HOUR OF WORK Sample Clauses
HOUR OF WORK. 14.1 Eight (8) hours shall constitute a day's work; five (5) days shall constitute a week's work, Monday through Friday.
14.2 A single shift shall be restricted to the hours between 6:00 AM. and 6:00 PM. and eight (8) hours continuous employment except for lunch period. By mutual agreement between the Employer, Employee and the Union, four (4) ten (10) hour days may be established.
14.3 When due to conditions beyond the control of the Employer requires that work can only be performed outside the regular day shift, (Monday through Friday), then a special shift may be established at the straight time rate, with approval of the Union. The starting time of the work shall be arranged to fit such conditions of work.
14.4 In the event an Employer's job is down for any reason beyond the Employer’s control, Monday through Friday, then Saturday and Sunday may, at the option of the Employer, be worked as a voluntary make-up day at the straight time rate by those Employees who have not worked forty
HOUR OF WORK. A. The work week shall start as of Monday and run through Sunday inclusive and shall consist of five (5) days.
B. The work day shall be eight (8) hours out of any nine (9) hours with one ( l) uninterrupted hour off for lunch. No em ployee will be permitted to work longer than live (5) hours without receiving time off for meals.
C. The normal work day shall be from 9:00 A .M . to 6:00 P .M . with one (1) hour off for lunch. Any shift which begins before 9:00 A .M . or ends after 3:00 P .M . shall be paid two dollars ($ 2 .00 ) premium pay for such shift. (A ll work performed over eight (8) hours in any one day or forty (40) hours in any one week shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half the em ployee's regular straight xxx e hourly rate of pay. Wrhen sim ultaneously applicable, em ployees shall be entitled to both overtim e pay and shift premium pay but shift premium pay shall not be used in computing the overtim e rate.
D. Sunday premium pay and overtim e pay shall not be pyramided or compounded but only the highest rate shall prevail.
D. Any work performed on Sunday shall be paid for at the rate of double xxx e the em ployee’s regular straight time hourly rate.
E. Extra men working on Sunday or holidays shall be paid double time their regular straight xxx e rate.
HOUR OF WORK. Section 9.01 Employees may be worked at straight time rates up to forty- two (42) hours per week Monday through Saturday. The Company does not and cannot guarantee to provide a full work week nor a full work day.
Section 9.02 It is understood that employees may take one-half (1/2) hour for lunch without pay during the working period to start at a time designated by the dispatcher between the fourth hour and to be completed by the end of the sixth hour worked. When an employee requires an additional meal period he/she may arrange with the dispatcher for an extra one-half (1/2) hour off without pay. Employees may take a fifteen (15) minute coffee break during the middle two (2) hours of each half shift without loss of pay. It is agreed that this break may be scheduled by the Employer.
Section 9.03 Time and one-half the basic rate will be paid for any work performed in excess of forty-two (42) hours, Monday through Saturday. For Ready Mix Drivers on Incentive Payroll System, overtime is already included and calculated in the load rates.
Section 9.04 Overtime will be equitably distributed among the employees who regularly perform such duties.
Section 9.05 Saturday and Sunday work will be equitably distributed among the employees whose names appear on the Seniority List and who regularly perform the duties involved.
HOUR OF WORK. 8.1 For the purposes of clause 10 and any Industrial Legislation the ‘ordinary hours of work’ shall be 7.6 hours a day Monday to Friday inclusive totalling 38 hours a week.
8.2 Boral may direct a driver to commence work:
(a) between 5.00 am and 7.00am each morning subject to notifying the driver of their start time before the drivers rostered finish time on the previous working day; or
(b) after 7.00 am each morning subject to giving the driver seven days notice.
8.3 To avoid any doubt no penalty or premium shall be paid to drivers commencing work between 5.00 am and 7.00 am.
HOUR OF WORK. 14.1 Eight (8) hours shall constitute a day's work; five (5) days shall constitute a week's work, Monday through Friday.
14.2 A single shift shall be restricted to the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and eight
HOUR OF WORK. Section 9.01 Employees may be worked at straight time rates up to forty- two (42) hours per week Monday through Saturday. The Company does not and cannot guarantee to provide a full work week nor a full work day.
Section 9.02 It is understood that employees may take one-half (1/2) hour for lunch without pay during the working period to start at a time designated by the dispatcher between the fourth hour and to be completed by the end of the sixth hour worked. When an employee requires an additional meal period he/she may arrange with the dispatcher for an extra one-half (1/2) hour off without pay. Employees may take a fifteen (15) minute coffee break during the middle two (2) hours of each half shift without loss of pay. It is agreed that this break may be scheduled by the Employer.
Section 9.03 Time and one-half the basic rate will be paid for any work performed in excess of forty-two (42) hours, Monday through Friday.
Section 9.04 Overtime will be equitably distributed among the employees who regularly perform such duties.
Section 9.05 Saturday and Sunday work will be equitably distributed among the employees whose names appear on the Seniority List and who regularly perform the duties involved.
HOUR OF WORK. Management will implement its “Right to Assign,” as stated in 5 U.S.C. 7106 (a)(2)(B) to fully staff elevator facilities within 18 months of the effective date of this agreement. Management will evaluate intermittent positions and utilize the intermittent positions to the extent possible (including all days/shifts) to cover workload. The compressed work schedule (CWS) will be utilized to provide scheduling flexibility and to encourage a work/life balance. A CWS sign-up period will be available for 30 days and annually thereafter to determine the number of volunteers. A notice will be provided to employees regarding the sign-up period dates. Employees that volunteer for CWS are required to remain on the CWS schedule for a period of one year. The CWS will be scheduled in multiples of four (4). If there are more volunteers than the maximum, the CWS will be scheduled by reasonable accommodation first, position second, and then lowest to highest by seniority. In accordance with USDA/GIPSA policies, phase one (1) of the CWS may include up to 36 volunteers and will be implemented within 12 months of the effective date of this agreement. Phase two (2) of the CWS may include up to 72 volunteers and will be implemented within 24 months of the effective date of this agreement. Phase three (3) of the CWS may include all employees who volunteer and will be implemented after 24 months of the effective date of this agreement. Management will work collaboratively with the Union to provide flexibility with respect to Area assignment and other operational details covering the CWS. Management 12/16/16 CWS employees will be drafted for work assignments following normal draft procedures for employees on other work schedules. The system may be evaluated and adjusted as necessary based on operational needs.
HOUR OF WORK. 14.1 Eight (8) hours shall constitute a day's work; five (5) days shall constitute a week's work, Monday through Friday.
14.2 A single shift shall be restricted to the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and eight (8) hours continuous employment except for lunch period. By mutual agreement between the Employer, Employee and the Union, four (4) ten (10) hour days may be established.
14.3 When due to conditions beyond the control of the Employer requires that work can only be performed outside the regular day shift, (Monday through Friday), then a special shift may be established at the straight time rate, with approval of the Union. The starting time of the work shall be arranged to fit such conditions of work.
14.4 In the event an Employer's job is down for any reason beyond the Employer’s control, Monday through Friday, then Saturday and Sunday may, at the option of the Employer, be worked as a voluntary make-up day at the straight time rate by those Employees who have not worked forty (40) hours during the regular work week. The Union shall be notified, and no Employee shall be compelled to do so.
14.5 All hours in excess of eight (8) hours per day or ten (10) hours per day when four (4) ten (10) hour option is worked or forty (40) hours per week, Monday through Friday, except for the make-up days, shall be paid at the rate of time and one half (1½) the regular wage rate. Any work hours in excess of sixty (60) hours per week shall be paid at a rate of double (2x) the regular wage rate.
14.6 If there is a job where Swing Shift is required, it shall be seven and one half (7½) hours work with 8 hours pay. If it requires a graveyard shift, it shall be seven (7) hours worked with eight (8) hours pay.
14.7 Multiple shift work may be allowed, providing the Contractor can furnish five (5) consecutive workdays with the nearly equal numbers of men on each shift. On one-shift jobs, the first shift will not start before 6:00 a.m. On two shift jobs, the second shift shall receive eight (8) hours pay for seven and one half (7½) hours worked and on three shift jobs, the third shift shall receive eight (8) hours pay for seven (7) hours worked. Employees will eat lunch on their own time. Notification for shift work provisions must be made to the Union. This may be modified with prior written approval by the Union. Employees will be given a minimum of ten (10) hours off between shifts.
14.8 The following shall be recognized as legal holidays: New Year's Day Thanksgiving...
HOUR OF WORK. Due to the seasonal nature of the work, and the urgency to harvest/pack when weather and crop conditions determine, all hours will be considered normal hours of work, including weekends and public holidays. All hours will be paid at the rate set out in the wages clause 7. Rates of Pay. The employee(s) and the employer intend that this provision excludes the operation of protected conditions dealing with overtime.
18.01 A normal work week shall consist of thirty-five (35) hours on a five (5) day basis for all full-time employees save and except maintenance employees whose regular work week shall consist of five (5) days, for a total of forty (40) hours per week.
(a) Overtime shall be time worked at the request of the Manager outside the employee’s normal work week.
(b) All overtime worked shall be at the rate of time and one half (1 ½). An employee may select any one of the following methods of payment of overtime:
(i) Payment as outlined in clause 18.01(b) of this Agreement;
(ii) Time and one half (1 ½) off in lieu of overtime pay;
(iii) Any combination of (i) and (ii) which does not exceed the equivalent of time and one-half (1 ½).
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of 18.01, an employee shall be paid double time (2X) for all hours worked on Sunday or on a statutory holiday. An employee whose regular shift includes working on Sundays shall receive an additional one dollar and thirty-five cents ($1.35) per hour for all hours worked on a Sunday for which the employee is not entitled to overtime.
(d) A maintenance employee working a shift when the auditorium is booked beyond 9.30