UNIFORMS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT. 20.1: The City agrees to provide all uniforms and equipment necessary to perform the duties of a Police Sergeant. A minimum of five (5) sets of uniforms will be issued and replaced when necessary to each Bargaining Unit Member. 20.2: Any employee whose personal equipment i s d a m a g e d in the line of duty shall have it replaced at no cost to the employee up to the limits described herein. Documentation of the damage shall be subject to incident investigation and shall be a prerequisite to payment of the cost involved by the City. It is agreed and understood that the term “personal equipment” as used in this paragraph shall be limited to prescription eyeglasses, dental appliances, flashlight, watches, and any other items at the discretion of the Chief of Police, and there shall be a two hundred fifty dollar ($250.00) limit per item in regards to the City’s obligation to replace personal equipment under this Article. 20.3: All Sergeants are required to have a bullet-proof vest (Safety Device) for personal safety protection. The City shall provide Sergeants with Department approved bullet-proof vests as standard issue, and the employee shall be required to wear the bullet-proof vest at all times while on duty unless excused by guidelines established by the Chief of Police. Those employees who have never been issued or reimbursed for a vest by the City, shall be furnished with a Police Department- approved bullet- proof vest and all Sergeants shall be required to wear said vest at all times while on duty, unless performing administrative duties within the confines of a City facility or as otherwise excused by guidelines established by the Chief of Police. Sergeants who have had their vest for more than three (3) years may request a replacement and may have it replaced if the vest is no longer in serviceable condition as determined by the Chief of Police. In cases where the employee’s vest has been damaged or destroyed while acting in the line of duty and upon the review and approval of the Chief of Police, the vest will be replaced by the City. All Sergeants that do not currently have a department issued vest are required to request a bullet-proof vest within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Agreement. Vests shall be worn at all times while on duty, unless excused by previously stated guidelines. Employees shall be required to sign and acknowledge a statement as follows: “You are required by your employer to wear a bullet-proof vest (safety de...
UNIFORMS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT. ‌ 21.01 All employees as a condition of employment shall wear whilst on duty an authorized uniform. The Employer shall choose the style and colour and shall pay for the costs of the uniforms. Such uniforms shall be issued during the first week of July or as soon thereafter as delivery is made. The issue shall be: 21.02 All employees working in dangerous conditions shall be supplied with safety equipment and protective clothing as required to meet the conditions.
UNIFORMS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT. 21.1: The City will make a good faith effort to maintain police vehicles and safety equipment in proper working order. Police vehicles operated by the City shall comply with the standards and requirements of applicable State Statutes governing motor vehicle safety equipment. 21.2: The City agrees to install and maintain security cages in all vehicles used to transport prisoners.
UNIFORMS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT. 214. For employees required by the Appointing Officer to wear a uniform, beginning in fiscal year 2006-2007 and continuing for the duration of this Agreement, the City agrees to provide a uniform allowance each year in the amount of eight hundred fifty dollars ($850). The City will pay the uniform allowance in the payroll that includes September 1 of each year. Represented employees must be on duty status or approved leave on each September 1 to be eligible for the uniform allowance. Any eligible employee hired on or after March 1 will receive fifty percent (50%) of the uniform allowance that year.
UNIFORMS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT. A. Uniforms. Uniforms will be furnished by the employer for all employees required to wear uniforms. The employee shall be provided a uniform for at least each work day in the work week that the employee is required to wear a uniform. The employer retains discretion to determine the style, type, color, and number of uniforms to be provided. Uniforms requiring commercial cleaning or maintenance will be cleaned and maintained by the employer. Each employee is expected to be neat and clean insofar as practical.
UNIFORMS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT. (1) Gulf will provide uniforms and safety equipment free of charge which will be worn by the employee at all times while working or when appropriate in the case of safety equipment. The employee will launder and maintain the uniforms in good order, fair wear and tear accepted. The issue of uniforms and safety equipment will be in accordance with Gulf Group Quality Management Systems B001 – Uniform Requests, and Quality Management System HR15 – Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) Clothing Policy. The supply of uniforms and safety equipment is subject to amendments to these references.
UNIFORMS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT. At Frontier, presenting a professional, competent and caring image to our Customers continues to be critical in driving a competitive advantage. We must ensure that every customer is delighted by our service, our professional approach and our willingness to do whatever it takes to meet their needs. This is achieved by continuing to focus on one of our most important core values “Putting the Customer First.” This value means that we demonstrate a strong customer service orientation, exemplify the highest quality standards, and protect the cleanliness of the customer environment. Therefore, we have established, in accordance with our Peace of Mind Service Delivery Initiative, the following Employee Image Policy and Standards to help support this improved customer experience.
UNIFORMS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT. 25.1 Wherever it has been the practice for the University to furnish and maintain uniforms for employee members, such practice will be continued for the life of this Agreement. 25.2 The University will continue to provide the proper safety equipment, protective clothing and foul weather gear to those employee members who are required to use the equipment in the performance of their job assignments.
UNIFORMS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT. 56.1 An employee shall wear such uniforms and safety equipment as directed by the Employer, and failure or refusal to do so shall subject such employee to discipline. Any uniform or item of equipment required shall be provided by the Employer at no cost to the employee. The Employer shall provide the following:
UNIFORMS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT. ‌ Newly hired employees shall receive an initial allocation of uniforms, safety equipment, devices and safety-related items at no cost to the employee. Officers assigned to special assignments requiring assignment-specific uniforms and equipment shall be provided such uniforms and equipment by the City at no cost to the employee for the duration of the assignment, including the necessary replacement of said required uniforms and equipment. The City shall provide all safety equipment, devices, and safety-related items for the employee to perform the normal tasks of their respective classification. Equipment provided includes body armor and external vest carrier, leather gear, cuffs, chemical agent, baton, and other safety-related items as specified by the Department. All items provided by the City shall remain property of the City and shall be returned to the Department upon request or upon termination of employment. These devices and equipment shall be customary safety appliances to safeguard the employees against danger to health, life, and limb. Employees agree that the duties and tasks performed by them shall be performed in a safe and healthful manner.