Corrective Measures If the Participating Generator fails to meet or maintain the requirements set forth in this Agreement and/or the CAISO Tariff, the CAISO shall be permitted to take any of the measures, contained or referenced in the CAISO Tariff, which the CAISO deems to be necessary to correct the situation.
Negotiation Committee (A) The Union may designate certain employees to serve on its Negotiation Committee, and such employees will be granted administrative leave to attend negotiating sessions with the state. No employee shall be credited with more than the number of hours in the employee's regular workday for any day the employee is in negotiations. The agency shall not reimburse employees for travel, meals, lodging, or any expense incurred in connection with attendance at negotiating sessions. (B) No more than one employee shall be selected from the same work unit at any one time, nor shall the selection of an employee unduly hamper the operations of the work unit.
Reporting of Non-Force Majeure Events Each Party (the “Notifying Party”) shall notify the other Parties when the Notifying Party becomes aware of its inability to comply with the provisions of this Agreement for a reason other than a Force Majeure event. The Parties agree to cooperate with each other and provide necessary information regarding such inability to comply, including the date, duration, reason for the inability to comply, and corrective actions taken or planned to be taken with respect to such inability to comply. Notwithstanding the foregoing, notification, cooperation or information provided under this Article shall not entitle the Party receiving such notification to allege a cause for anticipatory breach of this Agreement.
Start-Up and Synchronization Consistent with the mutually acceptable procedures of the Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner, the Developer is responsible for the proper synchronization of the Large Generating Facility to the New York State Transmission System in accordance with NYISO and Connecting Transmission Owner procedures and requirements.
System for Award Management (XXX) Requirement Alongside a signed copy of this Agreement, Grantee will provide Florida Housing with a proof of registration and Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) number. Grantee will continue to maintain an active XXX registration with current information at all times during which it has an active award under this Agreement.
Short Changeover Premium (a) If shifts are scheduled so that there are not 24 hours between the start of an employee's shift and the start of their next shift, a premium calculated at the overtime rates will be paid for hours worked on the succeeding shift within the 24-hour period. (b) Where an employee exercises seniority rights to work shifts, one of which falls within the 24-hour period from the start of the previous shift, the employee shall not be entitled to claim the premium rate referred to in (a) above.
Cultural Competence 1. Grantee will make reasonable efforts to provide services that meet each client’s individual needs and takes into consideration the intellectual functioning, literacy, level of education and comprehension ability of each client in order to ensure that all information is presented in a way that meets each client’s individual needs. 2. Grantee will provide services in the client's primary language either directly by Grantee or by a DFPS approved translator. 3. Grantee will have a cultural competence mission statement, core values or other similar guidance that provides how the Grantee will effectively provide these services to clients of various cultures, races, ethnic backgrounds and religions in a manner that recognizes and affirms the client’s worth, protects and preserves the client’s dignity and ensures equity of service delivery.
VACANCIES AND NEW POSITIONS 3.3.1 During the work year, written notices of vacancies and new positions within the bargaining unit will be posted on the District jobs website for not less than five (5) working days. For an applicant to be considered for a vacant or new position, they must: a. Submit their online application and all other required application materials no later than five (5) working days from the first day of the posting, and b. Possess the minimum skills and qualifications applicable to the vacant or new position. 3.3.2 A vacancy is an open position within the bargaining unit or non represented groups over 10 hours per week (i.e., 2.1 hours per day). Employees who meet the posted qualifications will receive an interview for the position upon application. Applicants not receiving an interview or offer of position will be given feedback, upon request. Skill tests will not normally be required if the skill requirements of the new position are not greater than the applicant's current assignment unless the skill test is deemed necessary to determine the most qualified applicant. Positions will be filled by any present or prospective employee based upon affirmative action requirements, experience, and job qualifications for the position. If two finalists are considered equal, then the applicant from within the district with the most bargaining unit seniority will be selected for bargaining unit positions. 3.3.3 Employees transferred to new positions in the bargaining unit will receive salary credit at full value for all prior experience gained within the bargaining unit. 3.3.4 Current employees within the bargaining unit who are accepted for a position under Section 3.3.2 above will be given a thirty (30) work day work trial. If the employee's performance on the new job is not satisfactory, she/he will be returned to her/his former position or to another suitable position. Absent just cause for termination, such employee will not be terminated due to her/his unsatisfactory performance during the thirty (30) day trial period. 3.3.5 Increased hours at the worksite will be offered first to the most senior employees within the classification, if qualified as determined by the supervisor at the worksite, providing they have a work schedule which can accommodate the additional hour(s) within a normal work week. The number of hours per week may be offered up to ten (10) hours, but may not result in a combined assignment of more than forty (40) hours per week. Employees wishing more hours of work will notify their supervisor/building administrator in writing. 3.3.6 Summer school assignments will be offered on a seniority basis, except that those employees who carry out the job during the course of the regular work year will receive first choice of refusal. 3.3.7 If the school district uses a numerical staffing formula to assign employees to schools based on enrollment, employee hours will be adjusted in October of the school year to reflect actual enrollment. The formula results and adjusted hours will be provided to the association president(s) by October 15. 3.3.8 The district will provide at least a two (2) week written notice of paraeducator hour reduction due to a decreased student overload factor. 3.3.9 An employee involuntarily transferred to a new position with a different job title will suffer no loss in hourly rate of pay. The transferred employee will be placed on the same experience step as in the previous position. An employee transferred to a position with a lower hourly rate of pay will be required to seek to restore lost pay by applying for open positions within the department for which he/she is qualified. An employee may choose to decline up to three (3) positions that will make him/her whole. Following the third (3rd) decline, any enhanced pay, travel time, and/or mileage reimbursements will end. 3.3.10 When reassignments are too numerous to fill individually, the district will schedule a reassignment meeting. The district will display all open positions and the current seniority list. Employees facing reassignment will be required to attend either in person or by proxy. By seniority, employees must select from any open position for which they are qualified to restore any lost hours. Such restoration cannot exceed thirty (30) additional minutes over lost hours. If hours cannot be restored with open positions by seniority, employees may bump the least senior person. Bumping will occur in the following order, first by the department in which they have lost hours and then by any other departments in which they retain seniority. Multiple reassignment meetings may be necessary. 3.3.11 Employees who have been reassigned will have priority rights, by seniority, to open positions for which they are qualified for up to twenty-four months. Reassigned employees will be required to communicate in writing, in person, by proxy, or by email their interest in a position in the pool no later than 4:00 PM of the day the position closes, if the position will make them whole. If employees have not responded by 4:00 PM of the day the position closes, they have declined the position. Notice of assignment will be provided via phone and follow-up letter within five (5) working days.
Evaluation Committee 16.2.1 The Association and the Board agree to establish a standing joint Evaluation Development Committee for the purpose of regularly reviewing the effectiveness of the policy, procedure and process, including the evaluation instrument, for the evaluation of teachers in the District and to provide recommendations to the Superintendent and Board by April 30.
CENTRAL LABOUR RELATIONS COMMITTEE C4.1 OPSBA, the Crown and OSSTF agree to establish a joint Central Labour Relations Committee to promote and facilitate communication between rounds of bargaining on issues of joint interest.