Site Safety Supervisor 62.1 On every job site, where the Employer is the principal contractor it shall appoint a management representative responsible for safety (Site Safety Supervisor). The Employer will ensure the Site Safety Supervisor has the necessary authority to ensure that all safety laws, procedures or Codes of Practice are observed, and that the following Safety Agreement is applied. 62.2 The Employer when appointing the person appointed as the Site Safety Supervisor must ensure that person has and maintainsthe appropriate experience and knowledge of the safety requirements of the work being performed. Other duties may be assigned by the Employer to a Site Safety Supervisor, provided that such duties shall not prevent him/her from exercising their duties as a Site Safety Supervisor.
Project Work Plan The Statement of Work is the formal document incorporated into the Grant. The Project Work Plan documents how the Grantee will achieve the performance measures outlined in the Grant. Changes to the Statement of Work require an amendment. Project Work Plans may be changed with written approval from PEI and the Grantee.
Development Work The Support Standards do not include development work either (i) on software not licensed from CentralSquare or (ii) development work for enhancements or features that are outside the documented functionality of the Solutions, except such work as may be specifically purchased and outlined in Exhibit 1. CentralSquare retains all Intellectual Property Rights in development work performed and Customer may request consulting and development work from CentralSquare as a separate billable service.
CONTRACTOR SUPERVISION Contractor shall provide competent supervision of personnel employed on the job Site, use of equipment, and quality of workmanship.
WORK BY SUPERVISORS Supervisors and all other excluded employees will not work on any job for which rates are established by this agreement, except for the purpose of instruction, experimenting, safety or environ- mental reasons or when regular employees are not available.
Work Plan [Procuring Entity shall provide main features of the work plan that the Tenderer should provide in the tender for carrying out the contract, from beginning to the end].
Study An application for leave of absence for professional study must be supported by a written statement indicating what study or research is to be undertaken, or, if applicable, what subjects are to be studied and at what institutions.
Training Committee The parties to this Agreement may form a Training Committee. The Training Committee will be constituted by equal numbers of Employer nominees and ETU employee representatives and have a charter which clearly states its role and responsibilities. It shall monitor the clauses of this Agreement which relate to training and ensure all employees have equal access to training.
Training Program It is agreed that there shall be an Apprenticeship Training Program, the provisions of which are set forth in Exhibit "D", which is attached hereto and forms part of this Agreement.
Project Initiation i - Upon final execution of the Agreement with the DISTRICT, the ARCHITECT shall: ♦ Review the Program Management Plan (PMP) with the DISTRICT and its representatives to familiarize them with the proposed tasks and schedule and develop necessary modifications. The PMP defines the Program Master Schedule and Budgets and each Project scope and budget. ii - Within the first week following execution of the Agreement, meet with the DISTRICT and its representatives to prepare a detailed task analysis and work plan for documentation in a computer-generated project schedule. iii - This task analysis and work plan will identify specific tasks including, but not limited to: ♦ interviews, ♦ data collection ♦ analysis, ♦ report preparation, ♦ planning, ♦ Architectural programming, concepts and schematic design preparation and estimating that are part of the work of the Project. Also identified will be milestone activities or dates, specific task responsibilities, required completion times necessary for the review and approval by the DISTRICT and by all regulatory agencies and additional definition of deliverables. iv - Participate in a general Project kick-off meeting to include the ARCHITECT, appropriate sub-consultants, and DISTRICT staff. v - The project kick-off meeting will introduce key team members from the DISTRICT and the ARCHITECT to each other, defining roles and responsibilities relative to the Project. vi - Identify and review pertinent information and/or documentation necessary from the DISTRICT for the completion of the Project. vii - Review and explain the overall project goals, general approach, tasks, work plan and procedures and deliverable products of the Project. viii - Review and explain the task analysis and Project work plan for all parties present; determine any adjustments or fine tuning that needs to be made to the work plan. ix - Review documentation of the Project kick-off meeting prepared by the DISTRICT’S representative and comment prior to distribution. x - Base Drawings and Site Survey Information