WORK DONE CERTIFICATE. 14.1. On satisfactory completion of work, WDC shall be prepared on monthly basis by the contractor within 02 days from the date of completion of tasks and shall be certified by the concerned OIC of user Department (not below the rank of Chief Manager). The WCC shall accompany the related Log Sheets/Service Report etc.
14.2. WDC shall be certified & issued post completion of the individual activities
14.3. Payment shall be as per the quantities certified in WDC.
14.4. The WDC shall include cumulative statement of jobs carried out till last WDC. The necessary service entry shall be made in SAP system by the WDC certifying authority & will be submitted to the contractor for further invoicing. The WDC shall bear relevant Service Entry sheet no., PO no. and respective item Sr. No., sub service line item of the PO.
14.5. The WDC must clearly mention the scheduled dates for starting & completion/delivery of the jobs as mutually agreed between OIC MDL & contractor and the actual dates of start & completion.
14.6. In case of delays, the duration along with numbers of delayed days shall be specified in respective WDCs to invoke LD clause and effect recoveries from sub contractor's invoice.
14.7. An illustrative format of Work Done Certificate is at Annexure- I.
WORK DONE CERTIFICATE. 14.1 Work Completion certificate (WCC) shall be issued on Satisfactory completion of respective work with inspection and acceptance reports. Department responsible to issue WCC shall be Planning/User dept. (Chief Manager and above) whoever is availing the said services.
14.2 The WDC shall include cumulative statement of jobs carried out till last WDC. The necessary service entry shall be made in SAP system by the WDC certifying authority and will be submitted to the contractor for further invoicing. The WDC shall bear relevant Service Entry Sheet No. PO No. and respective item Sr. No., sub service line item of the PO.
14.3 The WDC must clearly mention the mutually agreed completion schedule and actual work done schedule for start date and end date.
14.4 In case of delays, the duration along with numbers of delayed days shall be specified in respective WDCs to invoke LD clause and effect recoveries from sub contractor’s invoice.
14.5 The successful Bidder/s (Contractor/s) shall submit WDC as per the format.
WORK DONE CERTIFICATE. Work Done Certificate prepared by the contractor and certified by executive of user department of rank of CM or above. Work Completion Certificate (WCC) will be issued on satisfactory completion of respective work on submission of inspection/analysis report, certified by user department. The agency responsible to issue WCC shall be User department of rank of CM or above. Bills for payment should be sent along with original test reports and the same will be certified for payment.
WORK DONE CERTIFICATE. 14.1. Work completion certificate shall be provided by MDL Berth executive as applicable xxx below the rank of Chief Manager. The contractor shall raise the WDC for completed activities along with all relevant inspection reports. The WDC shall include cumulative statement of jobs carried out till last WDC. The necessary service entry will be made in the system by berth & will be submitted to the contractor for further invoicing.
14.2. The WDC shall include cumulative statement of jobs carried out till last WDC. The WDC must clearly mention the scheduled dates for starting & completion/delivery of the jobs as mutually agreed between MDL User Dept. & contractor and the actual dates of start & completion. WDC will be signed after completion of hot riveting work cleared by Inspection authority. Sequence for cleaning of tanks will be given by berth Executive.
14.3. The necessary service entry shall be made in SAP system by the WDC certifying authority & WDC/WCC will be submitted to the contractor for further invoicing. The WDC/WCC shall bear relevant Service Entry Sheet No., PO No. and respective item Sr. No., sub service line item of the PO.
14.4. In case of delays, the duration along with numbers of delayed days shall be specified in respective WDCs/WCCs to invoke LD Clause and effect recoveries from contractor's invoice. An illustrative format of Work Done Certificate is placed at Annexure IV.
WORK DONE CERTIFICATE. Work done certificate will be issued by the User Department of respective yard of PI7A of rank CM and above. The necessary service entry will be made in the system & will be submitted to the contractor for further invoicing.
WORK DONE CERTIFICATE. (a) Work Completion certificate (WCC) shall be issued on Satisfactory completion of respective work with inspection and acceptance reports. Department responsible to issue WCC shall be Planning/User dept. (Chief Manager and above) whoever is availing the said services. दो बोली जीईएम् -निनिदा जीईएम् /२०२३/बी/४२२२५८६ TWO BID GEM BID GEM/ 2023/B/4222586– Qualification of Indian Vendors for Indigenous Manufacturing of O-Rings for P75 Boats by M/s. Naval Group as per SOW. NOTE: -It’s a single nominated tender. Unsolicited bid will not be processed.
WORK DONE CERTIFICATE. (a) Work Completion certificate (WCC) shall be issued on Satisfactory completion of respective work with inspection and acceptance reports. Department responsible to issue WCC shall be Planning/User dept.(Chief Manager and above) whoever is availing the said services.
WORK DONE CERTIFICATE. 14.1 Signed WCC Will be issued from SM 6 of CM and above level executive against
14.1.1. Quantity of pipes for which labels are prepared and
14.1.2. Completed quantity of pipes on which labels are placed
WORK DONE CERTIFICATE. Work completion certificate shall be provided by MDL Xxxxx executive as applicable not below the rank of Chief Manager. The contractor shall raise the WDC for completed activities along with all relevant inspection reports. The WDC shall include cumulative statement of jobs carried out till last WDC. The necessary service entry will be made in the system by berth & will be submitted to the commercial dept.
WORK DONE CERTIFICATE. 1On satisfactory completion of work, WDC shall be prepared on monthly basis by the contractor within 02 days from the date of completion of tasks and shall be certified by the concerned OIC of user Department (not below the rank of Chief Manager). The WCC shall accompany the related inspection reports. WDC shall be certified & issued post completion of the individual activities.