Escorting Visitors Visitors to areas where PHI COUNTY discloses to 4 CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY is 5 contained shall be escorted and such PHI shall be kept out of sight while visitors are in the area.
Directory Listings 15.1.1 CBT, as publisher of its White Pages, will include Primary Listings of CLEC’s resale directory customers in its White Pages, and shall cause its publisher to include primary listings of CLEC’s directory customers in its Publisher’s Yellow Pages Directories under the following terms and conditions: CBT will publish the Primary Listing of CLEC Directory Customers located within the geographic scope of its White Pages directory and will recover costs for both resale and facility based Customers in accordance with the Act.
Bus Drivers The provisions of this Article apply to school term bus drivers except as hereinafter modified. Bus Drivers are guaranteed a base of one thousand and ninety (1090) hours per school year. Guarantee consists of 1090 hours divided by possible working days in a school year times actual number of days worked. This excludes Saturday and Sunday and General Holiday trips. (a) Regular shift is defined as the conveyance of passengers to school in the morning and home in the afternoon. (b) Extra shift is defined as the conveyance of passengers for extra-curricular activities. (c) Shifts shall be paid at a minimum of two (2) hours and drivers' time will be uninterrupted if less than one-half (½) hour remains between shifts. (i) Drivers are entitled to one 15 minute rest period after two (2) hours of work and a second rest period after six (6) hours of work. Paid waiting times of 15 minutes or more will be construed as a paid rest period regardless of the length of time spent waiting. (d) All work after nineteen hundred (1900) hours on those days on which the regular shift has been worked shall be deemed to be overtime. After twelve (12) hours from the start of the regular shift, work will be deemed as overtime. (e) Hours of work consisting of regular and extra shifts and overtime are shared as equally as possible amongst drivers. Each driver has the opportunity to choose a percentage of the work available beyond one’s guaranteed hours, although the decision of the Employer will prevail. If no drivers are available, other transportation department staff may share the work. (f) Where School District transportation is used for extra-curricular trips on Saturdays and Sundays, the following applies instead of the overtime rates in Article 10.2: (i) Time and one-half (1 ½) regular rate for driving to and from destination. (ii) Upon arrival at destination, waiting time shall be paid at the regular rate of pay. (iii) No shift will be paid less than four (4) hours. (iv) Trips that are cancelled where the driver positions into departure point/school shall be paid at two (2) hours at one and one half (1 ½) times the regular rate. (v) All work carried out in this sub paragraph 9.5(f) shall be on a volunteer basis and shared as equally as possible. All Transportation employees may participate and shall be paid at the Bus Driver rate of pay. (vi) An exception to 9.5 (f) (i) to (iv) above will apply to bus driving on ski trips. Bus drivers who drive on ski trips shall share those hours only with other registered ski trip drivers. (g) Work carried out on General Holidays shall be paid in accordance with the current contract rates. (h) At the end of each school year a review of school bus drivers’ hours of work will be made to ensure minimum guarantee is met. Any shortages will be paid out.
First Aid Attendants a) Designated First Aid Attendants shall receive their job rate of pay plus the Ticket Premium rate. All other employees holding valid First Aid Tickets shall receive a premium of five cents (5¢) per hour over and above their job rate. There shall be no stacking or pyramiding of premiums. b) Where a company is paying a bonus or premium(s) greater than set out above, it shall keep such policy in effect. c) Effective July 1, 1994, premiums for designated First Aid Tickets shall be: Xxxxx 0 - $0.85 per hour Xxxxx 0 - $0.50 per hour
ENTERTAINERS AND SPORTSPERSONS 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 14, income derived by a resident of a Contracting State as an entertainer, such as a theatre, motion picture, radio or television artiste, or a musician, or as a sportsperson, from that resident’s personal activities as such exercised in the other Contracting State, may be taxed in that other Contracting State. 2. Where income in respect of personal activities exercised by an entertainer or a sportsperson acting as such accrues not to the entertainer or sportsperson but to another person, that income may, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 14, be taxed in the Contracting State in which the activities of the entertainer or sportsperson are exercised.
The Building and The Project The Premises are a part of the building set forth in Section 2.1 of the Summary (the “Building”). The term “Project,” as used in this Lease, shall mean (i) the Building and the Common Areas and (ii) the land (which is improved with landscaping, parking facilities and other improvements) upon which the Building and the Common Areas are located.
Modern Slavery You hereby affirm your compliance with the Modern Slavery Xxx 0000 and associated guidance. You confirm (a) that you have read, are familiar with and shall not perform an act or omission which is in contravention with, the letter or spirit of the Act; and (b) you carry out regular, meaningful and comprehensive due diligence procedures and have internal policies in place to address any suspected human rights abuse in your business and Group where applicable.
Felling and Bucking Felling shall be done to minimize breakage of Included Timber and dam- age to residual timber. Unless agreed otherwise, felling shall be done by saws or shears. Bucking shall be done to permit removal of all minimum pieces set forth in A2. B6.411 Felling in Clearings. Insofar as ground conditions, tree lean, and shape of clearings per- mit, trees shall be felled so that their tops do not extend outside Clearcutting Units, construction clearings, and ar- eas of regeneration cutting. B6.000 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx. Stumps shall not exceed, on the side adjacent to the highest ground, the maximum heights set forth in A6, except that occasional stumps of greater heights are acceptable when Purchaser determines that they are necessary for safe and efficient conduct of logging. Unless otherwise agreed, Purchaser shall re-cut high stumps so they will not exceed heights specified in A6 and shall dispose of severed portions in the same manner as other logging debris. The xxxxx heights shown in A6 were selected with the objective of maximum reasonable utilization of the timber, unless Sale Area Map shows special areas where xxxxx heights are lower for aesthetic, land treatment, or silvicultural rea- sons.
ARTISTES AND SPORTSPERSONS 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 7 and 14, income derived by a resident of a Contracting State as an entertainer, such as a theatre, motion picture, radio or television artiste, or a musician, or as a sportsperson, from his personal activities as such exercised in the other Contracting State, may be taxed in that other State. 2. Where income in respect of personal activities exercised by an entertainer or a sportsperson in his capacity as such accrues not to the entertainer or sportsperson himself but to another person, that income may, notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 7 and 14, be taxed in the Contracting State in which the activities of the entertainer or sportsperson are exercised.
Governors and Regulators Whenever the Large Generating Facility is operated in parallel with the New York State Transmission System, the turbine speed governors and automatic voltage regulators shall be in automatic operation at all times. If the Large Generating Facility’s speed governors or automatic voltage regulators are not capable of such automatic operation, the Developer shall immediately notify NYISO, or its designated representative, and ensure that such Large Generating Facility’s real and reactive power are within the design capability of the Large Generating Facility’s generating unit(s) and steady state stability limits and NYISO system operating (thermal, voltage and transient stability) limits. Developer shall not cause its Large Generating Facility to disconnect automatically or instantaneously from the New York State Transmission System or trip any generating unit comprising the Large Generating Facility for an under or over frequency condition unless the abnormal frequency condition persists for a time period beyond the limits set forth in ANSI/IEEE Standard C37.106, or such other standard as applied to other generators in the New York Control Area on a comparable basis.