UCF-Teaching Incentive Program. The UCF-Teaching Incentive Program (“UCF- 90 available up to fifty-five UCF-TIP awards to employees. The UCF-TIP award recognizes faculty 91 contributions to UCF’s key goals of offering the best undergraduate education available in Florida and 92 achieving international prominence in key programs of graduate study. Employees applying for TIPs must 93 meet current productivity criteria.
UCF-Teaching Incentive Program. The UCF-Teaching Incentive Program (“UCF-TIP”) rewards teaching productivity and excellence. For the 2009-2010 year the University shall award up to forty (40) new UCF-TIP awards (additional awards may be given as a result of rounding, e.g. a college allocated 5.5 awards would round up to 6 awards) in addition to recycled awards.
UCF-Teaching Incentive Program. The UCF-Teaching Incentive Program (“UCF-TIP”) rewards teaching productivity and excellence. For the 20067-20078 year the University shall award forty (40) new UCF-TIP awards (additional awards may be given as a result of rounding, e.g. a college allocated 5.5 awards would round up to 6 awards) in addition to recycled awards. Teaching productivity eligibility criteria for a UCF-TIP award shall be met if an employee has been the instructor of record for at least one (1) course per academic year for the period of time considered in the award decision process.
UCF-Teaching Incentive Program. The UCF-Teaching Incentive 91 Program (“UCF-TIP”) rewards teaching productivity and excellence. Each academic year 92 the University shall award up to forty (40) new UCF-TIP awards (additional awards may 93 be given as a result of rounding, e.g. a college allocated 5.5 awards would round up to 6 94 awards) in addition to recycled awards.UCF-TIP awards to employees. Additional 95 awards beyond 40 due to rounding will be funded out of the recycled awards. The UCF- 97 undergraduate education available in Florida and achieving international prominence in 98 key programs of graduate study.
UCF-Teaching Incentive Program. The UCF-Teaching Incentive Program (“UCF-TIP”) rewards teaching productivity and excellence. Each academic year, the University shall award up to forty
UCF-Teaching Incentive Program. The UCF-Teaching Incentive Program 100 (“UCF-TIP”) rewards teaching productivity and excellence. Each academic year the 101 University shall make available at least forty new UCF-TIP awards to employees, in 102 addition to recycled awards. Additional awards may be given as a result of rounding (e.g., a 103 college allocated 5.5 awards rounds up to six awards) and to recognize employee 104 contributions to UCF’s key goals of offering the best undergraduate education available in 105 Florida and achieving international prominence in key programs of graduate study. The 106 UCF-TIP award recognizes faculty contributions to UCF’s key goals of offering the best 107 undergraduate available in Florida and achieving international prominence in key programs 108 of graduate study. Employees applying for TIPs must meet at least one of the productivity 109 criteria below and all employees shall be notified of their eligibility (or lack thereof) 110 annually.
(1) Total Credit Hour Productivity (CHP) or total Graduate Hour Productivity