Where professional indemnity insurance is required in accordance with the Contract Particulars the Supplier shall maintain appropriate professional indemnity insurance cover during the Contract Period and shall ensure that all agents, professional consultants and Sub- Contractors involved in the supply of the Services do the same. To comply with its obligations under this clause and as a minimum, the Supplier shall ensure professional indemnity insurance held by the Supplier and by any agent, Sub-Contractor or consultant involved in the supply of the Services has a limit of indemnity of not less than the amount stated in the Contract Particulars. Such insurance shall be maintained for a minimum of the period specified in the Contract Particulars following the expiration or earlier termination of the Contract.
Where professional. Development Leave is granted for periods of less than a full year, Leave Allowance shall be at the rate of 65% of a current annual salary payable under Articles 3 and 4 for the applicant’s position, computed for the number of teaching days of Leave in ratio to 200, payable at the rate of 1/12 of the Leave Allowance so determined, for each month of leave, with payments to commence on the last day of the first calendar month of the leave.
Where professional development occurs on a day or days the employee would normally work, the employee will be entitled to have course costs and reasonable expenses paid by the employer in addition to normal wages for the day. Where the course length, including reasonable travelling time, exceeds the hours normally worked on the day, those additional hours shall also be on full pay to a maximum of eight.
Where professional occupational membership is an explicit condition of employment of a staff member, the membership shall be prescribed and the membership fee paid by the Institute.