Withdrawal by Euronet Sample Clauses

Withdrawal by Euronet. Notwithstanding Clause 4.1 above, Euronet shall be entitled to withdraw from this Agreement by giving to the Partner a [thirty (30) day] prior written notice in the event that: • the relevant laws and/or regulations of the card organisations change in a way that continued performance of this Agreement would no longer be in Euroneťs interest;
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Withdrawal by Euronet. Notwithstanding Clause 4.1 above, Euronet shall be entitled to withdraw from this Agreement by giving to the Partner a [thirty (30) day] prior written notice in the event that: • the relevant laws and/or regulations of the card organisations change in a way that continued performance of this Agreement would no longer be in Euronet’s interest; • any applicable licenses, authorizations and/or registrations related to or in connection with the ATM business operated by Euronet are revoked, changed and/or suspended (including any delays in the original granting of such) for any reason; • the ATM business becomes non- profitable for Euronet due to insufficient number of transactions effected by the Cardholders on the ATM; • Euronet no longer wishes to deploy an ATM at the Location; • the owner and/or lessee changes as per Clause 3.5.1 and/or • the nature or ownership of the business in the Premises is changed as per Clause
Withdrawal by Euronet. Notwithstanding Clause 4.1 above, Euronet shall be entitled to withdraw from this Agreement by giving to the Partner a [thirty (30) day] prior written notice in the event that: Výpoveď zmluvy Euronetom. Bez ohľadu na článok 4.1 vyššie, Euronet bude oprávnený vypovedať túto zmluvu písomnou výpoveďou s výpovednou dobou [30-tich dní] odo dňa jej doručenia Partnerovi v prípade, že: the relevant laws and/or regulations of the card organisations change in a way that continued performance of this Agreement would no longer be in Euronet’s interest; príslušné zákony a/alebo iné právne predpisy kartových organizácií sa zmenia tak, že pokračovanie v tejto zmluve nebude viac v záujme Euronetu; any applicable licenses, authorizations and/or registrations related to or in connection with the ATM business operated by Euronet are revoked, changed and/or suspended (including any delays in the original granting of such) for any reason; akékoľvek príslušné povolenia, oprávnenia a/alebo zápisy vzťahujúce sa alebo súvisiace s prevádzkovaním bankomatu budú zrušené, zmenené a/alebo pozastavené (vrátane meškaní v ich pôvodnom udelení) z akéhokoľvek dôvodu; the ATM business becomes non-profitable for Euronet due to insufficient number of transactions effected by the Cardholders on the ATM; činnosť súvisiaca s bankomatmi sa stane pre Euronet nerentabilná kvôli nedostatočnému počtu transakcií vykonaných držiteľmi kariet na bankomate; Euronet no longer wishes to deploy an ATM at the Location; Euronet si viac nebude želať umiestnenie bankomatu v Mieste inštalácie; the owner and/or lessee changes as per Clause 3.5.1 and/or dôjde k zmene vlastníka a/alebo nájomcu v zmysle článku 3.5.1 a/alebo the nature or ownership of the business in the Premises is changed as per Clause 3.5.1 in a way that reflects negatively on Euronet’s business and/or reputation povaha alebo vlastníctvo podniku v Priestoroch sa zmení podľa čl. 3.5.1 tak, že to bude mať negatívny vplyv na podnikanie alebo reputáciu Euronetu.

Related to Withdrawal by Euronet

  • Withdrawal of Members A member may withdraw from this LLC by giving written notice to all other members at least days before the date the withdrawal is to be effective.

  • Withdrawal of Resignation An Employee who has terminated her employment through resignation, may withdraw her resignation within three (3) days of the time it was submitted to the Employer.

  • Withdrawal Rights Any Shareholder having notified or directed the Company to include any or all of its Registrable Securities in a registration statement under the Securities Act shall, except in connection with a Block Trade Offering, have the right to withdraw any such notice or direction with respect to any or all of the Registrable Securities designated by it for registration by giving written notice to such effect to the Company prior to the effective date of such registration statement. In the event of any such withdrawal, the Company shall not include such Registrable Securities in the applicable registration and such Registrable Securities shall continue to be Registrable Securities for all purposes of this Agreement. No such withdrawal shall affect the obligations of the Company with respect to the Registrable Securities not so withdrawn; provided, however, that in the case of a Demand Registration, if such withdrawal shall reduce the number of Registrable Securities sought to be included in such registration below the Registrable Amount, then the Company shall as promptly as practicable give each Shareholder seeking to register Registrable Securities notice to such effect and, within ten days following the mailing of such notice, such Shareholders still seeking registration shall, by written notice to the Company, elect to register additional Registrable Securities, when taken together with elections to register Registrable Securities by each such other Shareholder seeking to register Registrable Securities, to satisfy the Registrable Amount or elect that such registration statement not be filed or, if theretofore filed, be withdrawn. During such ten day period, the Company shall not file such registration statement if not theretofore filed or, if such registration statement has been theretofore filed, the Company shall not seek, and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent, the effectiveness thereof. Any registration statement withdrawn or not filed (a) in accordance with an election by the Company, (b) in accordance with an election by the Requesting Shareholders in the case of a Demand Registration or by the requesting Demand Shareholders with respect to a Shelf Registration Statement or (c) in accordance with an election by the Company subsequent to the effectiveness of the applicable Demand Registration statement because any post-effective amendment or supplement to the applicable Demand Registration statement contains information regarding the Company which the Company deems adverse to the Company, shall not be counted as a Demand. If a Shareholder withdraws its notification or direction to the Company to include Registrable Securities in a registration statement in accordance with this Section 3.4, such Shareholder shall be required to promptly reimburse the Company for all expenses incurred by the Company in connection with preparing for the registration of such Registrable Securities.

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