UNE COMBINATIONS. 53.1. CLEC may order UNEs either individually or in the combinations, including EEL as specifically set forth in this Section of the Agreement.
UNE COMBINATIONS. 78.1 Subject to Applicable Law and the terms and conditions in this Section, CenturyLink will make available to CLEC Enhanced Extended Links (EELs) and other forms of UNE Combinations. 78.2 General Terms and Conditions 78.2.1 Upon CLEC’s request, and subject to Section 78.2.3, CenturyLink will provide UNEs in a manner that allows CLEC to combine such Unbundled Network Elements in order to provide a Telecommunications Service to its End Users.
UNE COMBINATIONS. Any UNE Combinations provided under the Agreement that might include UNE Analog Loop are also treated as UNE Analog Loops under this Agreement.
UNE COMBINATIONS. 71.1 Subject to Applicable Law and the terms and conditions in this Section, Brightspeed will make available to CLEC EELs and other forms of UNE Combinations.
UNE COMBINATIONS. CLEC acknowledges that this Agreement (at CLEC’s request) does not provide any provisions for CLEC to order UNE combinations (including EELs) from CenturyLink, and CLEC will not order any combination of UNEs unless and until the Parties have executed a written amendment to this Agreement setting forth terms and conditions governing such services.
UNE COMBINATIONS. 52.1. AT&T may order UNEs either individually or in the combinations, including EEL as specifically set forth in this Section of the Agreement.
UNE COMBINATIONS. 54.1. NuVox may order UNEs either individually or in the combinations, including EEL as specifically set forth in this Section of the Agreement.
UNE COMBINATIONS. Enhanced Extended Loop (EEL)
UNE COMBINATIONS. 48.1. CLEC may order UNEs either individually or in the combinations, including EEL as specifically set forth in this Section of the Agreement. 2.1. Sprint will allow CLEC to order each UNE individually in order to permit CLEC to combine UNEs with other UNEs obtained from Sprint as provided for in this Agreement, or with network components provided by itself or by third parties to provide Telecommunications Services to its end users, if the requested combination is technically feasible and would not impair the ability of other carriers to obtain access to other unbundled network elements or to interconnect with Sprint’s network or in combination with any other Network Elements that are currently combined in Sprint’s Network. Upon request, Sprint will perform the functions necessary to combine UNEs, even if those elements are not ordinarily combined in Sprint’s network, if the requested combination is technically feasible and would not impair the ability of other carriers to obtain access to other unbundled network elements or to interconnect with Sprint’s network. To the extent the elements are not ordinarily combined in Sprint’s network and the costs of work performed to combine the requested UNEs are not recovered in the unbundled loop rates in accordance with Table One, Sprint will provide a price quote of the actual costs of the combination to the CLEC. If accepted, CLEC will compensate Sprint the costs of work performed to combine the elements. 48.2.2. CLEC may Commingle an unbundled network element or combination of UNEs with access services purchased from Sprint. Upon request, Sprint will perform the work necessary to Commingle such UNE or UNE combinations with wholesale services purchased from Sprint. CLEC will compensate Sprint the costs of work performed to Commingle UNEs or UNE combinations with wholesale services. Each component of the commingled facility, either UNE or access service, will be billed at the UNE or access service rate for that component, plus applicable non-recurring charges, in accordance with the rates in Table One or the applicable Tariff. Sprint will not ratchet price individual components; that is, Sprint will not reflect a combination of UNE and access rates for the same component. Access service rates will be per the appropriate tariff. Sprint will provide CLEC access to EEL as provided in this Agreement. Any request by CLEC for Sprint to provide combined UNEs that are not otherwise specifically provided for under this Ag...
UNE COMBINATIONS. 52.1. Level 3 may order UNEs either individually or in the combinations, including EELs as specifically set forth in this Section of the Agreement.