Water Right Sample Clauses

Water RightThe Agency shall obtain from the City of Vallejo and transmit to the State information as to when Vallejo permit water is available and permission from Vallejo for the State to divert Vallejo permit water and transport it through the North Bay Aqueduct.
Water RightThe term ‘‘water right’’ means— (A) any right in or to groundwater, surface water, or effluent under Federal, State, or other law; and (B) for purposes of subsections (d) and (e) of section 5, any right to Colorado River water.
Water Right. The Tribe has a right to divert or use or to permit the diversion or use from Rosebud Creek and its tributaries, for agricultural purposes only, of 1,800 acre-feet of water per year, or enough water to irrigate 600 acres of land per year, whichever is less, with a priority date of October 1, 1881. Tribal and individual Indian irrigation uses in existence as of the ratification date on-Reservation in the Rosebud Creek basin are recognized and protected, and shall be considered a use of the 1,800 acre-feet per year right described in this paragraph.
Water Right. The District owns 26 shares of Xxxxxx’x Irrigation Company water. The shares are available for lease from the District consistent with the terms and conditions of the Xxxxxx’x Irrigation Company. Applicant expressly acknowledges the District is not responsible for any interruption in service or delivery of water due to circumstances not under the control of the District.
Water Right. Any water right (permit or certificate) obtained by the City for the purpose of acquiring water to supply the City and/or the District and put to use for that purpose.
Water Right. Water Right filed with the State of Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation: Water Right Number 41E-W-127803-00 Point of Diversion: Section 11, T. 6 N., R. 3 W., P.M.M., Jefferson County, Montana Place of Use: Section 11, T. 6 N., R. 3 W., P.M.M., Jefferson County, Montana Point of diversion and place of use are on Birds Eye, a/k/a Birdseye, patented mining claim M.S. No. 10691. Initialed for Identification {Mining Lease with Option to Purchase - w Exhibit.1 /} ____________________________________ Initiated for Identification
Water Right. The Water Right Cost allocable to the District multiplied by 12 percent per year for 20 years after the Agreement date and thereafter multiplied by 9 percent per year.
Water RightThe Parties agree that the following water rights are in settlement of the reserved water rights claims of the United States for the Refuge. All water rights described in this Article are subject to Article IV of this Compact as well as any specific additional conditions set forth below.
Water RightThe parties agree that the following water rights are in settlement of all of the United States' water rights for the Refuge, including federal reserved and state-based water rights acquired with the purchase of land. The parties to this agreement recognize that the water rights described in this Compact are junior to any tribal water rights with a priority date before the effective date of the Compact, including aboriginal rights, if any, in the basins affected. All water rights described in this Article are subject to Article IV.A. of this Compact.

Related to Water Right

  • Water Rights Water rights and/or water shares used in connection with the Property;

  • User Rights Under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license, the author(s) and users are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit the contribution) under the following conditions: 1. they must attribute the contribution in the manner specified by the author or licensor, 2. they may not use this contribution for commercial purposes, 3. they may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

  • Member Rights The Subscriber Agreement (SA) shall include a complete statement that a Member shall have the right to:  Available and accessible services when medically necessary, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for Urgent or Emergency Health Care Services, and for other Health Care Services as defined by the Agreement;  Be treated with courtesy and consideration, and with respect for the Covered Person's dignity and need for privacy;  Be provided with information concerning our policies and procedures regarding products, services, Providers, Appeals procedures and other information about Presbyterian Health Plan;  To choose a Primary Care Practitioner within the limits of the Covered Benefits, plan network, and as provided by this rule, including the right to refuse care of specific Health Care Professionals;  Receive from the Covered Person's Physician(s) or Provider, in terms that the Covered Person understands, an explanation of his or her complete medical condition, recommended treatment, risk(s) of the treatment, expected results and reasonable medical alternatives, irrespective of our position on treatment options; if the Covered Person is not capable of understanding the information, the explanation shall be provided to his or her next of kin, guardian, agent or surrogate, if available, and documented in the Covered Person's medical record;  All the rights afforded by law, rule, or regulation as a patient in a licensed Health Care Facility, including the right to refuse medication and treatment after possible consequences of this decision have been explained in language the Covered Person understands;  Prompt notification, as required in this rule, of termination or changes in benefits, services or Practitioner/Provider network;  File a Complaint or Appeal with us or the Superintendent and to receive an answer to those Complaints in accordance with existing law;  Privacy of medical and financial records maintained by us and our Health Care Providers, in accordance with existing law;  Know upon request of any financial arrangements or provisions between Presbyterian Health Plan and our Practitioners/Providers which may restrict referral or treatment options or limit the services offered to Covered Persons;  Adequate access to qualified Health Professionals for the treatment of Covered Benefits near where the Covered Person lives or works within our Service Area;  To the extent available and applicable to us, to affordable health care, with limits on Out-of-pocket expenses, including the right to seek care from a non-participating (Out-of-network) Provider, and an explanation of a Covered Person's financial responsibility when services are provided by a non- participating (Out-of-network) Provider, or provided without required Prior Authorization;  An approved example of the financial responsibility incurred by a Covered Person when going Out-of-network; inclusion of the entire “billing examples” provided by the Superintendent available on the Division's website at the time of the filing of the plan will be deemed satisfaction of this requirement; any substitution for, or changes to, the Division's “billing examples” requires written approval by the Superintendent, in our Health Care Benefit Plan that provides benefits for Out-of-network Coverage;  Detailed information about Coverage, Maximum Benefits, and Exclusions of specific conditions, ailments or disorders, including restricted Prescription benefits, and all requirements that a Covered Person must follow for Prior Authorization and Utilization Review;  A complete explanation of why care is denied, an opportunity to Appeal the decision to our internal review, the right to a secondary Appeal, and the right to request the Superintendent’s assistance.

  • Water Provide hot water for lavatory purposes and cold water for drinking, lavatory and toilet purposes.

  • WATERBEDS The Tenant: (check one)