UTILITIES & APPLIANCES. The Owner shall provide for or pay for the utilities and appliances as indicated below by "O" without any additional charge to Tenant. The Tenant shall provide or pay for the utilities and appliances as indicated by "T". ITEM PROVIDED BY PAID BY ITEM PROVIDED BY PAID BY HEATING NATURAL GAS O T WATER HEATING NATURAL GAS O T BOTTLED GAS OIL/ELECTRIC COAL/OTHER BOTTLED GAS OIL/ELECTRIC COAL/OTHER COOKING NATURAL GAS O T OTHER ELECTRIC T BOTTLED GAS OIL/ELECTRIC COAL/OTHER TRASH O T REFRIGERATOR O T MICROWAVE O T DRIVEWAY PLOWING O O WATER/SEWER O T LAWN CARE O O SHOVELING T T AIR CONDITIONING T T Tenant shall not waste utilities provided by the Owner. Below lists all other responsibilities to be assumed by either party: VOID • If you are renting an apartment: Water & sewer will be charged at a flat rate of $20.00 per bedroom. This amount is added to your monthly rent. Trash will be charged at a flat rate of $15.00 per bedroom. • If you are residing in a single family home: your water xxxx will be sent to you directly, and must be paid to The Burlington Water Department. You must contract directly with a trash removal entity. Washers & Dryers are Outdoor pools/trampolines are not Not X allowed on property. allowed on the property. SMOKING in the apartment is not allowed X Smoking is NOT allowed in the apartment, the following applies to all people: Smoking is prohibited anywhere in your unit; building; including common areas; and within 50 feet of the premises. Smoking includes traditional cigarette, e-cigarette, vaping systems, and marijuana. You are responsible for ensuring that your family members; roommates; guests and invitees also comply with these rules. A violation of this rule may result in termination of the tenancy and eviction.
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UTILITIES & APPLIANCES a. The Tenant(s) agrees to pay for the following services or charges applicable to the rented premises: Electricity □ Gas □ Water □ Telephone □ Internet Cable □ Television Cable □ Hot Water Heater □ Air / Heat □
UTILITIES & APPLIANCES. Xxxxxx(s) agrees, for the entire term of the lease and any renewals, to place in their name(s) and to pay the following required utilities: ALL (Gas, Elect, Water/Sewer). Tenant(s) further agree to pay any deposits required by any utility provider to specific company/provider. Tenant(s) will pay utilities for any common areas. In the event Tenant fails to put utility bills in their name resulting in Landlord having to pay said utility bill, Tenant will be liable for a $50 Administrative Fee per utility bill invoice, in addition to the amount of the utility invoice. Tenant(s) agrees not to use electricity as a heat source when there is an installed heating system. The Tenant(s) may not install any appliances, including electric heaters or room refrigerators, without Xxxxxxxx's written permission. Landlord shall not be required to upgrade electrical equipment to provide for such equipment. If Xxxxxx(s) install appliances without said Xxxxxxxx's permission, the Landlord may xxxx Xxxxxx(s) for any increase in the utility bills and other damages, which Landlord reasonably attributes to said violation. Landlord is not charging Tenant(s) for use of, nor is Landlord obligated to repair or replace non-required equipment such as portable dishwasher, fireplace, phone or cable, window air conditioners, etc. In the event Tenant(s) have an unpaid water bill, according to the City Water Department, at time of the Landlord processing Tenant's security deposit return, Tenants acknowledge Landlord may deduct such amount from security deposit in order to pay unpaid water and/or sewer charges.
UTILITIES & APPLIANCES. The Owner shall provide for or pay for the utilities and appliances as indicated below by "O" without any additional charge to Tenant. The Tenant shall provide or pay for the utilities and appliances as indicated by "T". ITEM PROVIDED BY PAID BY ITEM PROVIDED BY PAID BY HEATING NATURAL GAS ________ ________ WATER HEATING NATURAL GAS ________ ________ BOTTLED GAS ________ ________ BOTTLED GAS ________ ________ OIL/ELECTRIC ________ ________ OIL/ELECTRIC ________ ________ COAL/OTHER ________ ________ COAL/OTHER ________ ________ COOKING NATURAL GAS ________ ________ OTHER ELECTRIC ________ ________ BOTTLED GAS ________ ________ TRASH ________ ________ OIL/ELECTRIC ________ ________ REFRIDGERATOR ________ ________ COAL/OTHER ________ ________ MICROWAVE ________ ________ DRIVEWAY PLOWING________ ________ WATER/SEWER ________ ___T____ LAWN CARE ____O____ ___O____ AIR CONDITIONING ________ ___T____ SHOVELING ___T_____ ___T____ Tenant shall not waste utilities provided by the Owner. Below lists all other responsibilities to be assumed by either party: If you are renting an apartment: Water & sewer will be charged at a flat rate of $16.00 per bedroom. This amount is added to your monthly rent. Trash will be charged at a flat rate of $10.00per bedroom. If you are residing in a single family home: your water xxxx will be sent to you directly, and must be paid to The Burlington Water Department. You must contract directly with a trash removal entity. Washers & Dryers are_____ are not _____ allowed on property. Outdoor pools/trampolines are _____ are not ___X__ allowed on the property. SMOKING in the apartment is not allowed __X____ Smoking is NOT allowed in the apartment, the following applies to all people: Smoking is prohibited anywhere in your unit; building; including common areas; and within 50 feet of the premises. Smoking includes traditional cigarette, e-cigarette, vaping systems, and marijuana. You are responsible for ensuring that your family members; roommates; guests and invitees also comply with these rules. A violation of this rule may result in termination of the tenancy and eviction.
UTILITIES & APPLIANCES i) XXX agrees to furnish the following utilities for the Sunnyslope Homes & Keewaydin Plaza development/projects: Water, Sewage Disposal, Garbage Collection, but is not responsible for failure to furnish same by reason of any cause beyond its control.


  • Utilities and Appliances (1) The owner must provide all utilities needed to comply with the HQS.

  • Utilities; Amenities The following utilities are included in the Total Rent set forth in this Agreement: Internet access and trash disposal. Resident will pay as additional Rent a pro-rata share (based on the number of contracted residents in possession for the applicable period) for the apartment's usage of electricity and water, applied pro-rata to any partial billing cycle. Resident will be responsible for his or her pro-rata share of electricity and water charges during the term of this Agreement, regardless of actual date of move-in or move-out. No refund or credit will be provided for usage below any applicable allowance levels. In connection with the administration of utility billing during the term of this Agreement, Resident will pay prior to occupying the assigned apartment (or on the first utility bill, at Owner's discretion), a single up-front billing service fee of up to $72.00 (or alternately, at Owner's option, a service fee of up to $6.00 per monthly bill) for administration, billing, overhead and similar expenses and charges incurred by Owner for providing utility allocations and billing services. Upon Resident's request, Owner will provide copies of applicable utility bills. At Owner's option, to the extent permitted by law, Resident may be pre-billed for the estimated amount of charges for any electricity and/or water bills anticipated to be received during the final 30 days of the term or after the end of the term of this Agreement, calculated based on historical electricity and/or water charges for the apartment and pursuant to applicable utility billing laws and regulations. As part of each utility bill, Resident may be charged and agrees to pay promptly to Owner any other miscellaneous charges billed by the utility provider and payable by the customer of record, plus late payment fees and/or NSF fees, as may be applicable, in the amounts stated in paragraph 2 of this Agreement, as liquidated estimates of costs incurred in connection with the administration and collection of late payment. Owner may elect to use one or more third-party service providers for providing, billing and/or servicing utility accounts; Resident acknowledges that such third-party providers are not utility providers. Owner makes no representations and hereby disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, with respect to any utilities provided, including but not limited to those warranties concerning merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or use, whether made allegedly by Owner or its representatives or agents, whether in writing or otherwise, except as otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement. Owner does not warrant or guarantee the protection of Resident's privacy during operation of utilities, that such utilities will satisfy Resident's requirements, or that the operation of utilities will be uninterrupted or error free. Resident acknowledges and agrees that neither Owner nor its affiliates, agents, employees or representatives will be responsible to Resident for any non-economic, consequential, incidental, indirect or special damages, including incidental, economic or punitive damages, arising from breach of warranty, breach of contract, negligence or any other legal ground of action, or by reason of the use, discontinuation or modification of any utilities or the termination of any utilities, whether arising from Resident's use of (or inability to use) utilities, or otherwise, even if Owner has been advised of the possibility of such damage. In the event that any utility service proves defective, or is discontinued or terminated, Owner's and Manager's entire combined liability and Resident's exclusive remedy will be limited to a reimbursement of the approximate cost of that utility incurred by Resident, prorated by the day for each day the utility service proved defective, or was discontinued or terminated, for more than 24 hours. Resident agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Owner and its employees, affiliates and agents, from any and all losses, claims, damages, expenses, other liabilities and causes of action of every nature, including attorney fees, which arise directly or indirectly in connection with: (i) violation by Resident of any laws, ordinances, regulations or rules regarding the utilities; or (ii) illegal or inappropriate use of the utilities. Any damage or loss to any utility devices during Resident's occupancy will be charged to Resident (and the other resident(s) in the apartment, as applicable) at the replacement cost. Management will establish schedules and policies for the use of recreation facilities, amenities and other common spaces. Owner may add, remove, close (temporarily or permanently), upgrade or modify any of the recreation facilities, amenities or common spaces in Owner's discretion, without notice or compensation; provided that if this Agreement expressly includes a separate Amenity Fee, Resident's sole remedy will be limited to a pro-rata credit of such Amenity Fee for the period a covered amenity is closed or fully unavailable. SAMPLE

  • Utilities and Services 16.1. Tenant shall pay for all water (including the cost to service, repair and replace reverse osmosis, de-ionized and other treated water), gas, heat, light, power, telephone, internet service, cable television, other telecommunications and other utilities supplied to the Premises, together with any fees, surcharges and taxes thereon. If any such utility is not separately metered to Tenant, Tenant shall pay Tenant’s Adjusted Share of all charges of such utility jointly metered with other premises as Additional Rent or, in the alternative, Landlord may, at its option, monitor the usage of such utilities by Tenant and charge Tenant with the cost of purchasing, installing and monitoring such metering equipment, which cost shall be paid by Tenant as Additional Rent. Landlord may base its bills for utilities on reasonable estimates; provided that Landlord adjusts such xxxxxxxx promptly thereafter or as part of the next Landlord’s Statement to reflect the actual cost of providing utilities to the Premises. To the extent that Tenant uses more than Tenant’s Pro Rata Share of any utilities, then Tenant shall pay Landlord for Tenant’s Adjusted Share of such utilities to reflect such excess. In the event that the Building or Project is less than fully occupied during a calendar year, Tenant acknowledges that Landlord may extrapolate utility usage that varies depending on the occupancy of the Building or Project (as applicable) to equal Landlord’s reasonable estimate of what such utility usage would have been had the Building or Project, as applicable, been ninety-five percent (95%) occupied during such calendar year; provided, however, that Landlord shall not recover more than one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of such utilities. Tenant shall not be liable for the cost of utilities supplied to the Premises attributable to the time period prior to the Term Commencement Date; provided, however, that, if Landlord shall permit Tenant possession of the Premises prior to the Term Commencement Date and Tenant uses the Premises for any purpose other than as expressly permitted in Section 4.3, then Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of utilities supplied to the Premises from such earlier date of possession.

  • Drainage Systems (1) Clear culvert inlets, outlets, and sediment catching basins.

  • Appliances The Landlord shall: (check one) ☐ - Provide the following appliances: . ☐ - Not provide any appliances.

  • Utilities The Landlord shall provide the following utilities and services to the Tenant: _ _. Any other utilities or services not mentioned will be the responsibility of the Tenant.

  • Electrical appliance safety The Hirer shall ensure that any electrical appliances brought by them to the premises and used there shall be safe, in good working order, and used in a safe manner in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. Where a residual circuit breaker is provided the hirer must make use of it in the interests of public safety.

  • Electrical Provide drawings for the following systems:

  • UTILITIES & SERVICES Landlord shall provide, subject to the terms of this Section 11, water, electricity, heat, air conditioning, light, power, sewer, and other utilities (including gas and fire sprinklers to the extent the Project is plumbed for such services), refuse and trash collection and janitorial services (collectively, “Utilities”). Landlord shall pay, as Operating Expenses or subject to Tenant’s reimbursement obligation, for all Utilities used on the Premises, all maintenance charges for Utilities, and any storm sewer charges or other similar charges for Utilities imposed by any Governmental Authority or Utility provider, and any taxes, penalties, surcharges or similar charges thereon. Landlord shall not cause any Utilities to the Premises which are not currently separately metered to be separately metered. Tenant shall pay directly to the Utility provider, prior to delinquency, any separately metered Utilities and services which may be furnished to Tenant or the Premises during the Term. Tenant shall pay, as part of Operating Expenses, its share of all charges for jointly metered Utilities based upon consumption, as reasonably determined by Landlord. No interruption or failure of Utilities, from any cause whatsoever other than Landlord’s willful misconduct, shall result in eviction or constructive eviction of Tenant, termination of this Lease or the abatement of Rent. Tenant agrees to limit use of water and sewer with respect to Common Areas to normal restroom use. Landlord’s sole obligation for either providing emergency generators or providing emergency back-up power to Tenant shall be: (i) to provide emergency generators with not less than the capacity of the emergency generators located in the Building as of the Commencement Date, and (ii) to contract with a third party to maintain the emergency generators as per the manufacturer’s standard maintenance guidelines. Landlord shall have no obligation to provide Tenant with operational emergency generators or back-up power or to supervise, oversee or confirm that the third party maintaining the emergency generators is maintaining the generators as per the manufacturer’s standard guidelines or otherwise. During any period of replacement, repair or maintenance of the emergency generators when the emergency generators are not operational, including any delays thereto due to the inability to obtain parts or replacement equipment, Landlord shall have no obligation to provide Tenant with an alternative back-up generator or generators or alternative sources of back-up power. Tenant expressly acknowledges and agrees that Landlord does not guaranty that such emergency generators will be operational at all times or that emergency power will be available to the Premises when needed.

  • Electrical Safety Only UL approved items are permitted in Housing & Residence Life. Extension and multi-use cords must be heavy duty, single plug, and be UL approved. Altering or adapting electrical outlets and equipment and overloading circuits jeopardize safety and thus are not permitted.

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