THIRD-PARTY TRAFFIC. Customer's End-Users may feed USENET News to a third party, but may not send any posting from that third party, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, back to the Network or the Internet through an Account. Any other third party traffic, including packet access and electronic mail, whether sent or received through Customer's facilities by or on behalf of a third party through the Service, is expressly prohibited. CUSTOMER NETWORK AND FACILITIES. Customer shall remain responsible for user/access security as well as access to its network or to the Network. PSINet provides no user access security with respect to any of Customer or its End-Users' facilities or facilities of others. PSINet will assist in network security breach detection or identification, but shall not be liable for any inability, failure or mistake in doing so.
THIRD-PARTY TRAFFIC. Non-facility based traffic;
THIRD-PARTY TRAFFIC. A. PACIFIC shall terminate traffic from third-party LECs, CLCs, or wireless service providers ("WSPs") delivered to PACIFIC's network through an CLEC tandem. Prior to the routing of such traffic, the Parties agree to negotiate the issues of network capacity and forecasting caused by such terminations. The Parties shall conduct such negotiations in good faith and shall not unreasonably withhold consent to the routing of such traffic.
B. PACIFIC shall complete traffic delivered from CLEC destined to third-party LECs, CLCs or WSPs in the LATA. PACIFIC shall have no responsibility to ensure that any third-party LEC, CLC or WSP will accept such traffic.
C. PACIFIC shall accept, from any third-party LEC, CLC, or WSP in the LATA, traffic destined for an CLEC end office subtending the relevant PACIFIC tandem, or a LEC, CLC or WSP subtending CLEC's central office if PACIFIC has a provision in ~n interconnection agreement with such LEC, CLC or WSP permitting such an arrangement.
THIRD-PARTY TRAFFIC. 2.1. PACIFIC shall terminate traffic from third-party LECS, CLCS, or Wireless Service Providers delivered to PACIFIC's network through a CLC tandem. Prior to the routing of such traffic, the Parties agree to negotiate the issues of network capacity and forecasting caused by such termination. The Parties shall conduct such negotiations in good faith and shall not unreasonably withhold consent to the routing of such traffic.
2.2. PACIFIC shall complete traffic delivered from CLC destined to third- party LECS, CLCs or WSPs in the LATA. PACIFIC shall have no responsibility to ensure that any third-party LEG, CLC or WSP will accept such traffic.
2.3. PACIFIC shall accept, from any third-party LEC, CLC, or WSP in the LATA, traffic destined for a CLC end office subtending the relevant PACIFIC tandem, or a LEC, CLC or WSP subtending CLC's end office if PACIFIC has a provision in an interconnection agreement with such LEC, CLC or WSP permitting such an arrangement.
THIRD-PARTY TRAFFIC. 2.1. NEVADA shall terminate traffic from third-party LECs, CLCs, or Wireless Service Providers delivered to NEVADA’s network through an CLEC tandem. Prior to the routing of such traffic, the Parties agree to negotiate the issues of network capacity, forecasting, third–party routing arrangements; information required to satisfy the reporting, auditing and verification requirements including the calculation and verification of PLU. In addition the Parties agree they will require from the underlying LEC, CLC, or WSP the information required to satisfy the forecasting, reporting, auditing and verification requirements including calculation and verification of PLU, as well as the exchange of billing records where requested by the terminating party, herein established for the Parties. The Parties agree to exchange all such information under appropriate non-disclosure agreements. The Parties shall conduct such negotiations in good faith and shall not unreasonably withhold consent to the routing of such traffic.
2.2. NEVADA BXXX shall complete traffic delivered from CLEC destined to third-party LECs, CLCs or WSPs in the LATA. NEVADA BXXX shall have no responsibility to ensure that any third–party LEC, CLC or WSP will accept such traffic.
2.3. NEVADA shall accept, from any third-party LEC, CLC, or WSP in the LATA, traffic destined for an CLEC end office subtending the NEVADA tandem, or a LEC, CLC or WSP subtending CLEC’s end office if NEVADA has a provision in an interconnection agreement with such LEC, CLC or WSP permitting such an arrangement.
2.4. NEVADA in its role as Designated Carrier for LATA 720, as established by the Nevada PSCN in Docket 86-711, has the responsibility to transport originating and terminating traffic for embedded independent local exchange carriers under special compensation arrangements. The independent LECs that participate in the Designated Carrier Plan (DCP) are Cxxxxxxxx County Telephone & Telegraph, Continental Telephone Company of Nevada (GTE), C.P. National Corporation (Citizens Telecom), Lincoln County Telephone Company, Humboldt Telephone, and Rural Telephone Company. NEVADA is bound to continue this arrangement until such time as NEVADA has interconnection agreements with all of the embedded ILECs and the NEVADA PSCN agrees to discontinue the DCP. All traffic under this plan is ILEC IntraLATA Toll traffic. Under the DCP, the ILECs bxxx NEVADA for both originating and terminating access at rates designed to recover their relevant...
THIRD-PARTY TRAFFIC. Customer's End-Users may feed USENET News to a third party, but may not send any posting from that third party, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, back to the Network or the Internet through an Account. Any other third party traffic, including packet access and electronic mail, whether sent or received through Customer's facilities by or on behalf of a third party through the Service, is expressly prohibited. Customer Network and Facilities. Customer shall remain responsible for user/access security as well as access to its network or to the Network. PSINet provides no user access security with respect to any of Customer or its End-Users' facilities or facilities of others. PSINet will assist in network security breach detection or identification, but shall not be liable for any inability, failure or mistake in doing so. "First-Line" Service Support. Customer's MIS/Technical administrator or contact is solely responsible for all first line customer support for End-Users. If End-Users require additional support, only Customer's designated Help Desk or MIS/Technical contact may request support directly from PSINet's Customer Support Group (CSG).
THIRD-PARTY TRAFFIC. Customer may host world-wide web sites on behalf of third parties. In addition, Customer may feed USENET News to a third party, but may not send any posting from that third party, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, back to PSINet's wide-area network system (the "Network") or the Internet through the Service. Any other third party traffic, including packet access and electronic mail, whether sent or received through Customer's facilities by or on behalf of a third party through the Service, is expressly prohibited. Customer Equipment and Network. PSINet provides no user access security with respect to any of Customer's facilities or facilities of others. PSINet will assist in enforcing a customer-specified access policy as provided in the Specifications subject to the limits of the implementing equipment and the level of subscribed service. PSINet is not liable for any inability, failure or mistake in implementing, enforcing, or monitoring the enforcement of the specified policy. PSINET-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT.
THIRD-PARTY TRAFFIC. Customer may host world-wide web sites on behalf of third parties. In addition, Customer may feed USENET News to a third party, but may not send any posting from that third party, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, back to PSINet's wide-area network system (the "Network") or the Internet through the Service. Any other third party traffic, including packet access and electronic mail, whether sent or received through Customer's facilities by or on behalf of a third party through the Service, is expressly prohibited.
THIRD-PARTY TRAFFIC. Customer may host world-wide web sites on behalf of third parties. In addition, Customer may feed USENET News to a third party, but may not send any posting from that third party, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, back to PSINet's wide-area network system (the "Network") or the Internet through the Service. Any other third party traffic, including packet access and electronic mail, whether sent or received through Customer's facilities by or on behalf of a third party through the Service, is expressly prohibited. Customer Network Security. PSINet provides no user access security with respect to any of Customer's facilities or facilities of others. Customer shall be responsible for user/access security as well as access to its network or to the Network. PSINet will assist in network security breach detection or identification, but shall not be liable for any inability, failure or mistake in doing so. PSINET-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT.
THIRD-PARTY TRAFFIC. Third Party Traffic will be transported between the AT&T Access Tandem Switch and CLEC over a “third party traffic ” trunk group separate from any local or Local and IntraLATA Toll trunk group. This trunk group will be established for the transmission and routing of traffic originating on between CLEC’s network that is switched and/or transported by AT&T and delivered to a third party’s network, or traffic originating on a third party’s network that is switched and/or transported by AT&T and delivered to CLEC’s network . When AT&T has more than one Access Tandem Switch within a Local Exchange Area, CLEC may utilize a single “third party traffic” trunk group to one AT&T Access Tandem Switch within the Local Exchange Area. This trunk group will be provisioned as two-way and will utilize SS7 protocol signaling. Traffic destined to and from multiple interexchange carriers (IXCs) can be combined on this trunk group. Third Party Traffic trunks shall be two-way trunks and must be ordered by CLEC to deliver and receive Third Party Traffic. Establishing Third Party Traffic trunks at Access and Local Tandems provides Intra-Tandem Access to the Third Party also interconnected at those Tandems. CLEC shall be responsible for all recurring and nonrecurring charges associated with Third Party Traffic trunks and facilities.