Leave Allowance Sample Clauses
Leave Allowance. As authorized by Education Code 88192, the District provides a total of up to sixty (60) days of full pay leave for each industrial accident or illness commencing on the first (1st) day of absence. For the purposes of this Article, a full day of leave is equivalent to the unit member’s usual workday. When an Industrial Accident or Illness Leave overlaps into the next fiscal year, the unit member shall be entitled to only the amount of unused leave due him/her for the same illness/injury, but in no event shall the leave exceed sixty
Leave Allowance. (Continued) The leave allowance will be reduced by one day for each day of authorized absence regardless of the amount or method of compensation. All absences or leaves related to Industrial Accidents shall run concurrently with any time eligible to the employee under the Family Medical Leave Act. In the event that an absence has not been approved as a valid Industrial Accident or Illness leave when the payroll for the employee is being computed, the employee’s normal sick leave balance will be charged for any absences which have been supported by a physician’s written statements. Upon subsequent notification that the absence has been accepted as an Industrial Accident or Illness Leave the regular sick leave balance will then be adjusted to its previous balance. The District or its representative shall comply with legal notification requirements (currently ninety [90] days) for notifying employees of acceptance or rejection of a claim.
Leave Allowance. After completion of six (6) months continuous employment, an employee who provides the Employer with proof that she has applied for and is in receipt of employment insurance benefits pursuant to Section Insurance Act, shall be paid a pregnancy leave allowance. A recipient under Article shall sign an agreement with the Employer providing:
Leave Allowance. As authorized by Education Code 88192, the District provides a total of up to sixty (60) days of full pay leave for each industrial accident or illness commencing on the first (1st) day of absence. For the purposes of this Article, a full day of leave is equivalent to the unit member’s usual workday. When an Industrial Accident or Illness Leave overlaps into the next fiscal year, the unit member shall be entitled to only the amount of unused leave due him/her for the same illness/injury, but in no event shall the leave exceed sixty (60) days. Industrial Accident or Illness Leave shall not accumulate from year to year. Industrial Accident leave will be reduced by one (1) day for each day of authorized absence regardless of a compensation award made under Workers’ Compensation. In the event that an absence has not been approved as a valid Industrial Accident or Illness Leave when the payroll for the unit member is being computed, the unit member's normal sick leave balance will be charged for any absences which have been supported by a physician’s written statements. Upon subsequent notification that the absence has been accepted as an Industrial Accident or Illness Leave the regular sick leave balance will then be adjusted to its previous balance.
Leave Allowance. After completion of six (6) months continuous an employee who provides the Employer with proof that she has applied for and is in receipt of employment insurance benefits pursuant to Section shall be paid a maternityleave allowance. A recipient under Article shall sign an agreement with the Employer providing:
Leave Allowance. One (1) day per month (or major fraction thereof) of employment, accumulating without limit, shall be allowed each APA for leave. The leave may be used as follows:
Leave Allowance. 10-01 Each permanent employee shall be credited the Sick Leave Accumulation days as set out in their sick leave bank with no restrictions on maximum credits.
10-02 A regular employee on authorized leave of absence due to illness or non compensable accident up to one year's duration, shall continue to be eligible for the benefits covered under Section 9 of this Contract.
10-03 In this clause "employee" shall mean an employee of the City coming within the Port Colborne Professional Fire Fighters Association and "month" shall mean a calendar month.
10-04 Each employee shall receive a gross sick pay credit of one and one-half days for each month of "unbroken" service, such credit to be accumulative and combined with such employee's cumulative sick pay credits, if any in respect of service with the Corporation of the City of Port Colborne.
10-05 Credits shall be cumulative as from the beginning of the first complete month after the commencement of duties.
10-06 Each employee, after acquiring seniority within the Corporation, shall be eligible to receive sick leave at full salary or wage rate for any time lost by illness to the full extent of sick leave credits available to him at the time of such absence. The value of each day of accumulated sick leave in cash shall be the yearly salary of the employee divided by 182 days.
10-07 Except as otherwise herein provided, the number of days an employee is absent on account of illness shall be deducted from cumulative Sick Leave Credits.
10-08 An employee, when he is absent because of sickness for thirty (30) days or more, shall on request, provide the Fire Chief with a certificate from a qualified physician certifying as to his inability to return to work, and on a similar request, shall do so at the conclusion of each thirty (30) day period at no cost to the employee.
10-09 A month of unbroken service shall be one where an employee is employed on all working days in the month. Loss of time due to occupational accidents or illness occurred outside of the line of duty shall not be considered as breaking a month's service.
10-10 Employees who are off work with a leave of absence but without pay, or any employee who is laid off shall not receive credit for such periods for accumulated sick leave, but such absence shall not reduce the accumulated sick leave credit of the said employee.
10-11 When an employee has been absent on account of an illness for a sufficient period to exhaust accumulated sick leave credits, the sai...
Leave Allowance. A. At the beginning of each school year each teacher employed half time or more will be granted a leave allowance the hourly equivalent of nine (9) days, prorated to the FTE portion of the teacher’s individual contract, for absences without deduction from pay during such school year.
B. Unused portions of a teacher’s leave allowance may accumulate from one basic school year to the next to a maximum of two hundred (200) days.
C. Number of days accumulated shall be available to all teachers via the employee self-serve system.
D. Leave allowance will not apply, nor may it be earned or accumulated during any leave of absence, paid or unpaid, except as expressly provided in this Agreement
Leave Allowance. The District provides a total of up to sixty (60) days of full pay leave for each industrial accident or illness commencing on the first (1st) day of absence. For the purposes of this Article, a full day of leave is equivalent to the unit member’s usual workday. When an Industrial Accident or Illness Leave overlaps into the next fiscal year, the unit member shall be entitled to only the amount of unused leave due him/her for the same illness/injury, but in no event shall the leave exceed sixty (60) days. Industrial Accidents or Illness Leave shall not accumulate from year to year. Industrial Accident leave will be reduced by one (1) day for each day of authorized absence regardless of a compensation award made under Workers’ Compensation. In the event that an absence has not been approved as a valid Industrial Accident or Illness Leave when the payroll for the unit member is being computed, the unit member’s normal sick leave balance will be charged for any absences which have been supported by a physician’s written statements. Upon subsequent notification that the absence has been accepted as an Industrial Accident or Illness Leave the regular sick leave balance will then be adjusted to its previous balance.
Leave Allowance. Twelve (12) month employees shall be allowed four (4) days absence and ten (l0) month employees shall be allowed three (3) days absence annually with full pay, for personal reasons, which shall be prorated, one (1) day for every three (3) months, during the employee’s first year of employment.