Theme Music Session. (a) Three (3) minutes of Theme music may be recorded within a three (3) hour Theme music session. Additional minutes of Theme music within the three (3) hour call can be recorded at the 90 Minute Session (A9) rate per minute per Musician.
(b) Musicians engaged, other than for EMD tracking, to create Theme music shall additionally receive a payment of the Theme Music Episodic (A13) rate per Episode or Mini-Series segment in which the Theme music is utilized.
(c) Musicians engaged for EMD tracking to create Theme music shall receive a payment of the EMD Theme Music Episodic (A14) rate per Episode or Mini-Series segment in which the Theme music is utilized.
Theme Music Session a) Theme music, wherein up to three (3) minutes of music may be recorded within a three (3) hour call and utilized for each episode in a specific series for programme openings/closings and intros/extros to commercials. Additional minutes of music within the three (3) hour call can be recorded as per the B9 rate per minute per Musician.
i) Additional hours of Work Time may be scheduled at the B6 rate per hour, and do not include the right to record additional minutes of music.
ii) For each additional hour of Work Time paid at the B9 rate, CBC may record one additional minute of music.
iii) Overtime shall be paid at the B6 rate plus fifty percent (50%) in segments of not less than one half (1/2) hour each and does not include the right to record additional minutes of music.
b) Theme music or branding for a series can be used on the specific series for a period of three (3) years from first use. Rate B3 per Musician (3 minutes of music, 3 years use). For each year thereafter, fees are payable as per A4 rate. At any time, the CBC may acquire the rights of use in perpetuity upon payment of an additional payment of ten (10) times A4 rate.
c) Rights for Theme music created for a single film or programme under this Article are acquired in perpetuity.
d) Rate B4 for EMD tracking for Theme music.
e) Any guaranteed call with additional Work Time or Overtime will not exceed six