Child Support (Applicable if the Party is a natural person, not a corporation or partnership.) Party states that, as of the date the Agreement is signed, he/she: a. is not under any obligation to pay child support; or b. is under such an obligation and is in good standing with respect to that obligation; or c. has agreed to a payment plan with the Vermont Office of Child Support Services and is in full compliance with that plan. Party makes this statement with regard to support owed to any and all children residing in Vermont. In addition, if the Party is a resident of Vermont, Party makes this statement with regard to support owed to any and all children residing in any other state or territory of the United States.
Technical Support State Street will provide technical support to assist the Fund in using the System and the Data Access Services. The total amount of technical support provided by State Street shall not exceed 10 resource days per year. State Street shall provide such additional technical support as is expressly set forth in the fee schedule in effect from time to time between the parties (the “Fee Schedule”). Technical support, including during installation and testing, is subject to the fees and other terms set forth in the Fee Schedule.
CLAIMS SUPPORT The Board shall complete and submit the Trust Plan Administrator’s Waiver of Life Insurance Premium Plan Administrator Statement to the Trust Plan Administrator for life waiver claims when the Trust Plan Administrator does not administer and adjudicate the LTD benefits.
Product Support Not applicable
Technical Support Services 2.1 The technical support services (the "Services"): Party A agrees to provide to Party B the relevant services requested by Party B, which are specified in Exhibit 1 attached hereto ("Exhibit 1").
Outreach Not less than 30 days prior to the opening of bids or the selection of contractors, the Agency-Assisted Contractor or Contractor shall:
Qualified Medical Child Support Order A child who would otherwise meet the eligibility requirements and is required to be covered by a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO) is considered an eligible dependent.
Innovative Scheduling Schedules which are inconsistent with the Collective Agreement provisions may be developed in order to improve quality of working life, support continuity of resident care, ensure adequate staffing resources, and support cost-efficiency. The parties agree that such innovative schedules may be determined locally by the Home and the Union subject to the following principles: (a) Such schedules shall be established by mutual agreement of the Home and the Union; (b) These schedules may pertain to full-time and/or part-time employees; (c) The introduction of such schedules and trial periods, if any, shall be determined by the local parties. Such schedules may be discontinued by either party with notice as determined through local negotiations; (d) Upon written agreement of the Home and the Union, the parties may agree to amend collective agreement provisions to accommodate any innovative unit schedules; (e) It is understood and agreed that these arrangements are based on individual circumstances and each agreement is made on a without prejudice or precedent basis. (f) It is understood and agreed that these arrangements can be utilized for temporary job postings for seasonal coverage (e.g. weekend workers, etc.).
Outreach Activities a. The Agency shall conduct outreach activities for potential Clients to promote the availability of services. b. Outreach activities shall include, but are not limited to, participation in health fairs, community events, collaboration with other providers, and the posting of flyers for potential Clients. c. The Agency shall have an outreach plan and shall provide evidence of such arrangements to the Recipient upon request.
Public Outreach The Sponsor is responsible for development and administration of a public outreach effort to ensure public awareness and involvement in the Project development and delivery process. The Sponsor shall provide a copy of the public outreach plan and all materials documenting the public outreach activities, including public notices, press releases, flyers, etc. to the Authority. The public outreach plan must accompany the first invoice for payment from Sponsor. The materials documenting the public outreach activities must accompany the final invoice for payment from Sponsor.