TIMEFRAME FOR OFFERS. The Commissioner reserves the right to make awards within 60 days after the date of the Bid opening or such other period of time as set forth in the Solicitation. The Bids must remain firm until a Contract is awarded, but if a Contract is not awarded within 60 days or other time period set forth in the Solicitation, the Bidder may withdraw its Bid any time thereafter by delivering to the Commissioner written notice of the withdrawal of its Bid.
TIMEFRAME FOR OFFERS. The Commissioner reserves the right to make awards within sixty (60) days after the date of the Bid opening or such other period of time as set forth in the Bid Documents, during which period, Bids must remain firm and cannot e withdrawn. Pursuant to Section 163(9)(e) of the State Finance Law and Section 2- 205 of the Uniform Commercial Code when applicable, where an award is not made within the sixty (60) day period or other time specified as set forth in the Bid Documents, the Bids shall remain firm until such later time as either a Contract is awarded or the Bidder delivers to the Commissioner written notice of the withdrawal of its Bid. Any Bid which expressly states therein that acceptance must be made within a shorter specified time, may at the sole discretion of the Commissioner, be accepted or rejected.
TIMEFRAME FOR OFFERS. If providing Pre-Existing Inventory Vehicle(s), the timeframe during which offers Shall remain firm and cannot be withdrawn Shall be ten (10) calendar days from the first Business Day immediately following the Mini-Bid response submittal deadline, or such other period of time as specified in the Mini-Bid. In order for a Mini-Bid response to be responsive to a Mini-Bid involving Pre-Existing Inventory Vehicle(s), the Contractor is required to retain the Pre-Existing Inventory Vehicle(s) for the ten (10) calendar day period, or such other period of time as set forth in the Mini-Bid. Contractor’s failure to retain the Pre- Existing Inventory Vehicle(s) for such period of time Shall render Contractor’s Mini-Bid response non- responsive and the Mini-Bid response Shall be disqualified.


  • Order Forms For Products, Customer and Snow (or Customer and Partner, as applicable) will execute Snow order forms (each an “Order Form”) which will describe the (a) Product Type, (b) length of Customer’s right to use, or license to, the Product (“Product Term”), (c) quantity, endpoints, Product descriptions, license metrics, authorized users, and other usage parameters as applicable (“Usage Parameters”), (d) pricing and fees (“Fees”) and (e) other relevant details.

  • Registration for E - Bidders 4.1. Parties who are interested to participate in public auction as (“E-Bidders”) may do so by logging on to the Auctioneer’s website and register as a user. 4.2. E- Bidders shall provide true, current and accurate information to register as a user.