Disclaimer Vzorová ustanovení

Disclaimer. No conditions, warranties or other terms apply to the provision of the Services unless expressly set out in this Agreement. Subject to limitation of liability under the General Terms and Conditions, no implied conditions, warranties or other terms apply (including any implied terms as to satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose or conformance with description). Neither Revolgy nor Google is not responsible or liable for the deletion of or failure to store any content and other communications maintained or transmitted through use of the Services. Customer is solely responsible for securing and backing up its Applications and Customer Data. Neither Revolgy nor Google warrants that the operation of the Software or the Services will be error-free or uninterrupted. Neither the Software nor the Services are designed, manufactured, or intended for High Risk Activities. Customer acknowledges (i) that Google shall not be responsible or liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, arising from Revolgy’s distribution and resale of the Services to Customer and (ii) neither Revolgy nor Google does not provide any warranties with respect to the Services, including, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement.
Disclaimer. If You are a customer who is a consumer (someone who uses the Software outside of Your trade, business or profession), You may have legal rights in Your country of residence that prohibit the following limitations from applying to You, and, where prohibited, they will not apply to You. To find out more about rights, contact a local consumer advice organization. Except as expressly set forth above or agreed in writing by Xxxxx, to the extent allowed by applicable law, Cisco expressly disclaims all warranties and conditions of any kind, express or implied including without limitation, any warranty, conditions or other implied terms regarding merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.
Disclaimer. Any product information Hexagon has shared with Customer during the proposal and/or contract activities to date was to provide an understanding of Hexagon’s current expected direction, roadmap, or vision and is subject to change at any time at Hexagon’s sole discretion. Hexagon specifically disclaims all representations and warranties regarding future features or functionality to be provided in any Software or Deliverable(s). Hexagon does not commit to developing the future features, functions, and/or products discussed in this material beyond that which is specifically committed to being provided by Hexagon pursuant to a valid Order. Customer should not factor any future features, functions, or products into its current decisions since there is no assurance that such future features, functions, or products will be developed. When and if future features, functions, or products are developed, they may be made generally available for licensing by Hexagon. 7.5 Vyloučení odpovědnosti. Veškeré produktové informace, které společnost Hexagon sdílela se Zákazníkem během dosavadních činností souvisejících s návrhem anebo smlouvou, byly poskytnuty za účelem pochopení aktuálního předpokládaného směřování, orientace či vize společnosti Hexagon, přičemž tyto informace může společnost Hexagon podle svého vlastního uvážení kdykoliv změnit. Společnost Hexagon výslovně vylučuje veškerá prohlášení a záruky týkající se budoucích vlastností či funkcí, které mají být poskytovány v rámci jakéhokoliv Softwaru či Výstupu. Společnost Hexagon se nezavazuje vyvinout budoucí vlastnosti, funkce anebo produkty uvedené v tomto materiálu nad rámec toho, co se společnost Hexagon výslovně zavázala poskytnout na základě platné Objednávky. Zákazník by ve svých aktuálních rozhodnutích neměl zohledňovat žádné budoucí vlastnosti, funkce či produkty, poněvadž neexistuje žádná záruka, že tyto budoucí vlastnosti, funkce či produkty budou vyvinuty. Až v okamžiku, kdy budou budoucí vlastnosti, funkce či produkty případně vyvinuty, mohou být všeobecně dostupné pro jejich licencování ze strany společnosti Hexagon.