Claims Payment The Reinsurer will be liable to the Company for its share of the benefits owed under the express contractual terms of the Reinsured Policies and as specified under the terms of this Agreement. The Reinsurer will not participate in any ex gratia payments made by the Company (i.e., payments the Company is not required to make under the Reinsured Policy terms.) The payment of death benefits by the Reinsurer will be in one lump sum regardless of the mode of settlement under the Reinsured Policy. Benefit payments from the Reinsurer will be due within 30 days of the claim satisfying the requirements established under this Agreement. The Reinsurer’s share of any interest payable under the terms of a Reinsured Policy or applicable law which is based on the death benefits paid by the Company, will be payable provided that the Reinsurer will not be liable for interest accruing on or after the date of the Company’s payment of benefits. The Reinsurer’s share will be based upon the same interest rate and days used by the Company to calculate their interest paid. The Reinsurer will make payment to the Company for each such claim. For Waiver of Premium claims, the Company will continue to pay premiums for reinsurance, except premiums for disability reinsurance. The Reinsurer will pay its proportionate share of the gross premium waived by the Company on the Reinsured Policy, including its share of the premiums for benefits that remain in effect during disability. I414848US-12 (11-01-2011) QT#04028US11 (COLI & BXXx) For claims on Accelerated Benefit riders reinsured under this Agreement, the benefit amount payable by the Reinsurer will be calculated by multiplying the total accelerated death benefit rider payout by the ratio of the reinsured Net Amount at Risk, as defined in Exhibit C -1, to the face amount of the Reinsured Policy.
Tax Claims Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the control of any claim, assertion, event or proceeding in respect of Taxes of the Company (including, but not limited to, any such claim in respect of a breach of the representations and warranties in Section 3.22 hereof or any breach or violation of or failure to fully perform any covenant, agreement, undertaking or obligation in Article VI) shall be governed exclusively by Article VI hereof.
Disputed Claims 4.1 Notwithstanding paragraph 4.5 of this Schedule, payment by the Authority of all or any part of any invoice rendered or other claim for payment by the Contractor shall not signify approval of such invoice/claim. The Authority reserves the right to verify invoices/claims after the date of payment and subsequently to recover any sums which have been overpaid. 4.2 If any part of a claim rendered by the Contractor is disputed or subject to question by the Authority either before or after payment then the Authority may call for the Contractor to provide such further documentary and oral evidence as it may reasonably require to verify its liability to pay the amount which is disputed or subject to question and the Contractor shall promptly provide such evidence in a form satisfactory to the Authority. 4.3 If any part of a claim rendered by the Contractor is disputed or subject to question by the Authority, the Authority shall not withhold payment of the remainder. 4.4 If any invoice rendered by the Contractor is paid but any part of it is disputed or subject to question by the Authority and such part is subsequently agreed or determined not to have been properly payable then the Contractor shall forthwith repay such part to the Authority. 4.5 The Authority shall be entitled to deduct from sums due to the Contractor by way of set-off any amounts owed to it or which are in dispute or subject to question either in respect of the invoice for which payment is being made or any previous invoice.
Contested Claims In the event that the Indemnifying Party disputes the Claimed Amount, as soon as practicable but in no event later than ten (10) days after the receipt of the notice referenced in Section 10.2(b)(ii) hereof, the Parties will begin the process to resolve the matter in accordance with the dispute resolution provisions of Section 1.4 hereof. Upon ultimate resolution thereof, the Parties will take such actions as are reasonably necessary to comply with such agreement or instructions.
Insured Claims To indemnify Indemnitee for expenses or liabilities of any type whatsoever (including, but not limited to, judgments, fines, ERISA excise taxes or penalties, and amounts paid in settlement) to the extent such expenses or liabilities have been paid directly to Indemnitee by an insurance carrier under a policy of officers’ and directors’ liability insurance maintained by the Company; or
Payment of Claims A. If advance payment of all or a portion of the Grant funds is permitted by statute or regulation, and the State agrees to provide such advance payment, advance payment shall be made only upon submission of a proper claim setting out the intended purposes of those funds. After such funds have been expended, Grantee shall provide State with a reconciliation of those expenditures. Otherwise, all payments shall be made thirty five (35) days in arrears in conformance with State fiscal policies and procedures. As required by IC § 4-13-2-14.8, all payments will be by the direct deposit by electronic funds transfer to the financial institution designated by the Grantee in writing unless a specific waiver has been obtained from the Indiana Auditor of State B. Requests for payment will be processed only upon presentation of a Claim Voucher in the form designated by the State. Such Claim Vouchers must be submitted with the budget expenditure report detailing disbursements of state, local and/or private funds by project budget line items. C. The State may require evidence furnished by the Grantee that substantial progress has been made toward completion of the Project prior to making the first payment under this Grant. All payments are subject to the State's determination that the Grantee's performance to date conforms with the Project as approved, notwithstanding any other provision of this Grant Agreement. D. Claims shall be submitted to the State within 10 calendar days following the end of the month in which work on or for the Project was performed. The State has the discretion, and reserves the right, to NOT pay any claims submitted later than 35 calendar days following the end of the month in which the services were provided. All final claims and reports must be submitted to the State within 10 calendar days after the expiration or termination of this agreement. Payment for claims submitted after that time may, at the discretion of the State, be denied. Claims may be submitted on a monthly basis only. If Grant funds have been advanced and are unexpended at the time that the final claim is submitted, all such unexpended Grant funds must be returned to the State. E. Claims must be submitted with accompanying supportive documentation as designated by the State. Claims submitted without supportive documentation will be returned to the Grantee and not processed for payment. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Grant Agreement may result in the denial of a claim for payment.
Claims Released I understand and agree that I am releasing all known and unknown claims, promises, causes of action, or similar rights of any type that I may have (the “Claims”) against any Released Party, except that I am not releasing any claim that relates to: (i) my right to enforce this Agreement; (ii) my right, if any, to claim government-provided unemployment benefits, or (iii) any rights or claims which may arise or accrue after I sign this Agreement). I further understand that the Claims I am releasing may arise under many different laws (including statutes, regulations, other administrative guidance, and common law doctrines), including, but by no means limited to: 1. Anti-discrimination statutes, such as the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act, and Executive Order 11141, which prohibit age discrimination in employment; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and Executive Order 11246, which prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, or sex; the Equal Pay Act, which prohibits paying men and women unequal pay for equal work; the Americans With Disabilities Act and Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibit discrimination based on disability; and any other federal, state, or local laws prohibiting employment or wage discrimination. 2. Federal employment statutes, such as the WARN Act, which requires that advance notice be given of certain work force reductions; the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, which, among other things, protects employee benefits; the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and state laws which regulates wage and hour matters; the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, which requires employers to provide leaves of absence under certain circumstances; and any other federal laws relating to employment, such as veterans’ reemployment rights laws. 3. Other laws, such as any federal, state, or local laws providing workers’ compensation benefits (or prohibiting workers’ compensation retaliation), restricting an employer’s right to terminate employees, or otherwise regulating employment; any federal, state, or local law enforcing express or implied employment contracts or requiring an employer to deal with employees fairly or in good faith. 4. Tort and Contract Claims, such as claims for wrongful discharge, negligence, negligent hiring, negligent supervision, negligent retention, physical or personal injury, emotional distress, fraud, fraud in the inducement, negligent misrepresentation, defamation, invasion of privacy, interference with contract or with prospective economic advantage, breach of express or implied contract, breach of covenants of good faith and fair dealing, promissory estoppel, and similar or related claims.
Submitting False Claims; Monetary Penalties The AOC shall be entitled to remedy any false claims, as defined in California Government Code section 12650 et seq., made to the AOC by the Contractor or any Subcontractor under the standards set forth in Government Code section 12650 et seq. Any Contractor or Subcontractor who submits a false claim shall be liable to the AOC for three times the amount of damages that the AOC sustains because of the false claim. A Contractor or Subcontractor who submits a false claim shall also be liable to the AOC for (a) the costs, including attorney fees, of a civil action brought to recover any of those penalties or damages, and (b) a civil penalty of up to $10,000 for each false claim.
Submitting False Claims The full text of San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 21, Section 21.35, including the enforcement and penalty provisions, is incorporated into this Agreement. Pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code §21.35, any contractor or subcontractor who submits a false claim shall be liable to the City for the statutory penalties set forth in that section. A contractor or subcontractor will be deemed to have submitted a false claim to the City if the contractor or subcontractor: (a) knowingly presents or causes to be presented to an officer or employee of the City a false claim or request for payment or approval;
Covered Claims Claim" means any claim, dispute or controversy between you and us that in any way arises from or relates to this Agreement, the Account, the issuance of any Card, any rewards program, any prior agreement or account. "Claim" includes disputes arising from actions or omissions prior to the date any Card was issued to you, including the advertising related to, application for or approval of the Account. "Claim" has the broadest possible meaning, and includes initial claims, counterclaims, cross-claims and third-party claims. It includes disputes based upon contract, tort, consumer rights, fraud and other intentional torts, constitution, statute, regulation, ordinance, common law and equity (including any claim for injunctive or declaratory relief). "Claim" does not include disputes about the validity, enforceability, coverage or scope of this Arbitration Provision or any part thereof (including, without limitation, the prohibition against class proceedings, private attorney general proceedings and/or multiple party proceedings described in Paragraph C.7 (the "Class Action Waiver"), the last sentence of Paragraph