Days of Leave Sample Clauses
Days of Leave. Industrial accident or illness leave shall begin on the first day of absence. Industrial accident or illness leave shall be reduced by one day for each day of authorized absence regardless of a temporary disability indemnity award.
Days of Leave. 1. All professional employees shall be allowed twelve (12) days of leave per school year, accumulative to thirty (30) days maximum. (2018)
2. Employees with more than thirty (30) days of leave at the end of the 2018 contract year will have excess days banked with the school district. Banked days will be reimbursed at a rate of $60 per day at the time of an employee’s KPERS retirement from the school district, or used for extended illness if the teacher chooses. Banked days will not be reimbursed should an employee resign from the school district. (2018)
3. Employees who have excess of 30 days of leave will be compensated for these additional days at a rate of $100 per day of leave, maximum of 12 days payable prior to the end of the current contract year (2018)
4. A teacher who resigns from the school district (not retiring under KPERS from the school district) will be compensated at a rate of $75 per day for unused leave at a maximum of forty-two (42) days payable prior to the end of the current contract year Banked days will not be reimbursed should an employee resign from the school district. (2018)
5. Upon KPERS retirement from the school district teachers will be compensated $150 for each day of leave accumulated up to forty-two (42) day payable prior to the end of the current contract year. Banked days will be compensated at a rate of $60 per day with a maximum of forty-five (45) days. (2018)
6. Individuals who do not attend district professional development for any reason will be deducted for the absence at a rate of one (1) day of leave for first absence and two (2) days of leave for each additional absence per occurrence throughout the remainder of the school year. (2012)
7. Only individuals who are required by their county health department to quarantine due to an illness shall be allowed to “Teach Remotely” when the school is open. Individuals who are taking leave days for any other reasons are required to use their own personal leave days. Those individuals in quarantine and “Teaching Remotely” are required to submit their quarantine order and keep an accurate record of actual time instructing their class(es) and submit them daily to their building supervisor and on their monthly time cards.
Days of Leave. 1. All professional employees shall be allowed twelve (12) days of leave per school year, accumulative to thirty (30) days maximum. (2018)
2. Employees with more than thirty (30) days of leave at the end of the 2018 contract year will have excess days banked with the school district. Banked days will be reimbursed at a rate of $60 per day at the time of an employee’s KPERS retirement from the school district, or used for extended illness if the teacher chooses. Banked days will not be reimbursed should an employee resign from the school district. (2018)
3. Employees who have excess of 30 days of leave will be compensated for these additional days at a rate of $100 per day of leave, maximum of 12 days. (2018)
4. A teacher who resigns from the school district (not retiring under KPERS from the school district) will be compensated at a rate of $75 per day for unused leave at a maximum of forty-two (42) days, Banked days will not be reimbursed should an employee resign from the school district. (2018)
5. Upon KPERS retirement from the school district teachers will be compensated $150 for each day of leave accumulated up to forty-two (42) day. Banked days will be compensated at a rate of $60 per day with a maximum of forty-five (45) days. (2018)
6. Individuals who do not attend district professional development for any reason will be deducted for the absence at a rate of one (1) day of leave for first absence and two (2) days of leave for each additional absence per occurrence throughout the remainder of the school year. (2012)
Days of Leave. 1. All professional employees shall be allowed twelve (12) days of leave per school year, accumulative to seventy-five (75) days maximum.
2. Employees with more than seventy-five (75) days of leave at the end of each contract year will be reimbursed for days beyond seventy-five (75) days at a rate of $60 per day, back to the maximum of seventy-five (75) days.
3. Employees with less than seventy-five (75) days of leave. Those professional employees who miss one (1) day or less during the school year may be compensated a maximum of six days of leave at a rate of $60 per day, at their discretion. Remaining days will be credited to the professional employee’s leave account. Notification for compensation needs to be made by the employee to the district office prior to the end of the duty year.
4. Individuals who do not attend district professional development for any reason will be deducted for the absence at a rate of one (1) day of leave for first absence and two (2) days of leave for each additional absence per occurrence throughout the remainder of the school year. (2012)
5. Upon retirement, contingent upon meeting contractual obligations, teachers with five (5) years or more of contractual service will receive payment for all unused leave at $60 per day. (2011)
Days of Leave. The first year of employment 10 days The second year of employment 11 days The third year of employment 12 days The fourth year of employment 13 days The fifth year of employment 14 days The sixth and succeeding years 15 days