Uniform Municipal Election. SOE will be responsible for delivery and pick-up of vote processing equipment. Election equipment will be delivered by SOE, or a third-party representative of SOE, on an agreed upon date, up to eight (8) days prior to the election. SOE, or a third-party representative of SOE, will pick up voting equipment on an agreed upon date. SOE shall have full discretion and authority to hire and employ any outside third parties to assist with or perform delivery and pick up of voting equipment (Exhibit “A”).
Uniform Municipal Election. SOE shall prepare, proof and deliver sample ballot layout to third-party vendor for distribution to registered voters. MUNICIPALITY shall review the sample ballot(s) and confirm the accuracy of the election date, office, candidate name(s) (including the order of appearance on the ballot), polling locations, polling places and all other information contained therein. SOE shall coordinate the mailing of the sample ballots to all registered voters in the municipality prior to the election, including accurate polling place information.
Uniform Municipal Election. SOE shall place an order for sufficient quantity of Election Day ballots with a third-party printer as selected exclusively by SOE. MUNICIPALITY shall reimburse SOE for payment to printer if the MUNICIPALITY’s races cause the ballot to add an additional page, in which case MUNICIPALITY shall be responsible for the costs of the additional page. MUNICIPALITY shall pay SOE a per-ballot fee for each Vote-By-Mail ballot printed that is not otherwise being printed by SOE for the Election(s), including any additional pages required for MUNICIPLITY’S races or questions. MUNICIPALITY shall furnish, immediately upon the conclusion of the qualifying period, all ballot information in English. SOE agrees to provide, at MUNICIPALITY’s cost and expense, translation of MUNICIPALITY’s ballot language from English to Spanish, including the name of the candidates as they are to appear on the ballot, the name of MUNICIPALITY, the name of the election, the title of office or referendum title, explanation, and questions, in accordance with Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act, as well as Creole translations for the ExpressVote machine. SOE agrees to provide the layout of the ballot(s) based on the information furnished by MUNICIPALITY and deliver ballot layout to the approved printer. Both SOE and MUNICIPALITY must approve the ballot proof(s). Once test ballots are received from the printer, SOE will test all vote processing equipment in accordance with the standards established by the Florida Division of Elections and any applicable Florida Statutes. Upon receipt of the printed ballots from the printer, SOE shall receive, securely store and account for all ballots until disbursed to poll workers. SOE shall also control and limit all access to un-voted ballots while in possession of SOE.
Uniform Municipal Election. SOE shall schedule and coordinate the date on which the Canvassing Board is to assemble to canvass the results of the election. SOE shall notice and advertise, as needed, the dates of any canvassing board meetings. If a municipality does not use the County Canvassing Board, it shall direct its Canvassing Board Members to convene on such date and time and notice and advertise as necessary. SOE or MUNICIPALITY (as applicable) shall convene the Canvassing Board to determine voter intent and which voted
Uniform Municipal Election. SOE shall pay poll workers directly for their services.
Uniform Municipal Election. SOE shall prepare and arrange for publication of all legal advertising required by state and federal statutes in both English and Spanish and SOE shall be responsible for obtaining the accurate and complete translation of any such advertising. If additional advertisements are required by the MUNICIPALITY’S charter, ordinance(s) or resolution(s), MUNICIPALITY shall be responsible for preparing and arranging for publication of all such legal advertising which is not already satisfied under state and federal statutes. MUNICIPALITY shall be responsible for the accurate and complete translation of any such advertisements.
Uniform Municipal Election. MUNICIPALITY shall review the sample ballot(s) and confirm the accuracy of the election date, office, candidate name(s), polling locations, polling places and all other information contained therein. At MUNICIPALITY’S option and expense, SOE shall coordinate the mailing of the sample ballots to all registered voters in the municipality prior to the election.
Uniform Municipal Election. SOE shall place an order for sufficient quantity of Election Day ballots with a third-party printer as selected exclusively by SOE. MUNICIPALITY shall furnish, immediately upon the conclusion of the qualifying period, all ballot information in English, including the name of the candidates as they are to appear on the ballot, the name of the Municipality, the name of the election, the title of office or referendum title, explanation, and questions. SOE agrees to provide the layout of the ballot(s) based on the information furnished by MUNICIPALITY and deliver ballot layout to the approved printer. Both SOE and MUNICIPALITY must sign off on ballot proof(s). SOE will provide all necessary translations of ballots, in accordance with Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act, as well as Creole translations for the ExpressVote machine. MUNICIPALITY shall be responsible for all translation costs. The SOE will be responsible for ordering test ballots. Once test ballots are received from the printer, SOE will test all vote processing equipment in accordance with the standards established by the Florida Division of Elections and any applicable Florida Statutes. Upon receipt of the printed ballots from the printer, SOE shall receive, securely store, and account for all ballots until disbursed to poll workers. SOE shall also control and limit all access to un-voted ballots while in possession of SOE.
Uniform Municipal Election. MUNICIPALITY shall pay poll workers directly for their services.
Uniform Municipal Election. MUNICIPALITY shall prepare and arrange for publication of all legal advertising required by state and federal statutes, city charter and city ordinances. MUNICIPALITY agrees that all advertisements of elections conducted in Palm Beach County shall be published in both English and Spanish and that MUNICIPALITY shall be responsible for the accurate and complete translation of any such notices. SOE shall, if available, provide samples of required advertising upon request.