Cards 2.1 The Card is a prepaid payment card which may be used to pay for goods and services at participating retailers that accept prepaid Visa cards. The physical card may be used in shops and retail locations where the Cardholder is physically present or for online and other distance purchases. Your Card cannot be used to make cash withdrawals from ATMs and banks. Like any Card, We cannot guarantee that a particular retailer will accept the Card – Cardholders should check with the retailer before attempting the transaction if unsure. The Cardholder will not be able to use the Card to make any purchases from some retailers; such retailers have been blocked by Our systems in order to prevent the potential use of cards for unauthorised or unlawful activity. 2.2 The Card is an electronic money (“e-money”) product, regulated by the Financial Services Commission (“FSC”), Gibraltar. It is a prepaid card not a credit card and is not linked to Your bank account. You must ensure that You have sufficient Available Funds in the Master Wallet for the Cardholder to pay for each purchase or payment using the Card. The Card is intended for use as a means of payment, and funds loaded onto the Card do not constitute a deposit. You will not earn interest on the balance of the Card. The Card will expire on the Expiry Date and will cease to work. Please check clause 8 of this Agreement for further information. 2.3 The electronic money associated with the Card is issued by IDTFS to You. 2.4 When the Cardholder receives the Card, it will be issued in an inactive state. The Cardholder will need to activate it by logging onto Our Website, in Your personal login area (“Online Account Centre”) and then following the login and activation request for the Card prior to use. The Card will normally be ready for use one hour after activation. If the Cardholder does not activate the Card, any transactions that the Cardholder attempts to carry out may be declined.
Cell Phones The College follows the State’s Cell Phone Policy. Employees who receive cell phones from the College shall also abide by this Policy. The College shall provide the Policy to any employee who is given a cell phone. Employees are responsible for the cost of all personal calls. While the College anticipates some incidental personal use of cell phones, it is also expected that such use is infrequent.
Computers All computers, hardware, software, computer upgrades and maintenance in connection therewith shall be at Owner's expense.
Keys Keys with tags attached indicating number and/or description of door or room each key is intended to fit attached to each key shall be delivered to the Owner. Contractor shall prepare and furnish with the keys an itemized key schedule in quintuplicate listing the door or room number and/or description, serial number of key, and number of keys being delivered for each door or lock.
Badges (A) Correctional officers and correctional probation officers shall be issued badges according to the following specifications: (1) Badges issued to correctional officers below the rank of lieutenant shall be silver metal, black lettering and pre-numbered. These badges shall be worn on the officers’ uniforms in a manner consistent with department policy and procedures. (2) Badges issued to correctional officers at the rank of lieutenant and above shall be gold metal, black lettering and pre-numbered. These badges shall be worn on the officers’ uniforms in a manner consistent with department policy and procedures. (3) Badges issued to correctional probation officers shall be police size. These badges shall be carried in badge holders and in accordance with department procedure. (B) Correctional officers are only authorized to wear issued badges with the correctional officer class “A” or “B” uniform, and only while performing official duties, or while in uniform and traveling to or returning from their official duty station. (C) The use of an issued badge as a credential for personal purposes is prohibited. (D) Issued badges are considered state property and, except for retirement under specific conditions or death in the line of duty, are to be returned upon an employee’s termination of employment with the department or removal from a position in the Security Services Unit. Only badges, which are issued by the department, shall be used to conduct officially designated duties. Employees shall be responsible for reimbursing the department for any issued badge which is lost. (E) Correctional officers and correctional probation officers who retire from the department under honorable conditions from the Florida Retirement System upon reaching the appropriate retirement age of 55 or 25 years of continuous service, including retirement under medical disability, shall be authorized to retain their issued badge. (F) The badge of a correctional officer or a correctional probation officer who is killed in the line of duty shall be presented to the employee’s next of kin. (G) Upon request, correctional officers and correctional probation officers who are promoted or transferred to other positions may retain their badge if they are in good standing with the department and pay the cost of the badge.
Games The Private Party shall not be entitled to introduce any arcade type amusement or gaming machines into the Restaurant Facility without the prior written approval of SANParks.
Devices BNY Mellon will restrict the transfer of Customer Data from its network to mass storage devices. BNY Mellon will use a mobile device management system or equivalent tool when mobile computing is used to provide the services. Applications on such authenticated devices will be housed within an encrypted container and BNY Mellon will maintain the ability to remote wipe the contents of the container.
Passwords Passwords are an important aspect of computer security. A poorly chosen password may result in unauthorized access and/or exploitation of Placer County’s resources. All users, including contractors and vendors with access to the County’s systems, are responsible for the creation and protection of passwords and additionally any updates to County Password policies must be followed. Users must not use the same password for Placer County accounts and personal accounts. The reliability of passwords for maintaining confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Always assume that someone, in addition to the intended or designated recipient, may read any and all messages and files. Any user suspecting that his/her password may have been compromised must, without delay, report the incident to Placer County IT. Passwords must never be shared or disclosed. If a password is accidentally exposed or suspected of exposure, the password should be changed immediately. All passwords must be changed on a specified, periodic basis. Default passwords provided by the vendor for access to applications/systems on the network must be changed to unique and secret passwords. Immediately inform the Information Technology Service Desk when user accounts are no longer required or will not be used for a period of 30 days or more. All accounts not used for 90 days will be automatically disabled.
Identification Cards Identification (“ID”) cards are issued by Us for identification purposes only. Possession of any ID card confers no right to services or benefits under this Contract. To be entitled to such services or benefits, Your Premiums must be paid in full at the time that the services are sought to be received.
Recreation Recreation rooms shall be supplied. Smokes and soft drinks shall be available. Outside walls of the above to be completely closed-in cold weather. Sidewalk to be provided between the living quarters, from living quarters to dining rooms and recreation rooms. The above to be Standards for Stationary or Permanent type camps. In the initial construction of the above, the camp construction workers in areas where there are no hotel accommodations, shall construct such housing as is necessary for them (this is not a tent). When bunkhouses are built to the degree that they can be occupied, the camp construction workers shall move into such quarters and their original buildings shall be disposed of or not used for lodging from time to time.