Service Calls What is a Service Call? Do You have to pay anything for a Service Call? When can You request a Service Call? How can You request a Service Call? What is the Covered Repair Guarantee? When does this Service Agreement start and how long is it? Can You cancel? Can We cancel? Will this Service Agreement automatically renew? Unless You tell Us otherwise, Your Service Agreement will automatically renew at the end of every Term for another 12 months at the then-current renewal price. We may change the price at renewal. We reserve the right to not offer this Service Agreement upon renewal. How can You contact NAW? Receiving documents electronically Privacy policy Assignment/Amendment Transfer
Scope of Interconnection Service 1.3.1 The NYISO will provide Energy Resource Interconnection Service and Capacity Resource Interconnection Service to Interconnection Customer at the Point of Interconnection. 1.3.2 This Agreement does not constitute an agreement to purchase or deliver the Interconnection Customer’s power. The purchase or delivery of power and other services that the Interconnection Customer may require will be covered under separate agreements, if any, or applicable provisions of NYISO’s or Connecting Transmission Owner’s tariffs. The Interconnection Customer will be responsible for separately making all necessary arrangements (including scheduling) for delivery of electricity in accordance with the applicable provisions of the ISO OATT and Connecting Transmission Owner’s tariff. The execution of this Agreement does not constitute a request for, nor agreement to, provide Energy, any Ancillary Services or Installed Capacity under the NYISO Services Tariff or any Connecting Transmission Owner’s tariff. If Interconnection Customer wishes to supply or purchase Energy, Installed Capacity or Ancillary Services, then Interconnection Customer will make application to do so in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff or Connecting Transmission Owner’s tariff.
Processing of a Grievance It is recognized and accepted by the Union and the Employer that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be accomplished during normal working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved employee and a Union representative shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss of pay when a grievance is investigated and presented to the Employer during normal working hours provided that the employee and the Union representative have notified and received the approval of the designated supervisor who has determined that such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to the work programs of the Employer.
Processing Grievances The grievant shall be granted reasonable time off with pay from regularly scheduled duty hours to process a grievance, provided that the time off will be devoted to the prompt and efficient investigation and handling of grievances, subject to the following: Neither a grievant nor a grievant's representative who is a Court employee shall suffer any lost pay for attending any regularly scheduled grievance hearing required by the procedure herein set forth. A. A grievant and a grievant's representative shall notify their supervisor as soon as possible of scheduled grievance hearings and of any changes in the time or date of scheduled hearings in which they must participate. B. In no event shall a grievant be represented by more than one Court employee at a grievance hearing.
Outages Outage Authority and Coordination. Interconnection Customer and Transmission Owner may each in accordance with Good Utility Practice in coordination with the other Party and Transmission Provider remove from service any of its respective Interconnection Facilities, System Protection Facilities, Network Upgrades, System Protection Facilities or Distribution Upgrades that may impact the other Party’s facilities as necessary to perform maintenance or testing or to install or replace equipment. Absent an Emergency Condition, the Party scheduling a removal of such facility(ies) from service will use Reasonable Efforts to notify one another and schedule such removal on a date and time mutually acceptable to the Parties. In all circumstances, any Party planning to remove such facility(ies) from service shall use Reasonable Efforts to minimize the effect on the other Parties of such removal.
Settling of Grievances An xxxxxxx effort shall be made to process and settle grievances fairly and promptly in the following manner: It is agreed that an Employee has no grievance until he/she has first given his/her immediate Supervisor an opportunity to adjust his/her complaint within fourteen (14) calendar days of its occurrence or when they ought to have become aware of it. The Employee may request to meet with their Supervisor and is permitted to have a co-worker from their department present at the meeting. Prior approval is required to attend the meeting. The Employee has the option of making a written submission as an alternative to the meeting. The Employer will provide a written response to the complaint and if no satisfactory answer is received within seven (7) calendar days from the time it was first discussed with the Employee’s immediate Supervisor, the Employee may proceed to Step 1 of the grievance procedure. Step 1 Failing satisfactory settlement at the complaint stage the Union may present the grievance to the appropriate Supervisor within seven (7) calendar days following the decision at the complaint stage. The grievance shall be in writing on a mutually approved form and shall include the nature of the grievance, the redress sought and the section or sections of the agreement that are alleged to have been violated. The Supervisor shall deliver his/her decision in writing within seven (7) calendar days following the presentation of the grievance to him/her. Step 2 Failing satisfactory settlement at Step 1, the Union may present the grievance to the Administrator, or designate, in writing within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the decision at Step 1. A meeting will be held within seven (7) calendar days from receipt of the grievance between the Administrator, or designate, and the Union. The decision of the Administrator, or designate, shall be delivered in writing within seven (7) calendar days of the meeting. Step 3 Failing satisfactory settlement at Step 2, either party may refer the grievance to arbitration within thirty (30) calendar days following receipt of the decision at Step 2.
Service Outages (a) Service Outages Due to Power Failure or Disruption. 911 Dialing does not function in the event of a power failure or disruption. If there is an interruption in the power supply, the Service, including 911 Dialing, will not function until power is restored. Following a power failure or disruption, you may need to reset or reconfigure the Device prior to utilizing the Service, including 911 Dialing. (b) Service Outages Due to Internet Outage or Suspension or Termination of Broadband Service or ISP Service. Service outages or suspensions or terminations of service by your broadband provider or ISP will prevent all Service, including 911 Dialing, from functioning. (c) Service Outage Due to Suspension or Termination of Your Citi-Tel Account. Service outages due to suspension or termination of your account will prevent all Service, including 911 Dialing, from functioning. (d) Service Outages Due to ISP or Broadband Provider Blocking of Ports or Other Acts. Your ISP or broadband provider or other third party may intentionally or inadvertently block the ports over which the Service is provided or otherwise impede the usage of the Service. In that event, provided that you alert us to this situation, we will attempt to work with you to resolve the issue. During the period that the ports are being blocked or your Service is impeded, and unless and until the blocking or impediment is removed or the blocking or impediment is otherwise resolved, your Service, including the 911 Dialing feature, may not function. You acknowledge that Citi-Tel is not responsible for the blocking of ports by your ISP or broadband provider or any other impediment to your usage of the Service, and any loss of service, including 911 Dialing, that may result. In the event you lose service as a result of blocking of ports or any other impediment to your usage of the Service, you will continue to be responsible for payment of the Service charges unless and until you terminate the Service in accordance with this Agreement.
Self Scheduling The Home and the Union may agree to implement a self-scheduling process. Self-scheduling is the mechanism by which employees in a Home create their own work schedules. The purpose of self scheduling is to improve job satisfaction and quality of work life for the participating employees. Self scheduling requires a collaboration of employees and management to ensure proper coverage of the Home and to meet the provisions of the Collective Agreement. It is agreed that self scheduling will be negotiated locally by the Home and the Union and will include a trial period. Each Home must have the majority agreement of the full-time and part-time employees who vote on the issue to agree on a trial period of up to six months. Once the trial period is complete, each Home must have a minimum of 66⅔% agreement of the full-time and part-time employees who vote on the issue to continue with the new schedule on a permanent basis.
Grades of Service The Parties shall initially engineer and shall monitor and augment all trunk groups consistent with the Joint Process as set forth in Section 14.1 of this Attachment.
Disenrollment The Contractor shall: Have a mechanism for receiving timely information about all disenrollments from the Contractor’s One Care Plan, including the effective date of disenrollment, from CMS and MassHealth systems. All enrollments and disenrollment‑related transactions will be performed by the EOHHS customer service vendor. Subject to 42 C.F.R. § 423.100, § 423.38 and § 438.56. Enrollees can elect to disenroll from the One Care Plan or the Demonstration at any time and enroll in another One Care Plan, a Medicare Advantage plan, PACE, or Senior Care Options (if they meet applicable eligibility requirements); or may elect to receive services through Medicare fee‑for‑service and a prescription drug plan and to receive Medicaid services in accordance with the Commonwealth’s State plan and any waiver programs. Disenrollments received by MassHealth or the Contractor, or by CMS or its contractor by the last calendar day of the month will be effective on the first calendar day of the following month; Be responsible for ceasing the provision of Covered Services to an Enrollee upon the effective date of disenrollment; Notify EOHHS of any individual who is no longer eligible to remain enrolled in the One Care Plan per CMS enrollment guidance, in order for EOHHS to disenroll the individual. This includes where an Enrollee remains out of the Service Area or for whom residence in the One Care Plan Service Area cannot be confirmed for more than six (6) consecutive months; Not interfere with the Enrollee’s right to disenroll through threat, intimidation, pressure, or otherwise; Not request the disenrollment of any Enrollee due to an adverse change in the Enrollee’s health status or because of the Enrollee’s utilization of treatment plan, medical services, diminished mental capacity, or uncooperative or disruptive behavior resulting from his or her special needs. The Contractor, however, may submit a written request, accompanied by supporting documentation, to the Contract Management Team (CMT) to disenroll an Enrollee, for cause, for the following reason: The Enrollee’s continued enrollment seriously impairs the Contractor’s ability to furnish services to either this Enrollee or other Enrollees, provided the Enrollee’s behavior is determined to be unrelated to an adverse change in the Enrollee's health status, or because of the Enrollee's utilization of medical services, diminished mental capacity, or uncooperative or disruptive behavior resulting from his or her special needs.