TOTAL BALANCE Sample Clauses

TOTAL BALANCE. 27,712,406.01 RUN ON : 05/24/01 RFC DISCLOSURE SYSTEM RFFSDFIX-01 AT : 14.31.12 INITIAL SECURITY FEES AMORTIZED BALANCE SERIES : RAMP 2001-RZ2 NON FIXED SUMMARY REPORT CUTOFF : 05/01/01 POOL : 0004508 : : POOL STATUS: F WEIGHTED AVERAGES FROM TO -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURR NOTE RATE 9.5200 8.5000 11.0000 RFC NET RATE 9.2448 8.2500 10.7500 NET MTG RATE(INVSTR RATE) 9.1948 8.2000 10.7000 POST STRIP RATE 9.1948 8.2000 10.7000 SUB SERV FEE .2752 .2500 .5000 MSTR SERV FEE .0500 .0500 .0500 ALL EXP .0000 .0000 .0000 MISC EXP .0000 .0000 .0000 SPREAD .0000 .0000 .0000 STRIP .0000 .0000 .0000
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TOTAL BALANCE. 12,465,437.36 RUN ON : 12/21/00 RFC DISCLOSURE SYSTEM RFFSDARM-01 AT : 09.15.57 INITIAL SECURITY FEES AMORTIZED BALANCE SERIES : RAMP 2000-RS4 MULT ARM SUMMARY REPORT CUTOFF : 12/01/00 POOL : 0004477 : : POOL STATUS: F WEIGHTED AVERAGES FROM TO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURR NOTE RATE 8.1632 7.5000 9.0900 RFC NET RATE 7.9382 7.2750 8.8650 NET MTG RATE(INVSTR RATE) 7.7482 7.0850 8.6750 POST STRIP RATE 7.7482 7.0850 8.6750 SUB SERV FEE .2250 .2250 .2250 MSTR SERV FEE .0500 .0500 .0500 ALL EXP .0000 .0000 .0000 MISC EXP .1400 .1400 .1400 SPREAD .0000 .0000 .0000 STRIP .0000 .0000 .0000 RFC NET CEILING(MX RFC NET RT) .0000 .0000 .0000 MAX NET MTG RT(MAX INV RT) -.1900 -.1900 -.1900 MAX POST STRIP RATE -.1900 -.1900 -.1900 INV RATE MARGIN -.1900 -.1900 -.1900 POST STRIP MARGIN -.1900 -.1900 -.1900
TOTAL BALANCE. 27,712,406.01 *************************** * END OF REPORT * *************************** 1 RUN ON : 05/24/01 RFC DISCLOSURE SYSTEM RFFSD177-01 AT : 14.31.12 FIXED RATE LOAN LISTING AMORTIZED BALANCE SERIES : RAMP 2001-RZ2 CUTOFF : 05/01/01 POOL : 0004508 : : POOL STATUS: F RFC LOAN # S/S CODE PMT TYPE ORIGINAL BAL LOAN FEATURE ORIG TERM PRINCIPAL BAL # OF UNITS ORIG RATE ORIGINAL P+I LTV CURR NET CURRENT P+I CITY STATE ZIP LOAN PURP NOTE DATE MI CO CODE SERVICER LOAN # PROP TYPE 1ST PMT DATE MI CVG SELLER LOAN # OCCP CODE MATURITY DATE INVESTOR LOAN # ______________________________________________________________________________ 3533702 E22/G01 F 374,500.00 ZZ 360 372,934.64 1 10.500 3,425.70 106 10.250 3,425.70 XXXXXXXXXX XX 00000 1 06/19/00 23 0411999543 03 08/01/00 0 0411999543 O 07/01/30 0 3598550 526/G01 F 280,000.00 ZZ 360 278,779.69 1 10.250 2,509.08 100 10.000 2,509.08 XXXXXX XX 00000 1 06/30/00 23 0432167773 05 08/01/00 0 0412998 O 07/01/30 0 3813824 664/G01 F 282,250.00 ZZ 360 281,192.10 1 9.500 2,373.32 103 9.250 2,373.32 XXXXXXX XX 00000 1 09/23/00 23 0432725042 03 11/01/00 0 0003596079 O 10/01/30 0 3912939 T24/G01 F 400,000.00 ZZ 360 398,763.01 1 10.125 3,547.29 100 9.875 3,547.29 XXXXXXX XX 00000 1 09/22/00 23 0432693331 09 11/01/00 0 1 09761849 O 10/01/30 0 3923151 664/G01 F 353,100.00 ZZ 360 352,143.00 1 10.000 3,098.71 107 9.750 3,098.71 COVINA XX 00000 1 10/27/00 23 0432653749 05 12/01/00 0 0003440419 O 11/01/30 0 3972208 808/G01 F 387,100.00 ZZ 360 385,589.36 1 10.000 3,397.08 103 9.750 3,397.08 XXXXXX XXXXX XX XX 00000 1 10/13/00 23 0432421642 05 12/01/00 0 9316372 O 11/01/30 0 3987118 147/G01 F 388,500.00 ZZ 360 387,578.13 2 10.625 3,590.12 105 10.375 3,590.12 XXXXXX XX 00000 1 10/16/00 23 0432411353 05 12/01/00 0 10389881 O 11/01/30 0 4022701 E22/G01 F 277,500.00 ZZ 360 276,874.25 1 10.000 2,435.26 106 9.750 2,435.26 XXXXXXXXXX XX 00000 1 11/21/00 23 0412210882 05 01/01/01 0 0412210882 O 12/01/30 0 4033795 E86/G01 F 360,400.00 ZZ 360 356,337.80 1 9.875 3,129.53 107 9.625 3,129.53 XXXX XXXXXXX XX 00000 1 12/08/00 23 0432568160 05 02/01/01 0 0000085673 O 01/01/31 0 4062838 700/G01 F 300,000.00 ZZ 360 299,711.41 1 9.625 2,549.97 100 9.375 2,549.97 XXXXXXXX XX 00000 1 02/15/01 23 0432676740 05 04/01/01 0 00254319 O 03/01/31 0 4069614 664/G01 F 299,000.00 ZZ 360 298,404.67 1 9.500 2,514.16 100 9.250 2,514.16 XXXXXXX XX 00000 1 12/08/00 23 0432638708 05 02/01/01 0 0003690955 O 01/01/31 0 4072986 T24/G01 F 388,000.00 ZZ 360 387,024.73 1 10.12...
TOTAL BALANCE. 9,346,672.82 *************************** * END OF REPORT * *************************** RUN ON : 06/18/02 RFC DISCLOSURE SYSTEM RFFSD175-01 AT : 14.21.46 NONFIXED RATE LOAN LISTING AMORTIZED BALANCE SERIES : MULTIPLE POOLS CUTOFF : 06/01/02 POOL : 0004594 0004595 0004596 0004597 : : POOL STATUS: RFC LOAN # ORIG RATE ORIGINAL BAL MAX NEG AM MORTGAGOR NAME CURR RATE PRINCIPAL BAL LN FEATURE CURR NET ORIGINAL P+I # OF UNITS NOTE CEILING CURRENT P+I LTV CITY STATE ZIP NET CEILING NOTE DATE SERVICER LOAN # NOTE FLOOR 1ST PMT DT MI CO CODE SELLER LOAN # NET FLOOR MATURITY DT MI CVG INVSTR LOAN # GROSS MARGIN 1ST INTCHGDT NXT INTCHGDT S/S CODE NET MARGIN 1ST PMTCHGDT NXT PMTCHGDT INT CHG PRIOR DAYS 1ST YR FLR PMT CAP INCR PMT CAP DECR PMT TYPE 1ST YR CEIL INT FREQ MOS PMT FREQ MOS ORIG TERM ADJ INDEX PERIOD INCR PERIOD DECR NOTE LF INCR RND NOTE TYPE RND NOTE METH RND NOTE FCTR NET LF INCR RND NET TYPE RND NET METH RND NET FCTR NOTE LF DECR LOAN PURP CNVRT CODE FROM WINDOW NET LF DECR PROP TYPE CNVT INDEX TO WINDOW OCCP CODE CNVT MARGIN ______________________________________________________________________________ 1182898 6.0000 50,000.00 100 6.0000 31,100.18 ZZ 5.6250 353.90 1 13.1250 248.55 75 SARONA WI 00000 00.0000 10/21/88 312203953 .0000 12/01/88 00 364319 .0000 11/01/18 0 0 2.5000 05/01/89 11/01/02 447/M32 2.1250 06/01/89 12/01/02 45 .0000 .0000 .0000 A .0000 6 6 360 7 1.0000 1.0000 5.5000 S N .1250 5.5000 S N .1250 .0000 1 00 00/00/00 .0000 05 0 00/00/00 O .0000 1188533 6.2500 144,000.00 100 6.2500 115,544.70 ZZ 5.8750 1,031.64 1 13.2500 928.68 80 NOLENSVILLE TN 00000 00.0000 02/17/89 8004848 .0000 04/01/89 00 0003820805 .0000 03/01/19 0 0 2.5000 09/01/89 09/01/02 1 217/976 2.1250 10/01/89 10/01/02 45 .0000 .0000 .0000 A .0000 6 6 360 7 1.0000 1.0000 5.5000 S N .1250 5.5000 S N .1250 .0000 1 00 00/00/00 .0000 05 0 00/00/00 O .0000
TOTAL BALANCE. 3,897,696.06 RUN ON : 06/18/02 RFC DISCLOSURE SYSTEM RFFSDARM-01 AT : 14.30.19 INITIAL SECURITY FEES AMORTIZED BALANCE SERIES : MULTIPLE POOLS ARM SUMMARY REPORT CUTOFF : 06/01/02 POOL : 0004594 0004595 0004596 0004597 : : POOL STATUS: WEIGHTED AVERAGES FROM TO -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURR NOTE RATE 5.2905 4.4050 7.3750 RFC NET RATE 4.8817 4.0300 6.7500 NET MTG RATE(INVSTR RATE) 4.8317 3.9800 6.7000 POST STRIP RATE 4.8317 3.9800 6.7000 SUB SERV FEE .4088 .3750 .6250 MSTR SERV FEE .0500 .0500 .0500 ALL EXP .0000 .0000 .0000 MISC EXP .0000 .0000 .0000 SPREAD .0000 .0000 .0000 STRIP .0000 .0000 .0000 RFC NET CEILING(MX RFC NET RT) 14.4875 12.6250 17.1250 MAX NET MTG RT(MAX INV RT) 14.4375 12.5750 17.0750 MAX POST STRIP RATE 14.4375 12.5750 17.0750 INV RATE MARGIN 2.2440 2.0750 2.5750 POST STRIP MARGIN 2.2440 2.0750 2.5750 TOTAL NUMBER OF LOANS: 52 TOTAL BALANCE........: 3,897,696.06 *************************** * END OF REPORT * *************************** 1 RUN ON : 06/18/02 RFC DISCLOSURE SYSTEM RFFSD175-01 AT : 14.30.19 NONFIXED RATE LOAN LISTING AMORTIZED BALANCE SERIES : MULTIPLE POOLS CUTOFF : 06/01/02 POOL : 0004594 0004595 0004596 0004597 : : POOL STATUS: RFC LOAN # ORIG RATE ORIGINAL BAL MAX NEG AM MORTGAGOR NAME CURR RATE PRINCIPAL BAL LN FEATURE CURR NET ORIGINAL P+I # OF UNITS NOTE CEILING CURRENT P+I LTV CITY STATE ZIP NET CEILING NOTE DATE SERVICER LOAN # NOTE FLOOR 1ST PMT DT MI CO CODE SELLER LOAN # NET FLOOR MATURITY DT MI CVG INVSTR LOAN # GROSS MARGIN 1ST INTCHGDT NXT INTCHGDT S/S CODE NET MARGIN 1ST PMTCHGDT NXT PMTCHGDT INT CHG PRIOR DAYS 1ST YR FLR PMT CAP INCR PMT CAP DECR PMT TYPE 1ST YR CEIL INT FREQ MOS PMT FREQ MOS ORIG TERM ADJ INDEX PERIOD INCR PERIOD DECR NOTE LF INCR RND NOTE TYPE RND NOTE METH RND NOTE FCTR NET LF INCR RND NET TYPE RND NET METH RND NET FCTR NOTE LF DECR LOAN PURP CNVRT CODE FROM WINDOW NET LF DECR PROP TYPE CNVT INDEX TO WINDOW OCCP CODE CNVT MARGIN ______________________________________________________________________________ 1192318 6.8750 204,000.00 100 6.8750 140,485.83 ZZ 6.5000 1,771.44 1 13.8750 1,166.50 80 SAN JOSE CA 00000 00.0000 06/05/89 0656939 .0000 08/01/89 00 1692755 .0000 07/01/19 0 0 2.7500 01/01/90 07/01/02 372/G48 2.3750 02/01/90 08/01/02 45 .0000 .0000 .0000 A .0000 6 6 360 T 1.0000 1.0000 4.0000 S N .1250 4.7500 S N .1250 .0000 1 00 00/00/00 .0000 05 0 00/00/00 O .0000 1194916 7.3750 404,000.00 100 7.3750 328,314.79 ZZ 6.7500 2,859.49 1 14.1...
TOTAL BALANCE. 600,000,501.91


  • Principal Balance Each Receivable had a remaining Principal Balance as of the Cutoff Date of not less than $500.

  • Remaining Principal Balance At the Cutoff Date the Principal Balance of each Receivable set forth in the Schedule of Receivables is true and accurate in all material respects.

  • Original Class B Principal Balance The Original Class B Principal Balance is $5,261,866.96.

  • Outstanding Principal Balance Each Receivable has an outstanding principal balance of at least $500.

  • Cut-Off Date Aggregate Principal Balance The Cut-Off Date Aggregate Principal Balance is $229,365,447.09.

  • Minimum Balance Xxxxxxxx agrees to maintain a minimum balance of funds in the Settlement Account as Processor may specify to Merchant in writing from time to time.

  • Total Contract Amount The contract total shall not exceed $2,500,000. Pricing shall be per Exhibit E attached.

  • Available Balance Your account’s Available Balance is our most current record of the amount of money in your account that is available for use or withdrawal (subject to the additional limitations and restrictions set forth in this Agreement, including as further explained in the Disclosures and Schedules, including without limitation, “What You Need to Know About Overdraft Protection”; “Electronic Fund Transfers Agreement and Disclosures”; and “Funds Availability Policy”). The account’s Available Balance includes adjustments for factors such as restrictions or holds placed on deposited funds in your account, and restrictions or holds placed on funds in your account as a result of preauthorization holds in connection with the use of your Debit Card. Each of these restrictions and holds affects (reduces) the availability of funds in your account for use or withdrawal, including without limitation, to pay for checks drawn on your account, debits, Debit Card purchases, ACH transactions, ATM withdrawals, fees, and any other withdrawal or payment transactions on your account. We use the account’s Available Balance to authorize your transactions during the day, to pay your transactions in our nightly / daily processing, in determining whether the account has been overdrawn, and in assessing fees in connection with any overdrafts. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU MAY STILL OVERDRAW YOUR ACCOUNT EVEN THOUGH THE ACCOUNT’S AVAILABLE BALANCE APPEARS TO SHOW THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS TO COVER A TRANSACTION THAT YOU WANT TO MAKE. Your account’s Available Balance may not reflect every transaction you have initiated or previously authorized, including without limitation, your outstanding checks, automatic bill payments that you have authorized, authorized automatic withdrawals (such as recurring Debit Card transactions, transfers, and ACH transactions that we have not received for payment or received too close to our nightly/daily processing to include in your account’s Available Balance), the final amounts of Debit Card purchases (e.g., we may authorize a purchase amount prior to a tip you add or a gasoline purchase that exceeds the authorization amount). For example, an outstanding check will not be reflected in your Available Balance until it is presented to us and paid from your account. Your account’s Available Balance also may not reflect recent deposits to your account that are subject to our Funds Availability Policy. Therefore, in order to avoid fees and/or overdrawing your account, it is imperative that you take into account the availability of funds in your account under the terms of this Agreement and keep track of each deposit, use, transaction, and withdrawal (including without limitation, checks drawn on your account, debits, Debit Card purchases, ACH transactions, ATM withdrawals, fees, and any other withdrawal or payment transactions on your account), because you as the account Owner(s) is/are in the best position to know each of the activities occurring (or that have been scheduled and/or authorized to occur) on your account, and therefore, the funds available for use or withdrawal. Even though your account’s Available Balance may not reflect each of these transactions, you must insure that, at all times, your Available Balance is sufficient to pay your authorized transactions. a. Preauthorization Holds. As more fully explained in the Preauthorization Holds paragraph of the “Electronic Fund Transfers Agreement and Disclosures” in the Disclosures and Schedules, when you use your Debit Card at certain merchants, the merchant may request a preauthorization hold from us in an amount that is the exact amount of the transaction, is less than the anticipated transaction amount or in an amount the merchant believes you might spend with them. The preauthorization hold may remain in place on your account for up to three (3) days, even after the transaction has been posted to your account. In some cases, the hold on Debit Card transaction is released prior to the merchant presenting the transaction for payment. When we receive transactions after the hold is released we must pay the merchant. These preauthorization holds affect (reduce) the availability of funds in your account, including without limitation, to pay for checks drawn on your account, debits and Debit Card purchases, ACH transactions, ATM withdrawals, fees, and any other withdrawal or payment transactions on your account. You cannot access funds that are subject to a preauthorization hold since they are not available funds. You must ensure that, at all times, sufficient funds are available (including to cover any preauthorization holds placed on the account) and remain in your account to pay for your Debit Card transactions. An authorization is not an indication or a guarantee that a purchase will not result in additional fees being charged to or debited from your account when the transaction is posted to your account. For example, if a preauthorization occurs, and subsequent transactions are posted to your account before the pending transaction (that was the subject of the preauthorization) is posted, causing the account’s Available Balance to fall below $0, a fee will be assessed when the pending transaction does post to the account (and fees may also be assessed for the additional intervening transaction(s) to the extent they resulted in a negative Available Balance at the time they posted to the account). For example, you purchase gasoline from a merchant and the merchant obtains an authorization for $1 and you purchase $50 in gasoline. When the item is received it is for an amount greater than the authorization. If the amount of the transaction causes the Available Balance to fall below $0, a fee will be assessed.

  • Cash Balance Within two (2) Business Days after the end of each Fiscal Month, Borrower will deliver a certificate reporting to Agent the Cash Balance as of the last day of the Fiscal Month just ended, which certificate shall be executed and certified by a Responsible Officer of the Borrower as true and correct; (d)

  • Net Receivables Balance Seller has determined that, immediately after giving effect to each purchase hereunder, the Net Receivables Balance is at least equal to the sum of (i) the Aggregate Capital, plus (ii) the Aggregate Reserves.

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