WELDER’S UNIFORMS:. The Welders’ shirts and pants shall be Flame-Resistant, long sleeves, button down shirt pockets and One Hundred (100%) Cotton, as requested by the Department for each employee. Welders’ shirts shall be Navy Blue. Welders’ pants shall be Navy Blue and match the jacket in color. All welders’ uniforms will be replaced every 6 months at no additional cost to the Department.
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  • Welder (a) The Welder shall when issued a specific job assume the role of a Welder and representative of the Employer and take the initiative to perform the work, according to the best practice of this industry. Where circumstances are beyond his or her control he or she shall immediately advise the Employer.

  • Uniforms If an employee is required, by the Employer, to wear a uniform, such uniform shall be issued to the employee.

  • Welders a) The following shall be the recognized classifications of “

  • WORK UNIFORMS Employees who are required to wear uniforms as a condition of employment shall be furnished such uniforms by the Appointing Authority. Proper maintenance of uniforms is an employee responsibility unless they are currently maintained by the Employer or unless required by statute or other regulatory agencies because of contamination (see Article 22). Uniforms shall not be used for off-duty activity by the employee.

  • Platby In consideration for the services rendered by the Institute, in the Study, the Sponsor agrees to pay to the Institute according to the Budget, attached as Exhibit B hereto (the “Fee”). Jako protiplnění za služby poskytnuté Zdravotnickým zařízením při provádění Studie se Zadavatel zavazuje hradit Zdravotnickému zařízení platby podle Rozpočtu, který je ke Smlouvě přiložen jako Příloha B („Poplatek“). The Fee shall be payable for each eligible Subject properly enrolled according to the Protocol upon proper completion and delivery to the Sponsor of the Case Report Forms (the “CRF”) for each Subject. The Fees, plus VAT calculated in the legal amount, shall be the full remuneration and payment by Sponsor for all costs incurred in the course of the clinical Study. Any and all taxes or other registration charges shall be borne by the Institute. Poplatek bude splatný za každého způsobilého Účastníka, který je zařazen do Studie podle Protokolu, po řádném vyplnění a doručení Zadavateli záznamových formulářů („CRF“) za každého Účastníka. Poplatky navýšené o DPH vypočítanou v zákonné výši budou úplnou odměnou a platbou Zadavatele za všechny náklady, které vzniknou v průběhu klinické Studie. Náklady na veškeré daně nebo jiné registrační poplatky ponese Zdravotnické zařízení. The Institute will recruit a maximum of 300 Subjects into the Study. The Sponsor will not pay Fees, reimburse any expense, charge, cost, nor bear any liability to the Institute, nor to any other person or entity, in respect of any Subject in excess of the maximum number of Subjects specified in the previous sentence. Zdravotnické zařízení do Studie získá maximálně 300 Účastníků. Zadavatel nezaplatí Poplatky, neuhradí žádný výdaj, poplatek ani náklad ani neponese žádnou odpovědnost vůči Zdravotnickému zařízení ani vůči jakékoliv jiné osobě nebo subjektu, pokud jde o jakéhokoliv Účastníka nad rámec maximálního počtu Účastníků specifikovaného v předchozí větě. Fees due will be transferred by the Sponsor upon provision of a respective invoice to the following account of the Institute: Splatné Poplatky Zadavatel převede po poskytnutí příslušné faktury na následující účet Zdravotnického zařízení:

  • Paraeducators A Paraeducator who has successfully completed a probationary period of ninety (90) calendar days. The term Paraeducators shall include all Paraeducators as defined in Appendix B. Paraeducators will work a 186-day contract, 7½ hours per day and receive four (4) paid holidays unless otherwise specified.

  • UNIFORMS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 214. For employees required by the Appointing Officer to wear a uniform, beginning in fiscal year 2006-2007 and continuing for the duration of this Agreement, the City agrees to provide a uniform allowance each year in the amount of eight hundred fifty dollars ($850). The City will pay the uniform allowance in the payroll that includes September 1 of each year. Represented employees must be on duty status or approved leave on each September 1 to be eligible for the uniform allowance. Any eligible employee hired on or after March 1 will receive fifty percent (50%) of the uniform allowance that year.

  • Volunteer Firefighting Leave Leave without pay will be granted when an employee who is a volunteer firefighter is called to duty to respond to a fire, natural disaster or medical emergency.

  • ONA Staff Leave For an employee with at least two (2) years full-time or equivalent service (e.g. 3,000 hours of part-time RN service), upon application in writing by the Union to the Employer, an unpaid leave of absence may be granted to such employee selected for a secondment or a temporary staff position with the Ontario Nurses' Association. Such leave shall not be unreasonably denied or extended beyond twelve (12) months. Notwithstanding Article 11.10, there shall be no loss of service or seniority for an employee during such leave of absence. It is understood that during such leave the employee shall be deemed to be an employee of the Ontario Nurses' Association. The employee agrees to notify the Employer of her or his intention to return to work at least ten (10) weeks prior to the date of such return. The employee shall be reinstated to her or his former position, unless that position has been discontinued, in which case the employee shall be given a comparable job. During such leaves of absence all salary, statutory benefits, pension, vacation and benefits will be kept whole by the Employer and the Union agrees to reimburse the Employer for such salary and Employer contributions to benefits unless the Union decides to take sole responsibility for these employee obligations.

  • Prosthodontics We Cover prosthodontic services as follows: • Removable complete or partial dentures, for Members 15 years of age and above, including six (6) months follow-up care; • Additional services including insertion of identification slips, repairs, relines and rebases and treatment of cleft palate; and • Interim prosthesis for Members five (5) to 15 years of age. We do not Cover implants or implant related services. Fixed bridges are not Covered unless they are required: • For replacement of a single upper anterior (central/lateral incisor or cuspid) in a patient with an otherwise full complement of natural, functional and/or restored teeth; • For cleft palate stabilization; or • Due to the presence of any neurologic or physiologic condition that would preclude the placement of a removable prosthesis, as demonstrated by medical documentation.

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