Living expenses definition

Living expenses means an expense incurred by a student for living outside from his residence during the course of study.
Living expenses as used in this Section shall include reasonable expenses for the following items available for general on-site use by all shift personnel of the Department: television sets, radios, cable television service, subscriptions to newspapers and magazines of general circulation, microwave ovens, cooking xxxx and utensils, and recreational equipment. This list may be added to or shortened by mutual agreement in writing signed by the Chief and President of the Union.
Living expenses means room and board, miscellaneous fees, books, transportation and commuting costs. This amount is adjusted annually based upon the uniform living allowance reported in the weighted Monetary Award Program (MAP) from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission. (Section 7 of the Law)

Examples of Living expenses in a sentence

  • Living expenses are direct living costs such as for accommodation and meals.

  • Living expenses in connection with travel and any other travel expenses.

  • Living expenses incurred during the initial move of the cadets upon graduation and assignment from the Academy shall not be covered.

  • Living expenses for this purpose shall include food, hous- ing, transportation, security and other personal expenses.(Secs.

  • Living expenses or transportation, except as provided under Covered Services.

More Definitions of Living expenses

Living expenses means for the purposes of student fee protection, any payment made, or to be made, to a Student directly from the PTE for the purposes of general living expenses.
Living expenses means room and board, miscellaneous fees, books, transportation and commuting costs. This amount is adjusted annually based
Living expenses means $16,230 per month through September 2016; and $20,000 per month beginning in October 2016, plus an increase of 5% beginning on October 1, 2017, and continuing on each October 1 thereafter.
Living expenses means the amounts required by the "Student" to cover the costs of housing, food, daycare, and other necessaries of life for the "Student", any "Dependents" and/or a "Dependent Spouse". Amounts listed in Appendix A.
Living expenses means the costs of room and board, transportation and commuting costs and other costs incurred during an individual’s attendance at a health professions school.
Living expenses means expenses for meals and accomodation, as well as for telephone calls and errands by taxi that are deemed essential.
Living expenses means household expenditure save for payments in relation to loans, mortgage, rent, board, child maintenance or alimony.