Attendance Incentive Program Sample Clauses
Attendance Incentive Program. In January of the year following any year in which a minimum of sixty (60) days of leave for illness or injury is accrued, and each January thereafter, any eligible employee may exercise an option to receive remuneration for unused leave for illness or injury accumulated in the previous year at a rate equal to one (1) day of monetary compensation of the employee for each four (4) full days of accrued leave for illness or injury in excess of sixty (60) days. Leave for illness or injury for which compensation has been received shall be deducted from accrued leave for illness or injury at the rate of four (4) days for every one (1) day of monetary compensation; provided, however, no employee shall receive compensation under this section for any portion of leave for illness or injury accumulated at a rate in excess of one (1) day per month. At the time of separation from school district employment due to retirement or death an eligible employee or the employee's estate shall receive remuneration at a rate equal to one (1) day of current monetary compensation of the employee for each four (4) full days accrued leave for illness or injury. The provisions of this section shall be administered in accordance with state law and applicable state rules and regulations. Should the legislature revoke any benefits granted under this section, no affected employee shall be entitled thereafter to receive such benefits as matter of contractual right.
Attendance Incentive Program. In January of the year following any year in which a minimum of sixty (60) days of illness, injury, bereavement, and emergency leave is accrued in accordance with Section 5.2 above, any eligible employee upon written request may receive remuneration for compensable unused illness, injury, bereavement, and emergency leave accumulated in the previous year at a rate equal to one day's current monetary compensation of the employee for each four (4) full days of such accrued leave in excess of sixty (60) days. At the time of retirement from state service or at death, an eligible employee shall receive remuneration at a rate equal to one (1) day's current monetary compensation of the employee for each four (4) full days of such accrued leave. Deposit of such monetary compensation into a VEBA (Voluntary Employee Benefit Association) trust account to be used for medical expenses has been authorized by the State Legislature and the District's Board of Trustees. Procedures for administration of VEBA accounts will be addressed by the Agreement Management Committee. Illness, injury, bereavement, and emergency leave for which compensation has been received shall be deducted from such accrued leave at the rate of four (4) days for each one (1) day's pay. Payments received for unused illness, injury, bereavement, and emergency leave shall not be included for the purpose of computing a retirement allowance under any public retirement system. Payment under this section shall be only for those days defined as "compensable" in Section 5.2 above. For purposes of leave calculations and compensation in this section, accumulated illness, injury, bereavement, and emergency leave days taken will be first deducted from accumulated compensable days, and the sixty (60) day minimum accrual must be for compensable days. Eligibility requirements for retirement buyout of accrued compensable leave shall be as follows:
Attendance Incentive Program. Employees shall receive compensation for eligible accumulated illness, injury, emergency leave, as well as unused personal leave, as an employee incentive program in accordance with the conditions contained in Appendix E set forth in this Agreement.
Attendance Incentive Program. In January of the year following any year in which a minimum of sixty (60) days of leave for illness or injury is accrued, and each January thereafter, any eligible employee may exercise an option to receive remuneration of unused leave for illness or injury accumulated in the previous year at the rate equal to one (1) day's compensation of the employee for each four (4) full days of accrued leave for illness or injury in excess of sixty (60) days. Leave for illness or injury for which compensation has been received shall be deducted from accrued leave for illness or injury at the rate of four (4) days for every one (1) day's compensation, PROVIDED that no employee may receive compensation under this section for any portion of leave for illness or injury accumulated at a rate in excess of one day per month.
Attendance Incentive Program. A. A teacher who uses no paid days of absence during the school year will receive, following the close of said school year, a stipend in the amount of three hundred dollars ($300). Stipends to be awarded under this section shall be included in the payroll check normally scheduled following the last day of school. In any one year, the unused days shall accumulate. The absence calculation will be applied at the end of each school year. At the start of each school year, a teacher will have their previously accumulated days, up to the maximum, and the additional eighteen (18) days for the new school year. For a teacher who begins employment after the start of the school year the eighteen (18) day absence entitlement will be prorated for the remainder of the current school year. The maximum accumulated days of absence for the purpose of this incentive shall be one hundred eighty (180) days.
B. Any accumulated unused sick leave days over one hundred eighty (180) will be bought by the School Corporation at the rate of forty-three dollars ($43) per day. These amounts will be contributed on behalf of the teacher into the VEBA plan by August 1.
C. For the purposes of this section, a teacher receiving contributions into the VEBA plan is considered vested without further service requirements. Consequently, if a teacher ceases to be employed by BCSC, the teacher is entitled to benefits in the VEBA plan as of that date.
D. At retirement (as defined by Article V, Section 2A), a teacher shall receive eleven dollars and twelve cents ($11.12) per day up to a maximum of one hundred eighty (180) accumulated unused sick and personal leave days. This amount shall be included in the payroll check normally scheduled following the last day of school and shall be calculated into the teacher’s final average salary for purposes of INPRS. If a teacher who is eligible to retire from BCSC according to Article V, Section 2A passes, the teacher is considered vested for the eleven dollars and twelve cents ($11.12) per day for each day up to one hundred eighty (180) accumulated sick and personal leave days.
E. The administrator of the VEBA plan cannot be changed without mutual agreement by the Association and the School Corporation.
Attendance Incentive Program. A. The number of accumulated sick leave days will be established at the end of the school year for the ensuing school year. Members will receive written notice of their accumulation at the end of each year on their pay check stub.
1) A member who accumulated thirty (30) or more sick days will be entitled to one (1) incentive day for the year.
2) A member who accumulated fifty-five (55) or more days will be entitled to two (2) incentive days for the year.
3) A member who accumulated eighty (80) or more days will be entitled to three (3) incentive days for the year.
B. An incentive day may be used without specification. Application must be made at least five (5) days prior to the day of leave except in cases of emergency. All incentive days used will be deducted from the member's sick bank.
C. Not more than ten (10) members will be excused under this Section on any given day District-wide. Priority will be established by order of receipt of the request in the Human Resource Office.
Attendance Incentive Program. Each January, any employee who at the end of the immediately previous calendar year shall have accumulated in excess of sixty (60) days of unused sick leave may elect to convert unused sick leave earned the previous year in excess of sixty days to monetary compensation at the rate of 25% of the employee's current, full-time daily rate of compensation for each full day of eligible sick leave. Any such election shall be made by written notice to the Superintendent during the month of January. Any such annual conversion of accumulated sick leave shall be subject to the terms and limitations of state law. Employees who separate from employment and who are eligible for sick leave conversion under state law may elect (personally or through their personal representative as appropriate) to convert all eligible, accumulated, unused illness, injury or emergency leave to monetary compensation. Such requests shall be made in writing to the Superintendent. The District will provide the due monetary compensation as soon as practicable.
Attendance Incentive Program. A. Any teacher who has perfect attendance during any given nine-week grading period will earn a stipend of $100 per nine-weeks, with a maximum of $400 being allowed to be earned during any given school year. One stipend for the school year (totaling together each nine-weeks stipend that was earned) will be paid on the first payroll date of June after the completion of the school year.
B. Perfect Attendance will be defined as “no absences for any reason”. Absences that would count against the Perfect Attendance record would include: personal days, sick days, bereavement days, family illness days. Absences that would NOT count against the Perfect Attendance record would include: approved Corporation Business (i.e. field trips etc.), Jury Duty and approved Professional Leave.
Attendance Incentive Program. 1. The following Attendance Incentive Program will be in effect and reviewed at the conclusion of this Agreement to evaluate improvement in attendance.
2. The number of accumulative sick leave days will be established at the end of the school year for the ensuing school year. Individuals will receive written notice of their accumulation at the beginning of each year.
a. Forty (40) days: A teacher who has accumulated forty (40) or more sick leave days will be entitled to exchange one (1) business leave day for one (1) personal leave day resulting in three (3) personal leave days.
Attendance Incentive Program. The number of accumulated sick leave days (days converted into hours) will be estimated at the end of the school year for the ensuing school year. Employees may access and view official accumulation at the end of each year (June 30) via their AESOP account.
1. A paraeducator who has accumulated THIRTY (30) or more sick leave days will be entitled to one (1) incentive day for the year.
2. A paraeducator who has accumulated FIFTY-FIVE (55) or more sick leave days will be entitled to two (2) incentive days for the year.
3. A paraeducator who has accumulated EIGHTY (80) or more sick leave days will be entitled to three (3) incentive days for the year.
4. A paraeducator who has accumulated ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE (105) or more sick leave days will be entitled to four (4) incentive days for the year.
5. The maximum number of incentive days that can be used on any one day will be ten (10). These days will be allocated in order of receipt of request by the Department of Human Resources. The incentive day may be used without specification and must be used in the year in which it is earned. Application must be made at least five (5) days prior to the day of leave except in cases of emergency. All incentive days used will be deducted from the member’s sick bank.