或丙方認定乙方無法勝任指定工作,甲方或丙方得於試用期間內隨時終止本契約。若乙方為原校再聘時,則不受本條款之限制。 The Term of Probation shall be three (3) months commencing from the employment/payment starting date. During the Term of Probation, if Party A and Party C consider that Party B is incompetent to perform the tasks assigned by Party A and Party C, Party A and Party C may terminate forthwith the Contract. This article shall not apply to the re-employment of Party B (“re-employment” hereunder means re-employment by the original school).
2.2 聘僱起始起薪日係指乙方取得教育部核發之工作許可或內政部移民署核發之外僑永久居留證抑或依親居留證,並於入境後完成衛生福利部疾病管制署規定之檢疫措施後,於教育部辦理之教育訓練地點或其他甲方與丙方指定地點完成報到手續當日起算,除甲方與丙方另有書面同意外,乙方之聘僱期間應為自西元 年 月 日(以下簡稱「受聘僱起始日」)起至西元 年 月 日為止(以下簡稱「受聘僱截止日」)。 Employment/Pay Start Date means the day after Party B has acquired the Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Education (MOE),or the Alien Permanent Resident Certificate (APRC) or Alien Resident Certificate (purpose of residence: dependent) issued by the Immigration Agency; completed the entry quarantine procedures required by the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (Taiwan CDC), Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW); and completed the check-in procedure at the education and training location designated by the MOE or other destinations designated by Party A and Party C. Unless Party A otherwise agrees in writing, Party B’s Term of Employment shall commerce on (hereinafter called the “Employment Start Date”) and end on (hereinafter called the “Employment End Date”).
Term of Probation and Term of Employment. 2.1 乙方之試用期間為受甲方聘僱之日起至屆滿3個月為止。在試用期間內,倘甲方認定乙方無法勝任甲方指定之工作,甲方得隨時終止本契約。如乙方為續聘時,則不受本條款之限制(本契約所稱續聘均指於原校續聘者,轉入他校者屬新聘)。
2.1 The term of probation for Party B shall be three (3) months beginning from the date of his/her employment by Party A. During the term of probation, if Party A considers that Party B is incompetent to perform the tasks assigned to him/her by Party A, Party A may forthwith terminate this Contract at any time. If Party B’s contract is renewed by Party A, this Article does not apply. (If Party B transfers to a new school, Party B is a “new employee” and a term of probation does apply. )
2.2 除甲方另有書面同意外,乙方之聘僱期間為自西元____年__ 月_ _日(以下簡稱「受聘僱起始日」)起至西元____年__ 月_ _日為止(以下簡稱「受聘僱截止日」)。若乙方遲於西元____年__ 月_ _日後入境臺灣,則其聘僱期間為乙方實際入境臺灣之日起至受聘僱截止日,起算日須以乙方護照上中華民國入出境管理局所蓋入境日期為準,乙方並應於入境臺灣之日後15天內將護照背頁及蓋有入境年頁影本提供甲方以增訂為合約附件。
2.2 Unless obtaining Party A's prior written consent, the term of employment for Party B shall commence from ______________, ________________ (hereinafter the "Commencement Date") to_______________, ______________ (hereinafter the "End Date"). If Party B enters Taiwan after ____________, __________ , the term of his/her employment shall commence from the date when Party B enters Taiwan till the End Date. The date when Party B enters Taiwan shall be the date stamped on Party B's passport by the R.O.
Term of Probation and Term of Employment. 2.1 乙方之試用期間為受甲方聘僱起始起薪日起至屆滿3 個月為止。在試用期間內,倘甲方認定乙方無法勝任甲方指定之工作,甲方得隨時終止本契約。如乙方為續聘時,則不受本條款之限制(本契約所稱續聘均指於原校續聘者,轉入他校者屬新聘)。
2.1 The term of probation for Party B shall be three (3) months beginning from the Starting Salary Date of Party B’s employment by Party A. During the term of probation, if Party A considers that Party B is incompetent to perform the tasks assigned to Party B by Party A, Party A may forthwith terminate this Contract at any time. If Party B’s contract is renewed by Party A, this Article does not apply. (If Party B transfers to a new school, Party B is a “new employee” and a term of probation does apply.)
2.2 聘僱起始起薪日係指乙方已入境臺灣且取得教育部核發之工作許可函並完成報到手續之日起算,除甲方另有書面同意外,乙方之聘僱期間應為自西元 年 月_ _日(以下簡稱「受聘僱起始日」)起至西元 年 月_ _日為止(以下簡稱「受聘僱截止日」)。
2.2 The Starting Salary Date of Party B’s employment is defined as when Party B has arrived in Taiwan, received an employment permit (work permit) issued by the Ministry of Education and has reported in person to Party A’s Human Resources official; this is also the Commencement Date of Party B’s Monthly Salary. Unless obtaining Party A's prior written consent, the term of employment for Party B shall commence from , , (hereinafter the "End Date").
Term of Probation and Term of Employment. 2.1 乙方之試用期間為受甲方聘僱起始起薪日起至屆滿3 個月為止。在試用期間內, 倘甲方認定乙方無法勝任甲方指定之工作,甲方得隨時終止本契約。如乙方為續聘時,則不受本條款之限制(本契約所稱續聘均指於原校續聘者,轉入他校者屬新聘)。 The term of probation for Party B shall be three (3) months beginning from the Starting Salary Date of Party B’s employment by Party A. During the term of probation, if Party A considers that Party B is incompetent to perform the tasks assigned to Party B by Party A, Party A may forthwith terminate this Contract at any time. If Party B’s contract is renewed by Party A, this Article does not apply. (If Party B transfers to a new school, Party B is a “new employee” and a term of probation does apply.)
2.2 聘僱起始起薪日係指乙方完成報到手續之日起算,乙方之聘僱期間應為自西元 2020 年 8 月 1 日(以下簡稱「受聘僱起始日」)起至西元 2021 年 7 月 31 日為止(以下簡稱「受聘僱截止日」)。 The Starting Salary Date of Party B’s employment is defined as when Party B has reported in person to Party A’s Human Resources official; this is also the Commencement Date of Party B’s Monthly Salary. The term of employment for Party B shall commence from August 1st, 2020 (hereinafter the "Commencement Date") to July 31st, 2021 (hereinafter the "End Date").
Term of Probation and Term of Employment. 2.1 乙方之試用期間為受甲方聘僱起始起薪日起至屆滿3個月止。如試用期間甲 方認定乙方無法勝任指定工作,甲方得依相關輔導及考核紀錄於試用期間內隨時終止本契約,且無須經乙方同意。若乙方為原校再聘時,則不受本條款之限制。 The Term of Probation for Party B shall be three (3) months, commencing from the Employment/Pay Start Date by Party A. During the Term of Probation, if Party A deems Party B incompetent to perform the tasks assigned, Party A may, based on relevant guidance and assessment records, terminate the Contract at any time within the probationary period without the consent of Party B. This article shall not apply to the re-employment of Party B by the original school (“re-employment” herein means re-employment by the original school).
2.2 聘僱起始起薪日係指乙方取得勞動部核發之工作許可或內政部移民署核發之外僑永久居留證抑或依親居留證,並於入境後完成衛生福利部疾病管制署規定之檢疫措施後,於教育部辦理之教育訓練地點或其他甲方指定地點完成報到手續當日起算。除甲方另有書面同意外,乙方之聘僱期間應為自西元 年 月 日(以下簡稱「受聘僱起始日」)起至西元 年 月 Employment/Pay Start Date means the day after Party B has acquired the Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Labor (MOL), or the Alien Permanent Resident Certificate (APRC) or Alien Resident Certificate (purpose of residence: dependent) issued by the Immigration Agency; completed the entry quarantine procedures required by the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (Taiwan CDC), Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW); and completed the check-in procedure at the education and training location designated by the MOE or other destinations designated by Party A. Unless Party A otherwise agrees in writing, Party B’s Term of Employment shall commence on (hereinafter called the “Employment Start Date”) and end on (hereinafter called the “Employment End Date”).