Shift Allowances (a) An Employee whilst on afternoon or night shift must be paid for such shift 15% more than the Employee’s ordinary rate. (b) An Employee who works on an afternoon or night shift which does not continue for at least five successive afternoons or nights must be paid for such shift at time and a half for the first two hours thereof and double time thereafter. (c) An Employee who: (i) during a period of engagement on shift, works night shift only; (ii) remains on night shift for a longer period than four consecutive weeks; or (iii) works on a night shift which does not rotate or alternate with another shift or with day work so as to give the Employee at least one third of their working time off night shift in each shift cycle; must, during such engagement, period or cycle, be paid 30% more than their ordinary rate for all time worked during ordinary working hours on such night shift.
Meal Allowances Employees assigned to be in travel status between the employee's temporary or permanent work station and a field assignment shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of meals including a reasonable gratuity. Employees must meet the following conditions to be eligible for meal reimbursement:
Mileage Allowance The state agrees to seek continued funding to provide for the payment of a mileage allowance for the use of privately owned vehicles for official travel at the rate provided in section 112.061(7)(d)1., F.S.
Vehicle Allowance Vehicle allowances for all distances travelled on Employer business shall be paid to employees required to use their own vehicles in the performance of their duties. Ownership of a vehicle shall not be a condition of employment. Vehicle allowance shall be thirty-seven cents (37¢) per kilometre.
Other Allowances The District shall pay to each teacher appointed by the District to the following positions, the Allowance respectively set forth opposite each such position, namely: (a) Supervisor 25,820 (b) Consultant 12,301 (c) Coordinating teacher 4,179
Motor Vehicle Allowance 5.1.1 Employees required by their employer to use their own vehicles for school business shall be paid an allowance of $0.62 per kilometre.
Allowances 25.1 Site allowances shall be paid in accordance with the allowances set out in Appendix C, or as determined by the Disputes Panel pursuant to the provisions of Appendix C.
Automobile Allowance The Company shall provide the Executive with an automobile allowance in the amount of $1,000.00 per month to be allocated at the Executive’s discretion, or such other monthly amount designated by the Board, and that allowance shall be payable in regular installments in accordance with the Company’s general payroll practices.
Transportation Allowance When an employee is required to travel to the Hospital or to return to her home as a result of reporting to or off work between the hours of hours, (other than reporting to or off work for her regular shift) or at any time while on standby, the Hospital will pay transportation costs either by taxi or by her own vehicle at the rate of thirty-five cents ($0.35) per mile (to a maximum of fourteen dollars ($14.00)) or such greater amount as the Hospital may in its discretion determine for each trip between the aforementioned hours. The employee will provide to the Hospital satisfactory proof of payment of such taxi fare.
PAY AND ALLOWANCES 5.1 REGULAR RATE OF PAY: The regular rate of pay for each position shall be in accordance with the rates established for each class as provided for in Appendix B, which is attached thereto and by reference incorporated as a part of this Agreement.