Διάφορες διατάξεις Sample Clauses

Διάφορες διατάξεις. Όλες οι διατάξεις της παρούσας Συμφωνίας αδειοδότησης ισχύουν μεμονωμένα. Αν διαπιστωθεί ότι κάποια διάταξη δεν είναι εφαρμόσιμη, η διαπίστωση αυτή δεν επηρεάζει τη εφαρμοσιμότητα των υπόλοιπων διατάξεων, όρων ή προϋποθέσεων της παρούσας Συμφωνίας αδειοδότησης. Η παρούσα Συμφωνία αδειοδότησης είναι δεσμευτική για τους διαδόχους και τους εκδοχείς. Η Kodak Alaris δεν θα φέρει ευθύνη για μη επίτευξη υψηλών επιδόσεων ή για καθυστέρηση που μπορεί να αποδοθεί πλήρως ή εν μέρει σε οιαδήποτε αιτία πέραν του εύλογου ελέγχου της. Κανένα σημείο στο παρόν έγγραφο δεν επιτρέπεται να ερμηνευτεί ως δημιουργία αντιπροσωπείας, συνεταιρισμού ή κοινοπραξίας οιασδήποτε άλλης μορφής μεταξύ των συμβαλλόμενων. Βεβαιώνετε ότι έχετε διαβάσει και κατανοήσει την παρούσα Συμφωνία αδειοδότησης και συμφωνείτε ότι δεσμεύεστε από τους όρους της και ότι τα προαναφερόμενα αποτελούν την πλήρη και αποκλειστική δήλωση της Συμφωνίας αδειοδότησης. コダックアラリス ソフトウェア/ファームウェアエンドユーザーライセンス契約最終更新日: 2017 年 2 月 16 日 このエンドユーザーライセンス契約(以下、「ライセンス」または「ライセンス契約」という)は、お客様がダウンロードされているソフトウェアに適用されます。以下の条件を注意深くお読みになってから、本ソフトウェア(以下に定義)をインストールまたは使用してください。本ソフトウェアをインストールして使用すると、これらの条件を承認したことになります。これらの条件は両当事者が書面による別の形式で明示的に合意しない限り、当社とお客様の間の以前のすべての条件に優先するもので、これらに代わるものです。 このライセンスの解釈上、「当社」および「コダックアラリス」は、Kodak Alaris Inc.、その関連会社、子会社および親会社の総称です。 「お客様」という用語は、(a) 個人の場合は本契約を結ぶ 18 歳以上の個人を指し、(b) 会社(または他の法人)の場合は当事者を法的に拘束する権利を有する個人の代わりにこのライセンスに合意する当事者を指します。 「ソフトウェア」という用語はお客様がインストールするソフトウェアおよび/またはファームウェアコンポーネント、およびお客様がインストールしたソフトウェアを通じて第三者がホストするソフトウェアコンポーネント、さらにこれらのソフトウェアコンポーネントに付随するすべての関連ドキュメントに適用されます。 当社のライセンサーへの言及は、すべての関連会社、子会社および関連会社を含むコダックアラリスへのかかるソフトウェアの全部または一部を許諾する第三者に対する言及と見なされます。このライセンスは特にコダックアラリスおよびすべてのライセンサーの利益を目的としています。 1. ライセンスの付与。このライセンス契約に従っている限りは、コダックアラリスは下記のライセンス制限に従ってソフトウェアを使用する非独占的実施権を許諾します。コダックアラリス、またはそのライセンサーの名前、ロゴ、商標を使用する権利が、このライセンスにより譲渡されることはありません。このライセンス契約はソフトウェアまたはその他の知的所有権の販売を目的としていません。本ソフトウェアに対するすべての権利、権原および利益、およびすべての知的所有権、および本ソフトウェアそれ自体は、コダックアラリスまたはそのライセンサーが所有するものとします。 2. 使用の制限。本ソフトウェアはコダックアラリス認定機器および/または消耗品に関連してのみ使用できます。かかる使用に関連して、お客様が本ソフトウェアを使用できるように必要に応じて本ソフトウェアをコピーすることができますが、セクション 3 に記載の場合を除き第三者にさらに再配布、サブライセンス、賃借、貸付またはリースすることはできません。本ソフトウェアにはソフトウェアドキュメントに記載のようにサブルーチンライブラリおよびサンプルファイルが含まれる場合があります。理由のいかんにかかわらずいかなるサンプルも修正することはできません。この契約書に記載のように、本ソフトウェアは装置に関連する使用のみを目的としていることを確認し、これに同意します。 3. ソフトウェアの譲渡。他の当事者がこのライセンスの条件を受け入れることに同意し、本ソフトウェアのコピーを保持する場合、お客様は装置の販売または他の恒久性に関してのみ本ソフトウェアを他の当事者に永久に譲渡することができます。 4. 著作権。本ソフトウェアはコダックアラリス、ライセンサーまたはそのサプライヤーによって所有され、著作権法および国際法によって保護されています。このライセンスに明示されている場合を除き本ソフトウェアをコピーすることは...

Related to Διάφορες διατάξεις

  • Opening of Bids a) The Bids shall be opened by the bid opening & evaluation committee on the date and time mentioned in the NIB in the presence of the bidders or their authorised representatives who choose to be present. b) The committee may co-opt experienced persons in the committee to conduct the process of Bid opening. c) The committee shall prepare a list of the bidders or their representatives attending the opening of Bids and obtain their signatures on the same. The list shall also contain the representative’s name and telephone number and corresponding bidders’ names and addresses. The authority letters, if any, brought by the representatives shall be attached to the list. The list shall be signed by all the members of Bid opening committee with date and time of opening of the Bids. d) All the documents comprising of technical Bid/ cover shall be opened & downloaded from the e-Procurement website (only for the bidders who have submitted the prescribed fee(s) to RISL). e) The committee shall conduct a preliminary scrutiny of the opened technical Bids to assess the prima-facie responsiveness and ensure that the: - a. bid is accompanied by bidding document fee, bid security or bid securing declaration, and processing fee (if applicable); b. bid is valid for the period, specified in the bidding document; c. bid is unconditional and the bidder has agreed to give the required performance security; and d. other conditions, as specified in the bidding document are fulfilled. e. any other information which the committee may consider appropriate. f) No Bid shall be rejected at the time of Bid opening except the Bids not accompanied with the proof of payment or instrument of the required price of bidding document, processing fee and bid security. g) The Financial Bid cover shall be kept unopened and shall be opened later on the date and time intimated to the bidders who qualify in the evaluation of technical Bids.

  • INTERVENING LAW 24.1 This Agreement is the result of negotiations between the Parties and may incorporate certain provisions that resulted from arbitration by the appropriate state Commission(s). In entering into this Agreement and any Amendments to such Agreement and carrying out the provisions herein, neither Party waives, but instead expressly reserves, all of its rights, remedies and arguments with respect to any orders, decisions, legislation or proceedings and any remands thereof and any other federal or state regulatory, legislative or judicial action(s) which the Parties have not yet fully incorporated into this Agreement (e.g. In the Matter of Connect America Fund, a National Broadband Plan for Our Future, Establishing Just and Reasonable Rates for Local Exchange Carriers, High-cost Universal Service Support, Developing a Unified Intercarrier Compensation Regime, Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, Lifeline and Link-Up, Universal Service Reform – Mobility Fund, WC Docket No. 10-90, GN Docket No. 09-51, WC Docket No. 07- 135, WC Docket No. 05-337, CC Docket No. 01-92, CC Docket No. 96-45, WC Docket No. 03-109, WT No 10-208, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 11-161 (rel. Nov. 18, 2011 and subsequent authority) or which may be the subject of further review. If any action by any state or federal regulatory or legislative body or court of competent jurisdiction invalidates, modifies, or stays the enforcement of laws or regulations (“Change of Law Event”) that were the basis or rationale for any rate(s), term(s) and/or condition(s) (“Provisions”) of the Agreement and/or otherwise affects the rights or obligations of either Party that are addressed by this Agreement, either Party may require modification to the Agreement consistent with the action of the Change of Law Event by providing a written request of either Party in accordance with Section 21.0 above (“Written Notice”) to negotiate an amendment to the Agreement. With respect to any Written Notices hereunder, the Parties shall have sixty (60) days from the Written Notice to attempt to reach agreement on appropriate conforming modifications to the Agreement. If the Parties are unable to agree upon the conforming modifications within sixty (60) days from the Written Notice, any disputes between the Parties concerning such actions shall be resolved pursuant to the dispute resolution process provided for in this Agreement. In the absence of a specifically required effective date in the Change of Law Event, such modification shall be effective on the effective date of the amendment incorporating the change.

  • Opening hours The restaurant must inform Xxxxxx Xxx Ltd of its hours of operation (the “Opening Hours”), and of any changes to such Opening Hours. If the hours of operation are stated on the menu, Xxxxxx Xxx Ltd shall be entitles to treat these as the Opening Hours unless the Restaurant informs Xxxxxx Xxx Ltd otherwise.

  • Letter of Credit In addition to the Security Deposit and as security hereunder, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord, concurrently with Tenant’s execution of this Lease, an irrevocable stand-by letter of credit in the amount of One Hundred Sixty Six Thousand Two Hundred Twenty-Nine Dollars ($166,229.00). Said letter of credit shall be in form and with the substance of Exhibit F attached hereto, and issued by Silicon Valley Bank or by another financial institution located in Orange County and which is acceptable to Landlord. The letter of credit shall either: (i) be issued with a fixed expiration date of December 31, 2005, or (ii) shall provide for automatic annual renewals through that date which is sixty (60) days after the Expiration Date of the Term of this Lease. In the event the letter of credit is issued with an annual renewal obligation and the letter of credit is not renewed by the issuing financial institution on or before twenty (20) days prior to the then-scheduled expiration date of the letter of credit, then Landlord shall have the right to draw the full amount of such letter of credit and to hold such amount as part of the Security Deposit pursuant to Section 4.3 of this Lease. Upon any default by Tenant, including specifically Tenant’s failure to pay rent or to abide by its obligations under Sections 7.1 and 15.3 below and Tenant’s failure to cure the same within any applicable cure period, Landlord shall be entitled to draw upon said letter of credit by the issuance of Landlord’s sole written demand to the issuing financial institution. Such draw shall be in an amount necessary to cure the default in question and to compensate Landlord for all damages incurred thereby, as determined by Landlord in its sole and absolute discretion, and if such amount cannot be readily determined by Landlord, then the full amount of the letter of credit can be drawn by Landlord pending determination of said amount. Notwithstanding the foregoing, while the amount of any such draw shall be determined in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion as provided in the foregoing, if the amount of any such draw(s) shall ultimately exceed the amount of damages actually incurred by Landlord as the result of Tenant’s default (as determined pursuant to the applicable provisions of Article XIV of this Lease), then Landlord shall promptly refund any such excess to Tenant. Any such draw shall be without waiver or any rights Landlord may have under this Lease or at law or in equity as a result of the default, as a setoff for full or partial compensation for the default. If any portion of the letter of credit is drawn after a default by Tenant, Tenant shall within five (5) days after written demand by Landlord restore the letter of credit. Failure to so restore said letter of credit within said five (5) days shall be a default by Tenant under this Lease. Partial drawings upon said letter of credit shall be permitted. In the event that Tenant has not been in default under the Lease (beyond the expiration of any applicable cure period) at any time during the Term hereof, and provided further that Tenant has not at any time been more than five (5) days late more than once during the applicable previous twelve (12)-month period with respect to any payments of rent due under the Lease, then upon the written request of Tenant, Landlord shall authorize in writing consecutive reductions to the principal amount of the letter of credit in the amount of Thirty Three Thousand Two Hundred Forty-Six Dollars ($33,246.00) each upon the expiration of the twelfth (12th), twenty-fourth (24th), thirty-sixth (36th), and forty-eighth (48th) months of the Term.

  • Letter of Credit Fee Borrowers shall pay Agent (for the ratable benefit of the Revolving Lenders), a Letter of Credit fee (the “Letter of Credit Fee”) (which fee shall be in addition to the fronting fees and commissions, other fees, charges and expenses set forth in Section 2.11(k)) that shall accrue at a per annum rate equal to the LIBOR Rate Margin times the undrawn amount of all outstanding Letters of Credit.

  • Letter of Credit Fees The Borrower shall pay to the Administrative Agent for the account of each Revolving Credit Lender in accordance, subject to Section 2.16 with its Applicable Revolving Credit Percentage a Letter of Credit fee (the “Letter of Credit Fee”) for each Letter of Credit equal to the Applicable Rate times the daily amount available to be drawn under such Letter of Credit. For purposes of computing the daily amount available to be drawn under any Letter of Credit, the amount of such Letter of Credit shall be determined in accordance with Section 1.06. Letter of Credit Fees shall be (i) due and payable on the first Business Day after the end of each March, June, September and December, commencing with the first such date to occur after the issuance of such Letter of Credit, on the Letter of Credit Expiration Date and thereafter on demand and (ii) computed on a quarterly basis in arrears. If there is any change in the Applicable Rate during any quarter, the daily amount available to be drawn under each Letter of Credit shall be computed and multiplied by the Applicable Rate separately for each period during such quarter that such Applicable Rate was in effect. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, upon the request of the Required Revolving Lenders, while any Event of Default exists, all past due Letter of Credit Fees shall accrue at the Default Rate.

  • Costs of Utilisation 8 Interest

  • Credit Hours 1. Definition a. Those hours within a flexible work schedule in excess of the employee’s daily tour of duty which are performed at the employee’s option with the approval of his/her supervisor, so as to vary the length of a succeeding workday or workweek. Employees cannot be required to work credit hours in lieu of overtime. b. Employees on a flexible work schedule will not be precluded from earning credit hours based solely on their position.

  • Letter of Credit Fees, Interest Rate The Letter of Credit Fees and the rate of interest for each Loan otherwise applicable pursuant to Section 2.9.2 [Letter of Credit Fees] or Section 4.1 [Interest Rate Options], respectively, shall be increased by 2.0% per annum;

  • Bankers’ Acceptances (a) The Canadian Administrative Agent, promptly following receipt of a Notice of Borrowing or Notice of Continuation, requesting BA Loans, shall advise each applicable Canadian Lender of the face or principal amount and term of each BA Loan to be accepted (and purchased) or advanced by it. The aggregate face or principal amount of BA Loans to be accepted or advanced by a Canadian Lender shall be determined by the Canadian Administrative Agent by reference to that Canadian Lender’s applicable pro rata portion of the issue or advance of BA Loans, except that the aggregate face amount of Bankers’ Acceptances to be accepted by the applicable Canadian Lenders shall be increased or reduced by the Canadian Administrative Agent in its sole discretion as may be necessary to ensure that the face amount of the Bankers’ Acceptance to be accepted by each applicable Canadian Lender would be C$100,000 or a whole multiple thereof. For greater certainty, the foregoing C$100,000 minimum face amount of Bankers’ Acceptances for each Lender shall not apply to BA Equivalent Loans. (b) On the date specified in a Notice of Borrowing or Notice of Continuation on which a BA Loan is to be made, the Canadian Administrative Agent shall advise the Canadian Borrower as to the Canadian Administrative Agent’s determination of the BA Discount Rate for the BA Loans to be purchased or advanced, as the case may be. (c) The Canadian Borrower shall sell and each Canadian Lender shall purchase the Bankers’ Acceptance accepted by it at the applicable BA Discount Rate. Subject to clause (d) below, each Canadian Lender shall provide the Canadian Administrative Agent, for the account of the Canadian Borrower, the BA Discount Proceeds less the Applicable Stamping Fee payable by the Canadian Borrower with respect to the Bankers’ Acceptance. (d) In the event the Canadian Borrower requests a continuation of BA Loans for a further Interest Period, or requests conversion from Canadian Prime Loans into BA Loans in accordance with Section 2.6, the Canadian Administrative Agent shall make arrangements satisfactory to it to ensure the BA Discount Proceeds from the replacement BA Loans are applied to repay the face amount of the maturing BA Loans or the principal amount of such loans to be converted (the “Maturing Amount”) and the Canadian Borrower should concurrently pay to the Canadian Administrative Agent any positive difference between the Maturing Amount and such BA Discount Proceeds. (e) Each Canadian Lender may from time to time hold, sell, rediscount or otherwise dispose of any or all Bankers’ Acceptances accepted and purchased by it. (f) In order to facilitate the issuance of Bankers’ Acceptances pursuant to this Agreement, the Canadian Borrower hereby authorizes each of the Canadian Lenders, and appoints each of the Canadian Lenders as the Canadian Borrower’s attorney, to complete, sign and endorse drafts or depository bills (as defined in the Depository Bills and Notes Act (Canada) (each such executed draft or xxxx being herein referred to as a “Draft”) on its behalf in handwritten form or by facsimile or mechanical signature or otherwise in accordance with the applicable Notice of Borrowing or Notice of Continuation and, once so completed, signed and endorsed to accept them as Bankers’ Acceptances under this Agreement and then if applicable, purchase, discount or negotiate such Bankers’ Acceptances in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Drafts so completed, signed, endorsed and negotiated on behalf of the Canadian Borrower by a Canadian Lender shall bind the Canadian Borrower as fully and effectively as if so performed by an Authorized Officer of the Canadian Borrower. Each draft of a Bankers’ Acceptance completed, signed or endorsed by a Canadian Lender shall mature on the last day of the term thereof. All Bankers’ Acceptances to be accepted by a particular Canadian Lender shall, at the option of such Canadian Lender, be issued in the form of depository bills made payable originally to and deposited with The Depository for Securities Limited pursuant to the Depository Bills and Notes Act (Canada). (g) Any Drafts to be used for Bankers’ Acceptances which are held by a Canadian Lender shall be held in safekeeping with the same degree of care as if they were such Canadian Lender’s own property being kept at the place at which they are to be held. The Canadian Borrower may, by written notice to the Canadian Administrative Agent, designate persons other than Authorized Officers authorized to give the Canadian Administrative Agent instructions regarding the manner in which Drafts are to be completed and the times at which they are to be issued; provided however that receipt by the Canadian Administrative Agent of a Notice of Borrowing or Notice of Continuation requesting an advance or continuation into, Bankers’ Acceptances shall be deemed to be sufficient authority from Authorized Officers or such designated persons for each of the Canadian Lenders to complete, and issue drafts in accordance with such notice. None of the Canadian Administrative Agent or the Canadian Lenders nor any of their respective directors, officers, employees or representatives shall be liable for any action taken or omitted to be taken by any of them under this Section 2.14(g) except for their own respective gross negligence or willful misconduct as determined by a final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction. (h) The Canadian Borrower waives presentment for payment and any other defense to the payment of any amounts due to a Canadian Lender in respect of a Bankers’ Acceptance accepted and purchased by it pursuant to this Agreement which might exist solely by reason of the Bankers’ Acceptance being held, at the maturity thereof, by the Canadian Lender in its own right and the Canadian Borrower agrees not to claim any days of grace if the Canadian Lender as holder sues the Canadian Borrower on the Bankers’ Acceptance for payment of the amount payable by the Canadian Borrower thereunder. Each Bankers’ Acceptance shall mature and the face amount thereof shall be due and payable on the last day of the Interest Period applicable thereto. (i) Whenever the Canadian Borrower requests a Loan under this Agreement by way of Bankers’ Acceptances, each Non-Acceptance Lender shall, in lieu of accepting a Bankers’ Acceptance, make a BA Equivalent Loan by way of Discount Note in an amount equal to the Non-Acceptance Lender’s pro rata portion of the BA Loan. All terms of this Agreement applicable to Bankers’ Acceptances shall apply equally to Discount Notes evidencing BA Equivalent Loans with such changes as may in the context be necessary. For greater certainty: (i) the term of a Discount Note shall be the same as the Interest Period for Bankers’ Acceptances accepted on the same date of the Borrowing in respect of the same BA Loan; (ii) an acceptance fee will be payable in respect of a Discount Note and shall be calculated at the same rate and in the same manner as the Applicable Stamping Fee in respect of a Bankers’ Acceptance; and (iii) the proceeds from a BA Equivalent Loan shall be equal to the BA Discount Proceeds of the Discount Note.