Timber Harvesting and Regeneration Methods. Before a forest stand can be harvested, a RPF must prepare a THP. The THP is reviewed by state and, in some cases, federal agencies for consistency with all applicable laws and regulations to ensure that potentially significant environmental impacts are analyzed and fully mitigated to the extent feasible. This requirement has applied to commercial timber operations in California since 1973 (see July 1998 Draft SYP/HCP, Part A in Volume V for additional details). In the plan area, even-aged and uneven-aged silvicultural prescriptions will be used. Even-aged silviculture is used to regenerate a stand of trees approximately the same age. This objective is achieved by harvesting stands in blocks that typically range in size from 20 to 30 acres. Harvest methods include seed tree removal, shelterwood removal, and clearcutting. Regeneration occurs artificially through planting nursery-grown seedlings, or naturally by well-distributed seed trees. Uneven-aged silviculture is used to harvest trees individually or in small groups, with the goal of developing or maintaining a variety of age classes within a stand. Typically, sites are restocked through natural regeneration; where necessary, seedlings obtained from a nursery are also used. Harvesting operations begin with the felling and bucking of trees. Logs are moved (yarded) to a landing site using methods based on topographic considerations, access, worker safety, and other factors. Generally, tractor-based systems are used on relatively mild terrain, cable yarders are used on steeper slopes, and helicopters are used in areas where road access is a problem. At the landings, the logs are loaded onto trucks and transported to processing facilities (xxxxx) over private and public roads.