Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.
Network Etiquette You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include but are not limited to the following:
Dienste Und Materialien Von Drittanbietern (a) Die Apple-Software gewährt möglicherweise Zugang zu(m) iTunes Store, App Store, Apple Books, Game Center, iCloud, Karten von Apple und zu anderen Diensten und Websites von Apple und Drittanbietern (gemeinsam und einzeln als „Dienste“ bezeichnet). Solche Dienste sind möglicherweise nicht in xxxxx Sprachen oder in xxxxx Ländern verfügbar. Die Nutzung dieser Dienste erfordert Internetzugriff und die Nutzung bestimmter Dienste erfordert möglicherweise eine Apple-ID, setzt möglicherweise dein Einverständnis mit zusätzlichen Servicebedingungen voraus und unterliegt unter Umständen zusätzlichen Gebühren. Indem du diese Software zusammen mit einer Apple-ID oder einem anderen Apple-Dienst verwendest, erklärst du dein Einverständnis mit den anwendbaren Servicebedingungen für diesen Dienst, z. B. den neuesten Apple Media Services-Bedingungen für das Land, in dem du auf diese Services zugreifst, die du über die Webseite xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xxx/legal/ internet-services/itunes/ anzeigen und nachlesen kannst
Infrastructure Vulnerability Scanning Supplier will scan its internal environments (e.g., servers, network devices, etc.) related to Deliverables monthly and external environments related to Deliverables weekly. Supplier will have a defined process to address any findings but will ensure that any high-risk vulnerabilities are addressed within 30 days.
Contact Tracing While the employees are on the job site, Producers may require that employees participate in systems that enable contact tracing, such as use of a “punch card” system to record the employee’s location throughout the day or by means of electronic devices (e.g., phone “apps” or wearable electronic devices that track the movement or location of a person or which detect when a person wearing the device comes into close contact with another person wearing the device). Producers may require employees to sign documentation consenting to the use of such electronic devices in contact tracing. In the event that a Producer uses electronic devices for contact tracing, it may access information collected from those devices only for purposes of tracing individuals that the employee has been in contact with during working hours when there has been a COVID- 19-related event, or for purposes of managing and enforcing social distancing protocols.
Contact Point 1. Each Party shall designate a contact point to facilitate communications between the Parties on any matter covered by this Agreement.
SUBLOOPS 45.1. Sprint will offer unbundled access to copper subloops and subloops for access to multiunit premises wiring. Sprint will consider all requests for access to subloops through the ICB process due to the wide variety of interconnections available and the lack of standards. A written response will be provided to CLEC covering the interconnection time intervals, prices and other information based on the ICB process as set forth in this Agreement.
Network Management 60.1 CLEC and CenturyLink will exchange appropriate information (e.g., network information, maintenance contact numbers, escalation procedures, and information required to comply with requirements of law enforcement and national security agencies) for network management purposes. In addition, the Parties will apply sound network management principles to alleviate or to prevent traffic congestion and to minimize fraud associated with third number billed calls, calling card calls, and other services related to this Agreement.
Signaling Each Party will provide the other Party with access to its databases and associated signaling necessary for the routing and completion of the other Party’s traffic in accordance with the provisions contained in the Unbundled Network Element Attachment or applicable access tariff.
Porcupine Site Highway 11