POLLING PLACES. 24. Some County polling places may be owned or operated by other public entities subject to title II or by public accommodations subject to title III and therefore they must provide program access or remove barriers to accessibility under the ADA. This Agreement does not limit future enforcement action against the owners or operators of these polling places. 25. Before designating any new polling place, the County will survey the polling place using the survey instrument at Attachment F to determine whether it has barriers to access by people with disabilities in the parking, exterior route to the entrance, entrance, interior route to the voting area, or voting area. If the County finds any barriers, the County will not use the polling place until all barriers have been remedied. 26. The United States surveyed some of the County’s polling places. Barriers to access at polling places owned by the County and the dates by which the County will remove barriers are listed in Attachments I, J, and K. 27. Barriers to access at surveyed polling places not owned by the County are listed in Attachment E. Within one (1) month of the effective date of this Agreement, the County will request in writing that each of the polling place owners and operators listed in Attachment E remove the listed barriers for people with disabilities within nine (9) months of the effective date of this Agreement. The County will provide a copy of the Department of Justice’s ADA Checklist for Polling Places (xxx.xxx.xxx/xxxxxxxx.xxx) with its written requests. The County will simultaneously send courtesy copies of the requests to the United States. 28. Within one (1) year of the effective date of this Agreement, the XXX hired by the County will survey all facilities listed in Attachment E to determine whether the listed barriers have been removed. If each listed barrier has not been removed, then, for that polling place, the County will identify within eighteen (18) months of the effective date of this Agreement an alternate fully accessible polling place; and comply with paragraph 25 in doing so. The County will immediately change its polling place to the alternative location. The County will remove barriers at each polling place identified in Attachment E or substitute an alternative accessible polling place before the next election occurring eighteen (18) months or later after the effective date of this Agreement. 29. Within six (6) months of the effective date of this Agreement, using ...
POLLING PLACES. CCED will designate and arrange for the polling places and vote centers. (This includes reserving each site and mailing an agreement to each location.)
POLLING PLACES. Some of the County polling places may be owned or operated by other public entities subject to title II or by public accommodations subject to title III and, as such, would be subject to the obligation to provide program access or to remove barriers to accessibility under the ADA. This Agreement does not limit such future enforcement action against the owners or operators of these polling places by any person or entity, including the Department.
POLLING PLACES. The County will enter into lease agreements for polling places, including temporary branch polling locations, to effect this contract. Participating Entities agree to reimburse the County for expenses associated with any lease agreements for polling places, pursuant to Section 6.04.
POLLING PLACES. The Administrator will arrange for election day polling places, and the hours and location of early voting polling places, including temporary branch polling places. The Administrator will arrange for the physical preparation of each polling place, including tables, chairs, and voting booths.
POLLING PLACES. 8. Within one year from the effective date of this agreement the Country shall modify to comply with the Standards, the elements specified in item #25 of this Agreement for the Voters Registration Building. Additionally the County will survey and modify as appropriate, the eight polling locations indicated on Attachment A that are designated as "accessible" by the County. Temporary modifications are acceptable for polling locations as long as they comply with the Standards. The County may also provide access via an established absentee ballot procedure. 9. The County agrees to provide the option of mail ballots or absentee ballots to persons with disabilities, in accordance with South Carolina law, provided that the ballots are accepted up to and including the day of the election. 10. On August 1, 2000, the County began operating a new E911 system equipped with three TTY capable computers. The E911 system is located in newly constructed facilities adjacent to the Law Enforcement Building.
POLLING PLACES. The City recognizes that the facilities that it uses to hold City elections are not readily accessible to and usable by persons with mobility impairments. Of the City’s 13 schools used as polling locations, the following 5 were visited during the onsite: Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx. Of these, only the Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx School is readily accessible to and usable by persons with mobility impairments. Schools are also subject to the obligation to remove barriers to accessibility under Title II and thus could be subject to an independent federal compliance review. This agreement does not limit such future enforcement action by any person or entity.
POLLING PLACES a) The Elections Administrator will select and arrange for the use of and payment for all of the early voting polling places listed in “Attachment B” and the Election Day Vote Centers listed in “Attachment C” subject to the approval of each Participating Political Subdivision. Polling locations identified in Attachments “B” and “C” cannot be changed by a Participating Political Subdivision, but the Elections Administrator may consider changes requested by a Participating Political Subdivision. The Elections Administrator will finalize the polling places as soon as possible before this joint election. b) Whenever possible, County-established Vote Centers will be used in this Joint Election; however, the Participating Political Subdivisions acknowledge that sometimes previously used polling places are not available or appropriate for every election. Accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act is an important consideration for all polling places in this Joint Election. c) In accordance with Section 43.007(o) of the Texas Election Code, the Elections Administrator will post a notice at each countywide voting center of the four nearest countywide voting center locations by driving distance. The Participating Political Subdivisions shall be responsible for any notices required under Section 43.062 of the Texas Election Code.
POLLING PLACES. CCED will designate and enter into lease agreements with the required number of polling places and vote centers to conduct the election. (This includes reserving each site and executing a Polling Place Agreements with each location.)
POLLING PLACES. 14. Within 180 days of the effective date of this Agreement, the City will insure that all polling sites are accessible and in compliance with the Standards.